Favorite and Least Favorite Episodes of Season 2?

Exactly. That's what bothers me the most. They essentially had Stella do something completely and totally out of character, just so the viewers could watch a woman get terrorized for an hour. It was completely cheap, both the way she just walked in and barely seemd phased after he followed her to a parking garage, and then the excessive violence of what followed. All the episode is was cheap, gratuitous violence.
I see what you mean springmoon :) See, I had a situation almost like that (there were indications that someone broke into our house about a month ago) but my first instinct was to actually open the door :lol: Course, since I was unarmed and have no training in defense whatsoever, I entreated our male neighbors to help me look in each room (14 doors in all, yes I counted). One of the most hair-rasing experiences in my life. Gah.

Still and all, I'm pretty much convinced that Stella considered herself as the police you know? And she thought she could handle it herself. She's faced tough guys before and she'd probably thought she could take it. Well, she was wrong. I wonder how she'll hold up in S3. If they ever let the continuity bug actually bite hard.
Good points made by everyone. I guess I figured that she had initially hoped that it wouldn't escalate to the type of violence that it actually did (niave of her, yes, and that in itself is OOC) and it was her hesitation that did end up nearly doing her in. But I honestly got the initial impression that she thought she wouldn't need her gun, that yes, Frankie was a wacko, but a gun wouldn't be necessarily have to come into play, she could get herself out of this without a firearm...

In all honestly, this was one that I didn't tape, as I often do, so I didn't get a chance to really scrutinize it. I also found many parts of it disturbing, so I didn't watch as *closely* as I normally do, I was looking away here & there, so granted, my impression of it probably isn't what it might have been had I studied that scene much closer. I guess I hated to think that after painting Stella as a highly capable, prepared, street smart woman, the writers wouldn't suddenly toss that away in the blink of an eye, even temporarily (hmmm, maybe I'm the one who is being niave, not Stella!). Interesting insights and discussion on it from everyone, though!
ranma said:
Well, how do you guys think Stella should have reacted?

Pointed her gun at him ASAP? (can't rememeber if he presented physical threat right there and then) Called for help immediately? What? Right at that moment when she came in that door. I'd really like to know :)

What should Stella have done? Well, let us start with Frankie posting video of the two of them having sex on the internet, which she apparently kept to herself. She should have reported him, she have gone to the police and involved them in the situation.

When someone you broke up with calls you repeatedly and doesn’t show any signs of quitting, again it is time to involve the police.

When the person that won’t stop calling you follows you and confronts you in an underground parking garage and you once again explain the situation to them again another opportunity to call the police.

When the man you broke up with that taped and broadcast your sexual encounters on the internet, calls you incessantly, stalks you to an underground parking garage, and then breaks into your apartment what you don’t do is walk right in and try to tell him he should get out, because that approach has not been working so far.

Stella has had years of training in dealing with victims and the perpetrators of those crimes surely, she could read the warning signs. The episode diminished Stella, took her down a notch all for the sake of hype and ratings that is the essence of cheap and tacky.

It wasn’t simply Stella coming home to find her door jimmied, there was an escalating and established pattern of behaviour every bell and whistle that her body possesses should have gone off and rather than entering,
closing the door, and turning her back on the psycho she should have never entered that apartment. Doing so was just stupid.

Also, Stella is theoretically a cop. One of the first things they teach you is don't become a victim yourself. The minute she saw the door jimmied she should have called for backup because that's what cops do in unknown situations when they're alone. Doesn't matter that she was off the clock. She should have come across enough cases in her career to know that only the dumb blond in a horror movie goes investigating on her own so having Stella walk into her apartment...I don't even think she bothered to draw her gun, but I could be wrong, I did my best to forget this ep because it sucked...alone and unarmed is just insipid and completely out of character.

I can see Stella blowing off the posting of the vid on the net because of the humiliation factor, but when Frankie's pattern of behavior escalated, she should have been familiar with the warning signs to know it wasn't going to get better unless she did something about it. The repeated calls, the stalking incidents, all shout potential victim to a cop and to have Stella ignore them just doesn't make sense.
This episode frustrated me in the same way it did many of you, but for another reason as well. I hate that the show, in order to have a Stella-focused eppy, had to resort to her being brutalized. Let's face it. We had some cool Mac eppys connected to his war history and the death of his wife, and Danny's storylines connected to Tanglewood and his temper have been very interesting.

Then the writers need to think of something for Stella, and they immediately go with "let's have her beaten up and brutalized?" It also bugged me that they felt they needed to kill Aidan off in such a brutal, horrible way. I liked how they originally wrote her out - they should have left it there. I guess Lindsay is next on the list: Her "secret" is probably along the lines of being attacked herself ... it would certainly fit the pattern.
audrina, you brought up a very good, valid point. The writers have found creative ways to focus on a couple of the male characters, but when it came to focusing on the women, both involved violence against them. Sadly, too many writers on too many shows out there fall into that trap. Hopefully they do better by Stella next season, and find a more palatable way of focusing on her character.
My favorite episode from S 2 i think it is "Charge Of This Post" . I loved how Mac/Gary acted. :)

I don't think there is a episode i didn't liked in s2 :D
I know I can't vote again but my other favourite episode is Charge of the Post but it was only aired in the UK on Saturday.

"What we gain by science is, after all, sadness." Thomas Hardy.

"FINGERS ON LIPS!" The Doctor. :D
audrina said:
This episode frustrated me in the same way it did many of you, but for another reason as well. I hate that the show, in order to have a Stella-focused eppy, had to resort to her being brutalized. Let's face it. We had some cool Mac eppys connected to his war history and the death of his wife, and Danny's storylines connected to Tanglewood and his temper have been very interesting.

Then the writers need to think of something for Stella, and they immediately go with "let's have her beaten up and brutalized?" It also bugged me that they felt they needed to kill Aidan off in such a brutal, horrible way. I liked how they originally wrote her out - they should have left it there. I guess Lindsay is next on the list: Her "secret" is probably along the lines of being attacked herself ... it would certainly fit the pattern.

Agreed, completely. In the space of like 3 episodes, we saw 2 out of the 3 major women in the CSI: NY universe brutalized by men. You're spot on about the guys--no chance we'd see Danny getting terrorized and beaten by a significant other like Stella was. :rolleyes:

I really hope Lindsay's dark secret doesn't involve any violence she herself was a victim of. Do they really need to put every woman on this show into a situation where she's a victim? :rolleyes:
All Access- I thought was played out real well. There's nothing wrong in showing a woman's weak side. Stellas not perfect even as a cop. Yes, she may have been able to handle things differenly but she's no super woman either. Don't know a woman that is. If they had made her a victim every ep I'd say enough was enough but, this was a one time shot & I truly believe it was played out real well. It showed that yes women can be just as (don't know how to spell this word but gonna try) vulnerable. Men are that way also. As much as they try to be super men they're not. I think everyone was superb.
you know what i realised? the last names of the characters have something to do with their fate. Stella Bonsera = aresnoB when she found out about Frankie and broke up with him before the attack. Aiden Burn was burned when the CSIs found her. maybe the referance to Montana will include a dramatic blast from the past for Lindsey?
katpin31791 said:
All Access- I thought was played out real well. There's nothing wrong in showing a woman's weak side. Stellas not perfect even as a cop. Yes, she may have been able to handle things differenly but she's no super woman either. Don't know a woman that is. If they had made her a victim every ep I'd say enough was enough but, this was a one time shot & I truly believe it was played out real well. It showed that yes women can be just as (don't know how to spell this word but gonna try) vulnerable. Men are that way also. As much as they try to be super men they're not. I think everyone was superb.

It isn't as much about vulnerability as it is about making not just one but a string of stupid mistakes and uncharacteristic actions. Had Frankie attacked and subdued Stella in the underground parking lot while no one else was around then perhaps I could have gone along for the violent, ratings grabbing ride. However, to have a trained member of the NYPD, someone who deals in evidence and victims all day, set herself up for a fall was nothing but a cheap tactic on the writers’ part, though well acted by Melina. She didn't report the posting of the sex tape, she didn't report the repeated phone calls, she didn't report him trailing her into an underground parking lot, and when she finally found Frankie in her apartment, though he didn't have a key, she was dumb enough to walk inside and turn her back on him not once but twice. Didn't she take off her jacket? Who does that, honestly, who sees an unwelcome psycho in their apartment and walks in, puts down their keys, takes off their jacket, and then proceeds to exchange words before trying to call the police? Please, that isn't vulnerable that is serving yourself up on a platter. It doesn't take a super woman to see every mistake Stella made and it certainly doesn't take a super woman to know better. This was nothing more that them sticking it to Stella, taking her down a notch, reducing possibly the most competent member of the team and reminding us that she is just a girl rather than the woman we all knew.

I don't think television highlighting the vulnerability of women is new territory, in fact, I dare you to go a week without one of the networks having a female victim at the hand or a stranger or an acquaintance. Though taking the same scenario removing Stella and replacing her with Mac, Danny, Hawkes, or Flack would be new territory, but that will never happen. Why? Society makes it so, people respond to a terrified woman running through her apartment being assaulted, all the better if you put her in a little sundress. Maybe we didn’t get the message during All Access so they had Aiden set on fire and possibly raped the next week. Maybe we missed all the dead and brutalized woman on CSI this season, so the writers just keep teaching us a lesson, as if we could ever forget. We’d hate to make any woman capable and strong it just wouldn’t be right now would it, so the pattern of victimization continues on CSI and television in general, but we excuse it, we allow it, we tolerate it, and then we explain it away.

I loved Trapped and Run Silent Run Deep (even if the B story was lame and only took away from the main plot...oh well), BUT i think my very favorite this year had to be Charge of this Post...they finally got off of that two case storyline they've had, and it made it a much better episode just focusing on one...plus, it was an awesome episode, with great acting by everyone-it was really one of the only episodes this season that left me in agony during the commercials, waiting to see what happened next...i also didnt mind watching the episode where Aiden is found dead (i dont remember the name)-they all had great acting and i thought it was a good storyline, although i wish they would have had a little more emotion from Flack...

My least favorite...wow...there are way too many to choose from. I didnt like Jamalot, or All Access...All Access had the potential to be ALOT better, but leaving Stella to be the weak terrorized woman is lame-that is not who she is.

All in all, this season wasnt too bad....but no where near the 1st (in my opinion) in storylines.