Favorite Cathrine Quotes

Hey I got one.....

Dr. Al Robbins: The leg was severed post - mortem.
Catherine Willows: Well, that's good news.
Dr. Al Robbins: How do you figure?
Catherine Willows: Would you want to be alive while your leg's being cut off?

hehehe. that was a great scene!

Grissom: "We're scientists. We're not psychiatrists or victim's rights advocates."

Catherine: "You're right, I should be just like you. Alone in my hermetically sealed condo watching Discovery on the big screen. Working genius level crossword puzzles, but no relationships. No chance any will slop over into a case. Right. I want to be just like you."

Grissom: (beat) "Technically, it's a townhouse. And the crosswords are advanced, but not genius, but you're right. I'm deficient in a lot of ways. But I never screw up one of my cases with personal stuff."

Catherine: "Grissom ... what personal stuff?"
there was one in the episode i just watched.

Catherine: Did I just do that?
Sara: What's Bling-Bling?
Catherine: Damned if I know

something along those lines
doolfreak i think you might have been wrong- that quote by grissom-" to get to the evidence we may have to destroy the evidence" thats from Nesting Dolls in season 5...i dont know but i think thats where its from.
Nope, I am right...the complete transcript is here:

GRISSOM: To get to the evidence, we may destroy the evidence.

CATHERINE: You get these haikus out of a book or do they just come to you?

GRISSOM: Every time you find a body, you have to choose a path and when you
take that path, Grasshopper, you risk destroying the evidence.

CATHERINE: We grab a trowel and some fine mesh screens and we just pretend like
we're panning for gold ... Master.

Here is the website: http://anthology.webphilia.com/transcripts/csi/csi-2X08-slaves%20of%20las%20vegas.txt
Hey gang I have a new one for you....At least I think its new.....ROBBINS: It was "Build My Gallows High", with Robert Mitchum, 1947.

GRISSOM: (shakes his head) It was "Out of the Past", with Robert Mitchum and
Jane Greer.

ROBBINS: ... and Kirk Douglas. Trust me, the book was "Build My Gallows High".

CATHERINE: (interrupting) Mr. Siskel, Mr. Ebert, may I have a Cause of Death,

This one is great :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: rotflmao. loved it as always, shacky56 your memory retains so much of the funny stuff.

This one is from Season 5's King Baby:

Ecklie: Look, it's not that we don't have confidence in you...
(Catherine takes a deep breath.. seems like she smelled something)

Catherine: I smell crap.

Ecklie: What?
(Catherine sees something near Ecklie's shoes and it looks like a poop.)

Catherine: Don't take another step.
(Catherine kneels down and snaps a photo of the crap and slips it into an envelope.)

Catherine: I saved you from putting your foot in it.

Ecklie: (nods) I appreciate that.
(Ecklie turns and leaves.)
Thanks Hottie_Cath I was always told that I was a pleathora of usless information

Ohhhh I remember that one OMG that is so damn funny!!!