Favorite and Least Favorite Episodes of Season 2?

My favorite episode was Stuck on You. I don't know why, but it was. I really like COD though too!

My least favorite was Jamalot. I thought it was kinda boring.
Luveykat said:
Am I the only one who is totally mystified that All Acess only has 3 votes at the least favorite??
I've seen soo many people complaining about how it cast Stella in a bad light and how female CSIs are always cast as victims, yet only 3 people have voted that way??
Seems v. odd to me.

I'm a little surprised actually, but as one of its most passionate detractors, I'm definitely aware of the fact that others might not hate it as much as I do.

I think it's interesting that "Jamalot" is in the lead--that was my pick for the worst episode before "All Access" came along. I found "All Access" downright offensive and exploitive, which is why I voted for it, but "Jamalot" was poorly plotted and had perhaps the most glaring error I've ever noticed in a CSI show in it. I'm not surprised it's garnering a lot of votes for the worst episode.
As as Danny fan, I actually suprise myself for not voting for a Danny episode :lol:.

My favourite this season was Live or Let Die. Great written story, 2 good cases, one shocking result (I really missed the painting clue) and great acting by the characters.

But RSRD is a good second ;)

My least favourite was Corporate Warriors. Several times I was looking at my watch and was asking myself, isn't it finished yet?
I picked Live or Let Die as my fave episode. I just thought it was fantastic overall. It had suspense, humor, emotion. A good time all around.

I didn't HATE (that's such strong word) any particular episode, but there were definitely some bottom of the barrel ones. I picked Jamalot as my least fave because I just found the whole Roller Derby thing too cheesy. Just my opinion, but I thought the episode lacked real substance.
For me, my favorite episode was Stuck on you, or maybe cool hunter. Who knows. I can't really think of one right now.

Least favorite? Jamalot. Boring.
Favorite: All Access- I thought it was a great storyline for both cases. It was interesting to see a strong character like Stella in the predicament she was in. Flack was great in that one with helping Stella through the story. It was a toss-up along with Charge of this post and Live or Let Die, but this one came out on top.

Least Favorite: Risk- It's not that it wasnt a good episode, it just didnt thrill me as much as the others did. I expected a different storyline than what was presented.
Favourite: Corporate Warriors. It was pretty fastpaced and I loved the flashback scenes. I feel that this is one episode I could watch more than once. But then, I love things like this.

Least Favourite: It was a toss up between All Access and Heroes. They were both excellent episodes but I just have a problem watching usually strong characters turn into the victims (whether they are female or male). It was disturbing to watch Stella and Aiden fight for their lives. Am I the only one who feels this way? :(
^Not at all. I didn't like either episode especially well for those reasons, though I found "All Access" to be much more offensive because it exploited the violence against Stella. Lots of gratuitious shots just to "excite" the audience. I hated that episode!
My least favorite was Heroes, but for other reasons. But I will disagree that All Access made Stella a victim. Yes she did get assaulted, but to me, a person only becomes victimized if they allow it to pull them down, and Stella has certainly not done that.

My favorite was hard to pick, because except for Heroes, really hasn't been an episode this season that I haven't liked, but I chose RSRD, because I thought it was great writing, and that it showed a commitment to Danny becoming more mature.
pizzapie said:
My least favorite was Heroes, but for other reasons. But I will disagree that All Access made Stella a victim. Yes she did get assaulted, but to me, a person only becomes victimized if they allow it to pull them down, and Stella has certainly not done that.

What is assaulting someone if it is not victimizing them? I think Stella was victimized, by the writers though Frankie because it was there attempt to tear her down, but she decided to live her life as a survivor rather than as a victim. Frankie's actions cannot be taken away but how Stella proceeds from that moment forward is what makes her a survivor.

Favorite: Charge of This Post
For the reasons that I love Mac and Flack to pieces. Granted, Flack didn't get much screentime but he's a big part of what moved the whole story. Plus I thought the whole talking down of Lessing was amazing. Had me cheering Mac no end.

Least favorite: Youngblood
Almost fell asleep. Toss up between this one and Jamalot actually but Polly's blunt approach perked me up. Can't say the same for the other one.
Most Favorite: Manhattan Manhunt for if I hadn't watched this I'd never become a huge fan of CSI:NY.

Least Favorite: NONE!!!!!!
most favorite: Run deep run silent cause of Carmine's wonderful acting, first time i cried for and with a character ....Carmine was wonderful, Gary was also excellent, they all made a great job on that episode.

Least favourite: i should say worst "all access": of course i loved the fact that it was Stella's case (i thought kid rock story was useless..) but the way they showed her being slapped, hurted and killing her ex boyfriend was too much for me...most of the time i didn't watch the screen cause it was too violent for me. By the way i'm really thankfull that on the episode where Aiden was burned, they didn't show her being rapped by her killer, i would hve throw up for sure
Is really diffucult to say, was my favourite episode is, but I havea few.

The best episodes was:

Trapped - Danny in the panic room. So hot in the tank top...

Run Silent, Run Deep - Danny's past, the story with his brother and in the end, he crying in Mac's arms. That was so sad, so heart tearing up. Mac & Danny, both are grat actors...

Charge to this Post - At the first time, Flack was in the middle point of the team. But the scene, he lay heavily hurt at the ground, his body full of blood, the big wound - so very horrible. My heart was bleed.... :(The last minutes, Mac is in the hospital and holds Don's hand - that was a great feeling moment.

Last Favourite: Young Blood- The story was so boring
Favorite episode? How can I pick just one? I can't. My top three are:

Run silent, run deep:It was such a great episode. The acting was great, and the story wonderful. Also, it's the first CSI episode I've ever cried about, (of course it wasn't the last one I cried about). Carmine's acting was believable. It made you stop and go "Aww, poor Danny."

Heroes: It was sad and great all at the same time. The second CSI episode I ever cried about. Poor Aiden. But they finally got Pratt.

Charge of this post: What a great season finale! I think I cried more in this episode than in the last two previously mentioned ones combined, (& I'm not a very emotional person), probably because Flack was hurt. Which was nice that he was a central character. Sure, he only said about three lines but he was still majorly involved. Also, I don't think I've ever loved Mac more than this episode. He took care of Flack, kept his team focused and still managed to take out the badguy.

Least favorite? I didn't really have a least favorite one. Although, Summer in the City wasn't my favorite, because they fired Aiden.