Favorite Sara quotes.

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Re: Oh Yeah!!

man: i dont know how that got there
sara: it got there when you shot your wife in the HEAD before you raped her in a blacket and dumped her in the mountains
(and so on....)
sara:you dont know a handful

i just laugh my head off everytime i see that its so funny
Re: Oh Yeah!!

Sara: "Who's the punk now....bitch." (best quote ever!!!!)

Sara: I've got crabs

Construction Worker: Oh, come on, baby. I'm stuck with these ugly fools all day. A pretty girl comes by. Just having a little fun.
Sara: Yeah, murder always makes me feel a little randy, too.
Re: Oh Yeah!!

Scuba Doobie-Doo

GRISSOM: Dermestidae Masculatus.
SARA: That's Latin for "you're hiding a dead body".
Re: Oh Yeah!!

how bout in that ep. with the woman who blew up her beamer in season 3's "cats in the cradel":

SARA: I will see your end cap and raise you a grommet.

or better yet. in season 3's "crash and burn":

SARA: Where are you going?

GRISSOM: I got gas.

SARA: (nods, but is still confused) Oh.

(GRISSOM takes a step past SARA, stops, and explains over her shoulder.)

GRISSOM: Residential gas leak in Henderson.
Re: Oh Yeah!!

Sara: It never ceases to amaze me what people do to each other.
Sara: What am I, working food and beverage at one of these hotels?! I haven't had a day off in 3 weeks. If there going to call me in, throw me a bone, give me the 419 on the elevator.
Nick: Someones bitter.
Sara: I'm tired!
Sara: I can't drink anymore coffee, my body clock is all screwed up. I just want a steak and a shot.
Sara: When I was in 5th grade I drew a picture of a harpooned whale.Everyone thought I was gonzo, but I had just read Moby Dick. Sometimes a dying whale is just a dying whale.
Re: Oh Yeah!!

i believe this is from EARLY ROLLOUT

nick said something like: "are you still on the same cough drop?"
sara: "i'm a slow...sucker" it's just the way she delivered that line cracked me up
Re: Oh Yeah!!

CSIGrad, i was just about to come in here and post that exact thing! :lol:

I loved the delivery of that line as well. You know not-so-kosher thoughts were running through both of their minds after that. :D
Re: Oh Yeah!!

YES!!! I'm not a victim anymore!!! Dead on Arrival!
Re: Oh Yeah!!

"who's the punk now...bitch?" is one of my all time favourites, I'm also partial to "you're awake, I hate you." I say it to the chipper people in the morning.
Sara: Do you want to sleep with me?
Grissom: Did you just say what I think you said?
Sara: That way when I wake up in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat, you can tell me it's nothing, it's just empathy.
Re: Oh Yeah!!

Nick Stokes: Yeah, but I got her a chem set.
Sara Sidle: You keep that; might learn something.
Nick Stokes: Stop flirting with me.


Greg Sanders: Sara, I just want you to know that when we were in the shower together, I didn't see anything.
Sara Sidle: Really? Gosh, I saw everything...
Re: Oh Yeah!!

From 'Too Tough to Die.'

Sara: What kind of system rewards the suspect when the victim is too tough to die? (sad but well said)
I love this line of hers.

From 'Crate and Burial.
Sara: Get a picture of the security pad. Someone touches it before it's dusted, I break their fingers. (love it)
Sara: You were in, you were out[...] the real victim Jack, all due respect, she's anything, but.
Sara: You were still in the truck then, right Laura?
Suspect: Whatever, it's your thing.
Sara: Pay attention!! It's about to become yours. (super kickass)

Well those were Sara in kick-ass mode....which I'm nuts about.
Re: Oh Yeah!!

"Do you know where I can find Catherine Willows?"
"She's out in the field. Lemme guess. Sara Sidle."
"I know who I am. I think you're a little confused."
-- Sara Sidle and Catherine Willows

"Are you hitting on me, David? Ah, let me give you some friendly advice. If you want to pull chicks, you gotta get aggressive. You gotta drop the glasses, lose the coat, grow some scruff. You do get a 'c' for cute, though."
-- Sara Sidle to David Phillips (Friends & Lovers)
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