Favorite Sara quotes.

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Sara: I'm gonna remember you said that Metcalfe, when these nice ladies sue you and the department for decrimination, you genius.
Sara: "What's that smell?"
Nick:"I'm nukin' a burrito."
Sara: "Junk food and radiation, good combo."

Sara: "120 minutes for a tooth ... the whole tooth ... and nothing but the tooth."
When Greg is preparing himself to take a stand in the Sherlock-affair and tries to flatten his hair in front of a mirror, Sara barges in, takes a look and says:
"I did not know your hair could do that!"

Hmmm, and i was the one that says in another forum that Sara lacks humour... *scratches head*
Sara: why don't we take this (referring to the glass box in Abra Cadaver) back to the lab and make Greg disapear.


Sara: If we leave the dumby on Greg long enough, we could match the blanching pattern.
From "Cool Change"

Sara - Do you know where I can find Catherine Willows?
Catherine - She's out in the field. Lemme guess. Sara Sidle.
Sara - I know who I am. I think you're a little confused.

Old Sara is so cute! New Sara with Greg is cute too! Season 4 was kind of a bummer for her, but I think she's making a very nice comeback.
Sara: No matter how expensive or clean the hotel room seems, thats why I always tavel with Nonoxynol 9.
Re: Favorite Sara quotes. *******SPOILER*******

Snuff EP cant remember to exact conversation but it was regarding the girl who died that had HIV and when the guy killed her her blood infected him.

Sara - I guess she killed you back.
Re: Favorite Sara quotes. *******SPOILER*******

Pledging Mr Johnson
(SARA walks into the locker room.)

SARA: (to Warrick) Fine suit.
(WARRICK and NICK turn around)
SARA: (to a shirtless NICK) And well, just fine.
NICK: That's harassment (smiling).
SARA: Hey, we only have one locker room and it's my job to be observant(smiling).

Viva Las Vegas
(David´s a little freaked at the "alien" autopsy and Sara teases him).

(Sara removes the watch from the dead body's wrist. She looks at it. It's a Seiko watch.)

SARA(serious): David, I know where he's from!
NICK: Hmm?
SARA: Planet Seiko!(smiling) (She flips the watch over to show the inscription on the back.) E.T.
NICK: You've got to be kidding me.
Re: Favorite Sara quotes. *******SPOILER*******

This is my favorite.......mostly, well, because it reminds me so much of me! :)

SARA: "Well, we already know she cooks like I do -- takeout on speed dial."

It's from "You've Got Male" - I saw so much of myself in Sara with all the takeout menus and mail order catalogues.
i like this one too, from "Who Shot Sherlock?", when Greg is observing the bullet from the floor and shows Sara.

Sara: BFB. Big Freakin' bullet.
lol Sara really got some freaking cool lines...
I love her dry humor. She cracks me up even with her cute sarcastic expression. awhhhh.

WASSITO: Sara: The reason this is your lab is because Grissom doesn't kiss ass! You couldn't hack it in the field, you failed you way up, you break up our team, and now you hang out in the hallways waiting for one of us to screw up!

Oh my how can I forget that. That was one kickest-ass quote ever. lol.
Oh Yeah!!

Sara: The reason this is your lab is because Grissom doesn't kiss ass! You couldn't hack it in the field, you failed you way up, you break up our team, and now you hang out in the hallways waiting for one of us to screw up!

That is a dam good one! Sara just kicked ass in that! I thought "Yeah!! You Rock Girl!"
Re: Oh Yeah!!

I don't know all the words but I love in Revenge is Best Served Cold, when Greg and Sara are talking about Tupac. At the end:
GREG: I didn't get my answer
SARA: I got mine. *Sara smiles and walks off*
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