Favorite and Least Favorite Episodes of Season 2?

My favorite was Charge of this post. I love Flack he is my favorite, but this episode was really good and sad, and I think now, this team is forever..

My least favorite was Stuck on you, I don't know why, but maybe liked me the Danny-Lindsay storyline
Favorites: Run Silent Run Deep, Charge of This Post, Trapped and Fare Game

Least Favorites: None, but if I had to choose I would say All Access.
My favourite is deffinatly Trapped ;) but I say that because Im a Danny fan and it was a GREAT episode ;)

My least favourite is 'Stuck on you', sorry to say this, I cant STAND Lindsay :p she is my least fave character and this episode, the way she acts towards Danny is not nice at all, I wont say more, sorry to all the people who like her.
Favourite episode: Run Silent Run Deep because of the relationship between Mac And Danny.

Least favourite episode: I voted for Cool Hunter because I found it a little bit boring.


"What we gain by science is, after all, sadness." Thomas Hardy.
My favourite so far is Run Silent Run Deep - I loved the scenes between Danny and Mac, I thought the whole episode was just awesome, Carmine did a great job with Danny's emotions.

I found it quite hard to choose a least favourite, in fact I really enjoyed season 2 of NY. I choose Corporate Warriors, only because I found it a wee bit boring, that's the only reason.
I loved all the episodes, really. But "Heroes" really got to me. I loved Aiden to pieces. She was my favorite S1 character, and when they wrote her out of the series -- totally assassinating her character, btw -- I was very put out. And then to bring her back, only to kill her? Ugh. This is me, very angry and sad. The episode was great, but heartbreaking.

I still love Lindsay, though. Even if she is Aiden's replacement.

And "Charge of This Post" was by far the best season finale. Had me trembling like a leaf the whole episode to see what was going to happen with Flack.
Favorite: Run Silent, Run Deep Big Danny and Mac fan. :)

Least Favorite: All Access. Melina was great, but I don't think Stella would have put herself in that situation.
I despise the thought of Stella, or any other strong female character, being put into that situation and nearly not coming out of it, but on the other hand... Stella (or any other character, male or female, in that situation) was in love, and trusted that person up to that point. She didn't have a lot of time to recoop and rethink her previous notions of Frankie, as would anyone in that situation. She backed off, Frankie rebelled against that and responded violently - and she probably wasn't expecting the extent of his violence. Don't get me wrong, I hate, hate, hated to see that - but on the other hand, realistically, I guess I can see a person like Stella, or anyone in her position/line of work, male or female, finally finding someone that they love and trust, and being blindsighted down the line when that person ends up not being who they originally appeared to be. I don't like seeing the CSI franchise always using women in that role as victim, but after giving that eppy a lot of thought, and after alot of conversation with friends who have seen it and experienced similar things (including myself), I can see how it can happen, even to a street-smart, capable person like Stella.
^ Very good point, MBGrissom! Like what Lex Luthor said in Superman 2, "Every man has a vulnerable point". Though we'd hate to see something nasty happen to a strong personality like Stella, she still has her vulnerability. And though this ploy is the franchise's way to rake in the ratings, we really have to admit that it can and does happen, and sadly, females are the usual victims. It's not some sort of statement that women are more vulnerable (am not saying it is, either), but it's just the way it is.

Hope that makes some semblance of sense. Caffeine's still trying to work into my system...
Ok. I can see Stella maybe going into her apartment without knowing he was there, but closing the door and not having her gun out the whole time? Whatever. :)

Maybe she was just blinded by love still.
^Yeah, exactly. And then she finds her psycho ex inside, who put a video of them on the net and followed her into the parking garage. She's just going to stand there and have a conversation with him and try to get him to leave? I don't buy that. It was out of character, just so we could see Stella get victimized. I hate that damn episode.
^^ So many of us didn't like to see Stella so vulnerable, and well, so stupid! I might have bought it if he was waiting behind the door and she was attacked that way. But she walked in and immediately knew that someone was in there and didn't react the way that we knew Stella would. It was all down hill from there. Bleh. :confused:
Well, how do you guys think Stella should have reacted?

Pointed her gun at him ASAP? (can't rememeber if he presented physical threat right there and then) Called for help immediately? What? Right at that moment when she came in that door. I'd really like to know :)

For my part, I'm thinking she thought she could've handled it herself, you know? Like a pesky, fractious toad that you pick with your thumb and forefinger (gloves optional). She'd never viewed Frankie as violent upto that point. Deranged, probably, but not violent.

That being said, I cringed everytime I saw her scenes with that huge dude. Argh. Scary. Not one of my favorites (as I hate seeing any one of the castmembers be terrorized) but I thought the ep was pretty good. I don't buy that "because she's a woman" thing either coz, well...I just don't. Could happen to anyone.

I'm amused by how much debate this ep has generated (which is very good for the show, woot!). I'm wondering if it was Danny who was brutalized like that, it'll proabaly be considered the best.damn.ep. of the season. Heeh.

ETA: I forgot to put it in --- if it was Mac instead of Stella? I'd think it was the best.damn.ep EVAH! :lol: Course, it'd take a huge chunk of a man to out-play him *thinks of Michael Clarke-Duncan type of guy*
Consider it this way, even if you're not a police officer. You get home and before you step inside your front door you realize that something is wrong and out of place. Would you continue inside, and ignore all of the warning bells going off in your head? Or would you back off and call the police, just to be on the safe side? Or, if you were a police officer, pull your weapon and walk in with it drawn? She did none of that - hence the discussion about why it was out of character. He didn't present an immediate physical threat, but he wasn't supposed to be there either!