Favorite Cathrine Quotes

I know you guys have used this one before but it deserves repeating:

Catherine: I like hairy chests but I'm not about to bop a six foot weasel.

Guy At Door:What's the password?
Catherine:EyI Eyi Oh?
GRISSOM: Whoa. This is incredibly detailed. Eyelashes, nostrils ...

CATHERINE: Oh, yeah. That's what you see out of. I once dated the Detroit Lions Mascot. Off-season. Dutch was his name.

GRISSOM: The breadth of your social experience never ceases to impress me.

CATHERINE: Dutch never had furballs, though.
GRISSOM: Whoa. This is incredibly detailed. Eyelashes, nostrils ...

CATHERINE: Oh, yeah. That's what you see out of. I once dated the Detroit Lions Mascot. Off-season. Dutch was his name.

GRISSOM: The breadth of your social experience never ceases to impress me.

CATHERINE: Dutch never had furballs, though.

Ohhhh, I forgot about that line...Way too funny :lol: :lol:
guess it was a good thing for dutch he didn't have the furballs. that would be a big turn off :devil:
I can't remembet the line but with Catherine and Grissom were talking to the stripper and Catherine was interpreting what the stripper was saying .....That was a very good scene..... :D
this it?

DANCER: Yeah, they look familiar -

(She hands the paper with the DMV license information back to GRISSOM.)

DANCER: ... from the neck up. I must've given them four, five lap dances each. They made my night.

CATHERINE: So, they were George.

(GRISSOM looks up at them. CATHERINE supplies an explanation.)

CATHERINE: Big tippers.

DANCER: No. They weren't the ones paying for it. The other couple was.

DANCER: I didn't get a good look at the other two, but they slid that money across the table ... mmm, brick this big. So, like I said, they just wanted to doggie in the window.

(GRISSOM looks from the DANCER to CATHERINE.)

CATHERINE: (explains) Watch.

DANCER: And they were subbing drinks left and right.

(Again, GRISSOM looks from the DANCER to CATHERINE.)

CATHERINE: Ordering clear drinks to keep the party going. What'd they order?

DANCER: Two vodkas, two soda waters.

CATHERINE: Guess who got the hard stuff.

DANCER: Hi. Would you like a dance?

(GRISSOM takes off his glasses. While CATHERINE'S on the phone, she keeps an eye on GRISSOM. She finishes her conversation.)

CATHERINE: Uh, I got to be at the courthouse. Apparently, there's a last-minute evidentiary hearing in the Sam Braun case. I need to be there.

DANCER: You sure you don't want a dance? I could be your specimen. You could be my mad scientist.

CATHERINE: He already is, sweetheart. Thanks.
I just watched "Assume Nothing" over the weekend. I love that scene between Cath and Grissom. She has a playful, "keep up" attitude and Grissom is adorably confused. :D
LADY HEATHER: Don't take this the wrong way, but I think you've got everything
it takes to make a great Dominatrix.

CATHERINE: I take that as a compliment.
Speaking of that episode, Assume Nothing, I laughed out loud when I remembered the vibrating bed scene....hahaha....the look on Cath's face when Grissom laid down on the bed and told her that he needed to think and Cath was like, ooookkkaaayyyy and she just said, "Enjoy".....:D
From "Fur and Loathing" Sorry if it's already been posted

Suspect(Forgot the name):My friends call me sexy
(later after "she" takes off the mask to reveal a man)
Catherine: Hello, sexy

don't we all!!! you know i was kinda disappointed when she walked out of the motel room after he started the bed. but it was still funny as heck.
Re: Favorite Catherine Quotes

the strip strangler
"Well, look for prints."
"Don't bother. There aren't any. Just like the last time. The guy's Mr. Clean."
-- Gil Grissom and Catherine Willows

"Catherine, you busy? I was hoping we might be able to talk about a few things."
"Well, Sheriff, I'd say let's go to my office, but I don't have one."

"When we zig, he zags."

"So, our guys are outside in their Tahoes. If you're a civilian, we are. Except we are putting in for overtime."