Favorite Cathrine Quotes

New one................
Are you guys ready....ok here we go.....

Gil Grissom: To get to the evidence, we may have to destroy the evidence.
Catherine Willows: Do you get these haikus out of a book, or do they just come to you?
Re: Favorite Catherine Quotes

Nick: Hey, I heard Grissom stuck you with his speech.
Catherine: A napkin is not a speech.
Catherine: (to Warrick and Nick) Congratulations. You killed the Jeep, but the victim's still alive.
this it?

DANCER: Yeah, they look familiar -

(She hands the paper with the DMV license information back to GRISSOM.)

DANCER: ... from the neck up. I must've given them four, five lap dances each. They made my night.

CATHERINE: So, they were George.

(GRISSOM looks up at them. CATHERINE supplies an explanation.)

CATHERINE: Big tippers.

DANCER: No. They weren't the ones paying for it. The other couple was.

DANCER: I didn't get a good look at the other two, but they slid that money across the table ... mmm, brick this big. So, like I said, they just wanted to doggie in the window.

(GRISSOM looks from the DANCER to CATHERINE.)

CATHERINE: (explains) Watch.

DANCER: And they were subbing drinks left and right.

(Again, GRISSOM looks from the DANCER to CATHERINE.)

CATHERINE: Ordering clear drinks to keep the party going. What'd they order?

DANCER: Two vodkas, two soda waters.

CATHERINE: Guess who got the hard stuff.

DANCER: Hi. Would you like a dance?

(GRISSOM takes off his glasses. While CATHERINE'S on the phone, she keeps an eye on GRISSOM. She finishes her conversation.)

CATHERINE: Uh, I got to be at the courthouse. Apparently, there's a last-minute evidentiary hearing in the Sam Braun case. I need to be there.

DANCER: You sure you don't want a dance? I could be your specimen. You could be my mad scientist.

CATHERINE: He already is, sweetheart. Thanks.

i loved that scene. it went by so fast that I didnt get all of it. it was good!
From "Recipe For Murder"

GRISSOM: Presence of blood on the drain.

(CATHERINE and NICK join him.)

CATHERINE: Blood, coke, semen. These people were doing everything in this
kitchen but cook.

The look on her face was so funny. :D

LADY HEATHER: Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you've got everything
it takes to make a great Dominatrix.
CATHERINE: I take that as a compliment.
Here is one....I don't think is has been shown...but then again...What the hell!!!!!

Catherine Willows: [looking at a surveillance video of a teenage boy in an elevator] You crack this kid's head open, all that would come out would be T&A.
Greg Sanders: I think you said that about me once.
Catherine Willows: Actually, more than once.

Which episode is this from?
wasnt there an ep with grissom and cath where griss is like : did it take you that long to get dreesed when you performed or something and cath says: no you got it all wrong i spent 15 min taking my clothes off and they spend 30 min putting theres on? maybe i was dreaming. i swear tho they were walking down stairs or something.

Which episode is this from?
New one................
Are you guys ready....ok here we go.....

Gil Grissom: To get to the evidence, we may have to destroy the evidence.
Catherine Willows: Do you get these haikus out of a book, or do they just come to you? [image]http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/character/character0248.gif[/image]

Which episode is this from?
New one................
Are you guys ready....ok here we go.....

Gil Grissom: To get to the evidence, we may have to destroy the evidence.
Catherine Willows: Do you get these haikus out of a book, or do they just come to you? [image]http://www.planetsmilies.com/smilies/character/character0248.gif[/image]

Which episode is this from?

I think this is from Season 2, Slaves of Las Vegas, the first eppy with Lady Heather in it... :)
Here is one....I don't think is has been shown...but then again...What the hell!!!!!

Catherine Willows: [looking at a surveillance video of a teenage boy in an elevator] You crack this kid's head open, all that would come out would be T&A.
Greg Sanders: I think you said that about me once.
Catherine Willows: Actually, more than once.

Which episode is this from?

lol. that was a funny one. :lol:
that was from Season 5 Formalities.
Hey I got one.....

Dr. Al Robbins: The leg was severed post - mortem.
Catherine Willows: Well, that's good news.
Dr. Al Robbins: How do you figure?
Catherine Willows: Would you want to be alive while your leg's being cut off?
Catherine has A LOT of terrific lines, but one of my favorites has to be her first ever -

'Mommy's got to go catch some bad guys' (To Lindsey in the Pilot).

I love how she explains her job to her daughter -in a way that makes it sound really cool and also makes her daughter realise how important the work is. And its a really nice way of introducing her as a mother.