Favorite Sara quotes.

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Re: Oh Yeah!!

SARA: Chess is not a sport, Greg.

GREG: Then why is there a World Chess Champion?

SARA: I think sports are physical by definition.

GREG: Well, sex is physical. Is that a sport?

SARA: Not to me.

I love that!
Sara quotes

GRISSOM: Sara, body of your own. Dumpster out near Henderson.
SARA: Oh, I'll dress down.
(Friends & Lovers)

SARA: 120 minutes for a tooth...the whole tooth...and nothing but the tooth.
(Primum Non Nocere)

SARA: Liar, liar, car on fire.
(Cats in the Cradle)

SARA: Clothing,$85. Earrings, $30. Latte, $4. Getting away with murder...
GRISSOM: Priceless
(Coming of Rage)

BTW Why is the headline in this thread changed?(It says "oh yeah" now)
Season 4 ep 2: 'All For Our Country' - where Sara and Cath investigate the guy who died in the bathtub - ('It's raining man juice?' 'Hallelujah?')
The guy who punched the dead kid (which lead to his death) called him a 'punk bitch' when Sara and Cath interviewed him. So Sara repeated it back to him, in her own unique way, when they proved he was the killer
I live to serve... :D :lol: :D

heres another couple of my fav sara moments:

The Hunger Artist:

GRISSOM: What are you doing here?

SARA: Contextualizing. Shopping cart in the lab is like a lion in a zoo. I needed to see it in its natural habitat.


SARA: You must have been so desperate.

I love how compassionate she is for Ashleigh James when she realises what she put herself through...

and from 'Forever'
SARA: Vanity, thy name is teenage girl.
best Sata quotes? geez there are a lot b/c i Sara is my fave character. here's a couple:

- the ones on my signature
- "I am a woman and i have a gun i can't imagine how he treated his wife." this line, this whole scene is what make "Sex Lies and Larvea" my all time fave CSI ep.
- Sara- give me a mint
Nick- oh you're gonna need more than one
Sara- Give me...

- "Take your pick." the way she says this makes me piss my pants it's hilarious how she says it. Jorja Fox drags out some of her words soo bad if you listen closely and in "Pri Nom Nocre" where Sara and Greg are looking at the hockey jerseys you can hear it loud and clear.

- "Lice?" again the way she says it.

- "I've got crabs"

- to Greg "I can just kiss you right now" and she walks away.

- "Grissom, come tape me up", "cut me Mick", and "Damn it i wanted to run with", "It never ceases to amaze me what people do to each other" from "Crate N' Burrial

- Catherine= it's raining man juice
Sara= halejluah (sp)

...there are a lot more but i'll stop here
GREG: Sara, I just want you to know that when we were in the shower, I didn't see anything.
SARA: Really? Gosh, I saw everything. -4x4
I love that one! Especially the part when Grissom heard!
Re: Oh Yeah!!

P.S. you're back from your vocation? CrazyCanuck? :D

*waves* Hi ancienttomb !!!! I'm back !!
What? Did you miss me or something?? *big hugs for ancienttomb* :lol: :lol:

"You're awake, I hate you" ------ yup I've had my share of those kind of mornings. :D
Re: Oh Yeah!!

"How's a cop know all this?"
"He's the cop. I'm the scientist."
-- Suspect and Sara Sidle talking about Brass ($35K O.B.O)
Re: Oh Yeah!!

From Table Stakes.

Sara: You wanna go Dutch, Nick?
Nick: Excellent idea Sara.

From Boom.

Warrick: What are you guys doing? (to Sara and Gris)
Sara: We're going to go blow up some bombs.

(She seemed so excited about it) Loved it.
Oh oh more Sara quotes.. from 'Friends and Lovers'

Sara: There's no way I'm gonna end up in a dumpsters wrapped in a plastic. I'm going to be cremated--dust in the wind.

I love it cause I have same ideology about it as her. Dust in the air. Although..I wasn't happy to hear that line...nothing will happen to Sara...never.

Suspect: I see the world from a completely different perspective than most ppl.
Sara: yeah I know. You see dead ppl. So do I. And when they turn up in dumpsters, I like to see they get back to where they belong.

hehe Sara in kickass mode again.
More Sara Quotes.

"Are you hitting on me, David? Ah, let me give you some friendly advice. If you want to pull chicks, you gotta get aggressive. You gotta drop the glasses, lose the coat, grow some scruff. You do get a 'c' for cute, though."
-- Sara Sidle to David Phillips (Friends & Lovers)

[Blood Drops] lol on this one :D
Grissom : And what are you doing about it now?
Sara : Going back to the girl. I left her in the car. But the windows are cracked... Give me a little credit. She's at the hospital.

"Handprints. Stallion."
-- Sara Sidle (Unfriendly Skies)

"How'd he find you? 1-800-GRISSOM?"
-- Sara Sidle to Gil Grissom (Fahrenheit 932)
From the episode "Snuff" Sara and Catherine are interigating the suspect:
Catherine: "You killed her"
and one of my fave Sara lines: Sara: "Guess she killed you back"
Re: Oh Yeah!!

grissom- sara do you have any duct tape in your kit?
sara- yeah it what i ues to hold it together
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