Favorite and Least Favorite Episodes of Season 2?

Lyn said:
I know everyone is going to vote for the Danny ones, but I went with City of the Dolls. It was creepy and wonderful at the same time. And it had Maka. Double props.

(Sorry DaWacko, but I'm a doll artist!)

:eek: I am so scared of you now :lol:

And I didn't vote for Danny eppy ;)
My favourite was Charge Of This Post for its sheer awesomeness: scripting, acting, story in general. Extra special mentions go to Corporate Warriors and Heroes, both of which were also awesome.

Least favourite was Wasted, with a not-so-special special mention to Risk, because those two episodes didn't really do all that much for me. They're what I'd call 'averagely okay episodes'.
My favorites were Manhattan Manhunt, Run Silent Run Deep and Heroes. It was a hard pick because I really a lot of them :)

My least favorite were Jamalot, Corporate Warriors and Youngblood in this order.
I already named my favorite, but my least favorite episodes off the top of my head and in no particular order are: Corporate Warriors, Manhattan Manhunt, City of Dolls, Jamalot, Fare Game, Wasted, Stealing Home, All Access, and a few others. Some of the episodes have great moments, a minute here or there, but the overall quality was just bad and sometimes a series of bad moments along with a convoluted plot and terrible acting can ruin an entire episode.

Others I liked or sort of liked besides "Live or Let Die" were "RSRD," "Summer in the City," "Cool Hunter," and maybe "Trapped."

JDonne said
Others I liked or sort of liked besides "Live or Let Die" were "RSRD," "Summer in the City," "Cool Hunter," and maybe "Trapped."

You liked, 'Cool Hunter'? I'm shocked! :eek:

Just kidding. :p

It was average. Not very good, but was deserving. ;)
^ I wouldn't say liked as in I would ever watch it again, though I can't imagine watching any of this season again. :( Stella and Danny working together and actually being their season one selves was a refreshing change from the dismal manure being slung around every week, bonus I have no recollection of Lindsay being in the episode. Does that make it less shocking? :lol:

^No recollection of Lindsay is a total score! :D And, yes, shocking! :lol:

I think I can only rewatch 'Live or Let Die' and the other episodes I listed again. *wants S1 back*
Worst Episode Heros, definatly.

May I ask why? I have to say this episode TOTALLY had some good interactions between the cast. Aiden returned (not alive of course) and I did see some S1 material.

Although I did not see this as a great episode, I didn't see this as the worst.

IMO 'All Access' was the worst, but to each his/her own. :)
abc said:
Worst Episode Heros, definatly.

May I ask why?

Yes you may. And I will answer too. The whole episode bugged me. It just bugged me that they had to kill Aiden. It bugged me that they couldn't catch Pratt on the rapes, they had to have him murder too. It bugged me that the Marine case barely got any time. (The episode bugged me alot.)
my favorite episode..was definitly Risk..oh my gosh i loved it!!! my least favorite was Manhhatan Manhunt..sorry but i was just not feelin that eps..
I chose Stealing Home as my favourite episode. I know that some were better, but I figured almost nobody would have voted for this great episode yet.
Lindsay rocked in it, and this episode is one of the fine examples why Lindsay is a great addition to the cast, and why she might be the best thing that happened to CSI: NY in season 2. I don't think I would have liked it as much if she wasn't there. Stealing home also had a nice B-storyline about the guy with two wives, I thought it was funny.
Anyway, I enjoyed myself all through the episode.

Least favourite: Jamalot. It didn't make any impression on me.
DaWacko said:
Lyn said:
I know everyone is going to vote for the Danny ones, but I went with City of the Dolls. It was creepy and wonderful at the same time. And it had Maka. Double props.

(Sorry DaWacko, but I'm a doll artist!)

:eek: I am so scared of you now :lol:

And I didn't vote for Danny eppy ;)

:lol: I apologise :D
Am I the only one who is totally mystified that All Acess only has 3 votes at the least favorite??
I've seen soo many people complaining about how it cast Stella in a bad light and how female CSIs are always cast as victims, yet only 3 people have voted that way??
Seems v. odd to me.
That was the best eposode of the seaseon,becouse you got to see dany cry!(I love it when the CSI'S cry!) Charge of this post was good, too.

Worst:All Acess
Why, just cuz it was.

(I still think its funny though, that CSI: NY went on what I call a Personal Streak. (Danny, Stella, Aidnen dying,every one taking it perosnally, and Mack/Flack)