Fifth Season Of 'CSI' Will Focus On Characters

Alyssa..I love the story! :eek:
Why aren't you a writer on CSI again?
You'd make the best and memorable episodes.
Posted by stripforensics:
Poor Nicky was molested as a child by a last-minute babysitter :(

Oh, that's terrible... :( Which episode did that get discussed in? Was the babysitter a girl or a guy?

I'm surprised that happened to Nick...he always seems so easy going, not like a guy who is carrying any baggage.
Posted by Fabian:
Alyssa..I love the story! :eek:
Why aren't you a writer on CSI again?
You'd make the best and memorable episodes.

LOL! Thanks Fabian. hehe. I just like playing with other people's characters. Glad you enjoyed my random (and rough) scenario. If it were really written for CSI the dialogue would have to be adjusted to fit each character, but I don't feel like I've seen enough CSI yet to fully get how each one talks. I've seen season 1 and 4... I think I need to learn more about 2 and 3 because season 1 is all about establishing the characters. By 4, they've been established, but there's so much missing for me! :)

I'm a big G/S fan, obviously. :devil:
Oh, wow, that's terrible. Poor Nick. :( Thanks for the info, guys!
Oh I know... I should have clarified that... I just meant that he knew SOMETHING. But thanks for pointing that out.
I know. shes a Drama Hog. It pisses me off... I mea... guess what.. SHE'S NOT THE GOD DAMN STAROF THE SHOW!!! If they wanna call anyone that, I'd say Billy.

But, I'm pretty sure she was abused and/or raped. And I still think that Grissom had either a vague idea of what happened, or somthing like that... I mean... he said EMPATHY!!! He's a smart guy; he knows the difference between that and sympathy.

I know... I think it's hilarous! They can't keep i straight.. they're kinda burning out. I think it will be abuse or rape because they cant think of anything more creative. Unless they pull the old 'a friend' thing. Bastards :lol:
Yes he knows the difference empathy and sympathy, but he also knows the difference between domestic violence and rape. In SLandL the women was a victim of domestic violence not rape. So if we have to go by that line. He knows at some point Sara was beat by someone she loved. But she could have been raped and he not know about it.

Maybe someone who has not been involved in rape or domestic violence I might see where one would think it is the same. But really it is not. They are both scary to go through but just because you know what one feels like does not mean you know what the other.

So when Grissom said to Sara she had empathy for women who got beat and did not get justice, how does that mean she knows what it is like to get raped?? I do believe that is what it is, but like I said SL&L the women was beat not raped
Posted by Unspoken:
i have a feeling that Sara has been raped, maybe at college. That is why she gets so upset with the rape cases. Whatever it is it will be big and sad.

ive always thought that... but i think it would be something bigger... like she has cancer or sumthin :confused: :confused: :confused: i dunno... first thing that came to mind!
I think it is something bigger... something more intense... like what i said before... like she has cancer or something... i just read over the rest of the thread and everyone thinks its rape - so im ruling that out (on my list)...

I would love it if grissom cried... in the season finale of 24... (my favorite show ever)... the main guy cried (keifer sutherland) and i was about to cry myself... it was the perfect ending...

and im tellin CBS now... if they wait to spill the secret at the last minute... im gunna be real pissed!
OH ya i just thought of another one... maybe it is that shes lesbian! Isnt she in real life? i couldve sworn... but anyway... if it is that she was abused... then i think that the writers are losin their touch... since nick got raped and catherine was kinda abused bye eddie!
no i dont think Jorja is.... I know there was a rumor not to long ago about her and Gary. I just think that came from her belife in Gay Rights. (And as we all know iff you believe in Gay Right you are gay. ;))