Favorite and Least Favorite Episodes of Season 2?

Favorites are:

Run Silent, Run Deep : Depth of emotions expressed by all characters made this episode heart-wrenching.

Heroes : My Dad was an Army man, so the death of the Marine struck a chord with me. I'm probably going to get a lot of flack (not Flack) for this, but I completely agree the Marine storyline got shortshrift due to Aiden's storyline. Each plot should have been stand-alone, IMO.
PrettyEyes said:
Favorites are:

Run Silent, Run Deep : Depth of emotions expressed by all characters made this episode heart-wrenching.

Heroes : My Dad was an Army man, so the death of the Marine struck a chord with me. I'm probably going to get a lot of flack (not Flack) for this, but I completely agree the Marine storyline got shortshrift due to Aiden's storyline. Each plot should have been stand-alone, IMO.

i truely agree
there should have been 2 epis. rather than 1! :confused:
You guys all have me drooling for Trapped. I missed that one! They better show it before the new season starts! My favorite eppy? Probably RSRD. Least I will now say Summer in the City, because although All Access used to be, when I watched it again I really loved how Flack handled Stella - it was just beautiful acting.
My favorites are Bad Beat because of the scene when Hawkes,Danny and Adam (the guy in the lab) was watching the walrus documentary. I also liked Coporate Warriors. Being a Hawkes fan and all. :) I wasn't really feeling Jamalot or All Access.
Man, do I have to pick just one? *lol* I'd say "Run Silent, Run Deep" then, because that's the episode that turned me from a regular fangirl to an obsessed Danny fan. :devil:

As for the least favourite maybe Jamalot.
oh I just watched 'Trapped' and that episode is so so so AWESOME!!!!!!!! :D :D I LOVE IT!!!!!!! this is one of my favorites ;)
'Jamalot' is my least favorite ..
My favourite episode was "Run Silent, Run Deep". The whole relationship between Danny and his brother and the fact that Danny was bawling at the end had me bawling too. I don't cry about a lot of things, so that's pretty darn special. My second favourite was Trapped, due to the Danny factor, once again. Third favourite was Charge of This Post.

My least favourite was Grand Murder at Central Station. I think it was because the fact that the surgeon was actually willing to dump lye on his hands had me feeling really uncomfortable and grossed out. Although I'll give it some props - Hawkes sewing up that bear was ADORABLE!!!
my fave 2 episodes are "run silent, run deep" and "trapped". "run silent run deep" is great because you can see how much danny wants to make peace with his brother after he gets hurt, and the wa he cried... omg! i hate seeing guys cry and seeing that gorgeous face of his covered in tears jus set me off a treat!
"trapped" - i jus wish i could have been in that panic room with him hehe ohh the fun we could have had.... lol but back to the point, i thinks its great how they did that episode, the way that danny was away from everyone and that his life was threatened at the end!! ohhh danny lol xx
Favorite: Dancing with the Fishes, Jamalot, Trapped, Stuck On You, Run Silent Run Deep, All Access, Heroes

Least: Young Blood