Favorite Cathrine Quotes

there was one in the episode i just watched.

Catherine: Did I just do that?
Sara: What's Bling-Bling?
Catherine: Damned if I know

something along those lines
CATHERINE: You're right, you know. I should be just like you. Alone in my hermetically sealed condo, watching Discovery on the big screen, working genius-level crossword puzzles. But no relationships, no chance any will slop over into a case. Yeah, right. I want to be just like you.
GRISSOM: Technically it's a townhouse. And the crosswords are advanced, not genius. But you're right, I'm deficient in a lot of ways. But I never screw up one of my cases with personal stuff.
CATHERINE: Grissom... WHAT personal stuff? :lol:

What episode was that from?
CATHERINE: You're right, you know. I should be just like you. Alone in my hermetically sealed condo, watching Discovery on the big screen, working genius-level crossword puzzles. But no relationships, no chance any will slop over into a case. Yeah, right. I want to be just like you.
GRISSOM: Technically it's a townhouse. And the crosswords are advanced, not genius. But you're right, I'm deficient in a lot of ways. But I never screw up one of my cases with personal stuff.
CATHERINE: Grissom... WHAT personal stuff? :lol:

What episode was that from?

Um. that one was just on Spike. hold on...I'll find out what one it was. "Pledging Mr. Johnson", that is!
Greg: So, the French Palace, huh?
Catherine: Yup.
Greg: You know, friends and I used to go there. Payday Fridays.
Catherine: Uh huh.
Greg: Maybe I saw you perform.
Catherine: Oh, I doubt it.
Greg: Why?
Catherine: You would've remembered.

:lol: :lol: :lol: this one always makes me chuckle... just like: "you ever try shaking your ass in four-inch heels?" :D

what episodes are those quotes from?
here are just two of my faves...

" its not supposed to be simple, complicated is the whole point."
(to grissom)"We have a healthy relationship, whenever we have a problem I don't cover Greg Sanders with liquid latex and stick a straw up his nose"

there are so many. catherine is my fave CSI character.

Got one for you.....Tell me the episode:

Catherine Willows: It's never a good sign when a guy has more women than furniture.
Gil Grissom: What's the ratio here?
Catherine Willows: Judging from these stains, I'd say four women for every piece of furniture including the TV. At least we know what this guy was about: bucks, pucks and... chicks.:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
here are just two of my faves...

" its not supposed to be simple, complicated is the whole point."
(to grissom)"We have a healthy relationship, whenever we have a problem I don't cover Greg Sanders with liquid latex and stick a straw up his nose"

there are so many. catherine is my fave CSI character.


wheres the second one from?
Primum Non Nocere

hehe, loved how she got to interrogate in the locker room. sometimes it just pays to be catherine willows.
Got another one for you guys....

This one is way too easy but it is one of my favs!!!!!

Catherine Willows: How much does this place clear a week?
Lady Heather: Ten grand.
Catherine Willows: I'm not with the IRS.
Lady Heather: Okay. Twenty.
Catherine Willows: I don't make that in three months.
Lady Heather: Sex pays a lot better than death.
Catherine Willows: Plus the outfits are cooler.

Take it easy everyone I will see you later
GREG: Everyone except for the little guy was getting high and getting by. The
girl's on uppers, mom's on downers, and grandma sucks on the cancer stick.

CATHERINE: Ritalin, valium, and grandma's a liar.

GREG: Pants on fire.
wasnt there an ep with grissom and cath where griss is like : did it take you that long to get dreesed when you performed or something and cath says: no you got it all wrong i spent 15 min taking my clothes off and they spend 30 min putting theres on? maybe i was dreaming. i swear tho they were walking down stairs or something.
i'm so thinking about it, but i cant remember.. was that in season 1?

anyway, here's from Crow's Feet, season 5:

NICK: It is a perversion of medicine, not to mention the bible. I don't get it. These women-- the time, the pain, the effort. For what? Smoother skin? Please.

CATHERINE: Make a muscle, Nicky.

NICK: What?

CATHERINE: Roll up your sleeve, make a muscle.

(Nick rolls up his sleeve and makes a muscle. Catherine feels the muscle.)

CATHERINE: (impressed) Oh. Now, how much time and effort went into this? I'm gonna guess five days a week a the gym, low carb, low fat, slow burn, and for what, Nicky? For what?

NICK: That's a good point, but it's not the same thing.

CATHERINE: No. It's nice, though.

NICK: (chuckles) Well, thanks, I'm not even flexing it yet either. :lol:

CATHERINE: Really? But it's rock hard.

(David Phillips walks up to the door and clears his throat.)