Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle

And you thought the last chapter was suspenseful! :D

Chapter 13: The Intrusion

Counseling sessions and a nice, healthy diet helped her somewhat.

Over the next few days she went back to her normal self. She was less cranky and more energized. She began talking with her colleagues; Catherine told her she talked to Gil, and Sara was thankful for it. Nick and Warrick fought over what she should call her baby if it was a boy. She just smiled, not telling them that she promised the title to Jim.
“What if it’s a girl?”
“Well, Nicki is a nice name for a girl.”
Warrick just made a loud noise, between a snort and a cough.
Yes, things were starting to get back to normal… except for one thing.

On that fateful day, Greg was working in the lab. Wendy was sick - again. Sara debated facing him, before working up her courage.
He dumped me. I shouldn’t be embarrassed.
“I need you to find a match on these swabs,” she tried to sound casual. Even a little friendly
Greg didn’t look like he wanted to play the ‘friendly game.’
She couldn’t help but smile a little as she thought what they must’ve looked like to an outsider. He was usually the one who tried to be friendly and outgoing, while she tended to look serious and dismissive. How the tables have turned…
“Got anything to compare it to?” He asked in a bored tone.
“Yeah,” She explained the samples and handed it to him.
Like an old friend she felt the familiar spark as her fingers touched him. But just like that, it was gone.
‘I wonder if he felt it…’
He didn’t give any notice to the ‘spark’ I fact, it was as if nothing happened. She didn’t know why she expected him to acknowledge it, but she stuck around. Maybe he would say something.

“Anything else?” He asked her.
It was like something inside her deflated. It wasn’t exactly a crushing blow, but she did hope he was missed her as much as she missed him.
Now she just felt foolish, standing like an idiot in his lab.
“No… umm… thanks.” She got out of there fast.

A few hours into shift and Sara took a lunch break. She promised herself she would eat more, but she still wasn’t gaining much weight. Catherine joined her in the break room.
“Wow, I wish had that body when I was carrying Lindsey.”
The blonde obviously meant it as a compliment, and Sara managed to smile, “Guess I’m just naturally thin.”
As soon as they were done, Catherine got a call from Brass.
“We’ve got a big crime scene. Twelve bodies.” The older woman looked grim.
“Do you need help?” Sara offered.
“Yeah. I’ll call Warrick, you call Nick.”
Sara nodded and they rushed to the Denali. Nick was wrapped up in his own case so he would take a while; Catherine made the call on the way over.

“…Hey Warrick, did you get the bloody print from our case? …Yeah well, we won‘t be needing it. The guy posted bail for some of his jail buddies and they tried to rob a bank…. Yeah, he did…. It didn’t go well, so after killing a few people they offed themselves…. Brass said twelve bodies. Meet me at the National Bank as soon as you can.”

They got to the scene and were briefed on what happened. Bank robbery gone wrong.
“Damn it!”
Sara turned to Catherine, “What?”
“I left my kit at the lab.”
Sara had hers and told her to go get the kit. She could get started until Warrick and Nick arrived. Catherine left quickly, leaving her alone in an empty bank. Blood and bullet casings were everywhere.

Deep breath. Process what you can until reinforcements get here.
She walked over to The bank tellers. Gun shot to the head. Point blank. She thought she heard someone come in, and she turned to see Warrick.
‘Good. Brass probably told him I was here.’
She walked over and placed little tags to label the bullet casings. It was going to take a while … Suddenly she spotted a recognizable mop of brown hair by a tellers desk.
‘That’s not Warrick. It looks like … but it can’t be, can it? He’s supposed to be in the lab.’
Walking over she called his name, hoping she wasn’t mistaken.

It was him. Who else would jump up in surprise like that? He banged his head and let out a small groan.
“Oww… a little warning next time, Sara.”
‘He looks so cute… I have to stop thinking like that!’
She couldn’t keep the small smile from her face and reached over to take the gun from his hand. He was rubbing his head, so she made sure he was okay.
“What are you doing here?”
‘I guess Brass didn’t tell them…'
“I should ask you the same thing. Weren’t you supposed to run my swabs?” She asked him, while bagging the evidence.
“All hands on board. Twelve bodies and all this evidence. I was just going to be a while.” He rubbed his head again and proceeded to put his foot in his mouth.
“Aren’t you expecting? I mean… I can‘t believe you can still do field work.”
That took away the smile.
It was none of his business what she looked like and if she didn’t know any better, he seemed upset that she was there. He probably didn’t expect to see her there.
‘Tough luck, Sanders. You’re stuck with me here.’
A brief explanation, coupled with some icy glares, shut him up. Though they did attract some attention.
“Sara? I didn’t know you got here. Why are you two arguing?” Warrick walked over. He was behind the counters now.
Greg excused himself and Sara turned to Warrick.
“Don’t ask.”
“Okay. As long as you don’t name your kid ‘Nicki,’” he kidded.

The two walked over to the vault. Noting a guard shot beside the door. While she checked his gun, Warrick looked inside the opened vault.
“Nothing’s missing here.”
His cell went off.
“Brown. Yeah, I’m in the vault with Sara … what do you mean one guy’s missing?”
Sara’s ears perked up and she looked at him.
“Uh huh. Fine, we’ll be out in a second.” He closed his phone and faced an apprehensive Sara.
“There were four guys including our ex-con… all of them wore masks.”
“But there were only three bodies with masks.”
“They didn’t fully clear out the bank,” Warrick started to walk out, “He might still be here.”
Sara followed, unaware of the moving shadows a few feet beside her.

A hand reached out and touched her shoulder. She let out a yell.
Warrick turned around in a flash, pointing his gun at…
“Greg! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” She cried out.
The young CSI had his hands held up in defense and looked at the two jumpy investigators.
“I didn’t mean to scare you,” he dropped his hands. “What’s wrong?”
“There’s a fourth shooter still on the loose. Brass isn’t sure if the place was thoroughly cleared.”

The three of them headed for the front door. Sara felt goose bumps up and down her spine and she turned around, looking for something. It was strange sensation. The two men noticed and displayed their concern.
“Sara, what’s wrong?”
“You okay?”
She whispered, “Do you have the feeling we’re being watched?”

None of them realized until it was too late. A loud gun shot was heard and someone screamed.

If this isn’t a cliffhanger, I don’t know what is! And I have to think about who got shot. It could’ve been either of the three. Grissom’s part is next, and he will find out as well as everyone else. Maybe I should wait a while until posting the next chapter, just to be suspenseful. Or evil. :devil:

Maybe no one got shot. Maybe it missed. *tries to be optimistic*

You do know you have to update this soon, or i'll have to get out my pitchfork.

*crawls into corner and rocks back and forth* sarasgonnamakeititllbewarrickwarrickdoesntreallymatterinthisstory

Eek. Look what you've done to me.
But I don't want it to be Warrick, even if he isn't that important in this story. Or Greg, he CANNOT get shot. And definately not Sara, she's pregnant with Greggo's kid!!

Ah! I'm having a nervous break down Hestia!!
Optimists, prepared to see the consequences of the shooting! I took one or two ideas from the reviewers. Hope you don't mind. ;)

Chapter 14: The Loss

It was the phone call he would never get used to.

He had been through enough when Nick was buried alive and he tried to keep his composure when Brass was shot.
But nothing could prepare him for what Catherine told him.
He distinctly remembered something about Warrick, Greg and Sara working a case.
As soon as she said one of them got shot, the blood drained from his face and he dropped the phone.

“Gil? Gil? Hello? Are you there?”

A million thoughts were rushing through his head. It was terrible to wish anything bad on his former team. They were more than that - the two younger men were his friends. Still, he hoped and prayed that Sara was not the one who got shot.

He scribbled down the address of the hospital and jumped into his car. Racing along the streets, he just repeated the same thing over and over.
“Please not Sara… not our baby…”

Pulling into the parking lot he swiftly got to the lobby, looking around before spotting Catherine.
“Gil. Are you okay?”
He walked over to her demanding answers, “Am I okay!? Catherine, what happened? Where’s Sara? Is she alright? Is the baby okay?”
“Calm down.” She pulled him down to sit.
“I got the call from Brass and I don’t know. I’m not sure what happened.”
Grissom dropped his head, resting them in his hands.
It was all he could do to keep from screaming.
“I’m sorry. You must feel terrible. I tried to call Brass but I can’t reach him.” She patted him on the back, hoping to make him feel a little better.
“I’m sure Sara’s okay. She has to be…”

He sat in the waiting room with Catherine for what seemed to be hours. Nick joined him at some point, although he couldn’t be sure when.
He felt tired and upset, but he didn’t bother to sleep. When would they get news about their fellow CSIs?

Brass arrived, and Grissom’s head shot up. Hopefully, he had some answers.
“Jim, what happened? Who was shot?”
The older detective looked bleak, he was about to tell them what he knew when a nurse interrupted him.
“I’m sorry to break in, but are you detective Jim Brass?”
“Yes. How are they?”
“The bullet hit Mr. Brown in the left shoulder blade. It’s not critical. The bullet missed Mr. Sanders and Ms. Sidle-”
“Grissom. Mrs. Grissom,” He shouldn’t have been bothered. Besides, he was just happy that the bullet didn’t hit his pregnant wife. That, and the fact that Warrick would be fine. He sank bank into his chair.
“Alright. Well, even though she wasn’t hit, Mrs. Grissom seems to have gone into shock and it’s adversely affecting her child.”
“What?” He couldn’t believe it. From the frying pan into the fire…
“We’ve tried to stabilize her and we’re doing all we can for her and her baby,” The nurse turned to Grissom, he saw the sympathy in her eyes. “We’ll do what we can sir, but it doesn’t look good.”

She left the group. Everyone had mixed feelings about Warrick’s good news and this unexpected turn for Grissom and Sara.
“Gil…” Catherine grabbed his hand, squeezing it for comfort.
He couldn’t take it. The room was suffocating him … closing in on him.
“I need some air.”
Getting free from her grip, he got up and walked outside. The cool, night air didn’t do much. If anything, he felt cold. But he figured how he felt outside should match how he was feeling inside.

After an hour of waiting Brass ran over to him, looking like he had grim news.
“Grissom. The doctor wants to talk to you.”
He nodded and followed his friend back inside. The bright corridors and loud noises were putting him on edge. When he met up with the doctor, he braced himself.

“You’re the husband?”
“I’m sorry to say that we lost the child.”
Just like that, a small part of him died inside. He barely heard the rest of what the doctor said.
“The bullet didn’t hit her, so we originally thought it was stress and shock that forced her miscarriage. But, as it turned out, there were other complications, possible cervical incompetence. Sir, just so you know, after thirty five the chances of miscarriage is significantly higher…”
Grissom just shook his head and mumbled something. An apology or a thanks. He wasn’t certain.

His team waited for him, and as soon as they saw his face they knew it was bad news.
“Grissom, what’s wrong? Is everything okay? What did the doctor tell you?” Nick sounded anxious.
Grissom didn’t answer.

Catherine walked up to him, grabbing hold of his shoulders.
“Snap out of it. Grissom, what happened?”
He looked up at her, “Miscarriage… we lost the baby.”
Her hand flew to her mouth in horror. She didn’t know what to say, and he spared her the chance to think of something by leaving the hospital.

“What happened?”
“Sara lost the baby…”
Nick was shocked. He didn’t know what to say, but desperately tried to look on the bright side, “At least Sara’s okay.”
“Sure, physically. Who knows how she’s doing emotionally…”
Catherine’s eyes wandered over to the hall.
“And Grissom… my God, the poor man looked like a ghost. I have to go see him… make sure he doesn‘t do anything stupid.”
Catherine’s heels clicked noisily on the tiles as she left in search of Grissom

He didn’t know whether to cry or not. Everything happened in an instant. The bullet missed her, but did it’s fair share of damage indirectly.
He heard the tapping on the glass, but decided to ignore it.
At the moment, his head was leaning against the steering wheel. Music drifted softly out of the car radio, filling in the silence. He didn’t want to talk, but he couldn’t stand the quiet that greeted him in the car.

“Grissom! Open up, please!”
She rapped on the window harder.
“I know you’re devastated but you have to count your blessings! You have a healthy wife and things will sort themselves out.”

Nothing. No response.

“I’ll be inside, if you need me.” She replied softly.
He looked up and watched her go back into the hospital.
It was hard to open up about his feelings, but he still felt terrible about not talking to Catherine. The same applied to his marriage. No matter how hard he tried, he wouldn’t let Sara in - and now she barely talked to him. How could he blame them?

With his marriage barely hanging on, and his dearest friend gone, Gil Grissom felt truly alone.

And the tears still wouldn’t fall.

I bet when you saw the title of the chapter, you thought one of the CSIs would die! But I am not that cruel. Actually, I’m really feeling bad for Grissom over here! I’m starting to wonder whether he should get Sara in the end or not. Hmmm… what to do? The GSR shippers will definitely be encouraging me! :p
thank god none of the CSI were killed, but Sara lost the baby. :( Of course, I think Sara should end up with Greggo, Sandle all the way!
I can't believe she lost the baby!! It wasn't his baby in the first place, but poor Grissom!!

Please be Sandle, there's enough GSR fics out there.
I TOTALLY agree with hollie!!! And I volunteer to take care of Grissom... Can you put me in your story? :)
GGGirl, you can definitely comfort Grissom if this turns out to be sandle. ;)

Chapter 15: The Visit

If he hadn’t been there when it happened, he would have thought it was some kind of horrible nightmare. But it was all too real.

The loud bang still rang in his ears. Only after seeing Sara and Warrick fall, did he realize what happened. The fourth robber didn’t get far - Brass’ guys were all over him.
When he saw blood on both Warrick and Sara, he assumed they were both hit.

Now that he was discharged from the hospital, he wanted to know how the other two were doing. He managed to drag the information out of a younger nurse. Evidently, Warrick got the bullet on the shoulder blade. Sara was on the wrong end of the blood spatter and most likely fainted.

Looking back, Greg realized he was lucky to escape, unharmed. How did he manage to survive?
“Where is she?”
“I don’t know. Ask someone else, I need to go.” The nurse was done being helpful, and she ready to do her rounds.

After walking around in circles, garnering a few looks from patients and medical personnel alike, he overheard something about a fallen officer who lost a child.
“…Room 416, a Mrs. Grissom is suffering from shock and has requested…”

Mrs. Grissom! That was Sara!
He rushed over to the stairs and ran up to the fourth floor. When he finally got to room 416, he didn’t know whether to knock or just burst in.
‘To hell with this.’
Greg did both; he knocked before opening the door and bursting in.

The sight that greeted him was startling. She looked so pale and lifeless. Hooked up to an IV drip, and her eyes closed; he let out a low gasp. She seemed not to be aware of his presence, so he ventured closer.
Fluids were being pumped into her thin arm, he figured they were killing two birds with one stone by giving her nutrients. The steady beeping of the machine was the only thing that filled the dull silence. It was oddly comforting…

“Sara? God, I can’t believe what happened. Look at you…”
Her eyes opened slowly, and she tilted her head to face him.
“Greg? You’re okay…”
He realized she was awake and choked down a bitter laugh, “Yeah, I‘m fine. Can’t say the same for you. Sara, what happened? Are you okay?”
“I lost the baby, Greg. Our baby. I heard the doctors…” She was barely whispering, a small tear slid down.
He gently wiped the tear, and he reached over to get her a cup of water.
“Here. You’ll be okay. Don’t cry,” his attempt at comfort was not very believable considering how overwhelmed and upset he felt.

She sipped the water before putting placing it back on the table beside her. She let out a sigh and managed a weak smile. “Thank you, Greg.”
She sounded far away and upset. He knew she had many reasons to be miserable, but he had to cheer her up. He didn’t want her to be sad anymore. Before he could think of anything funny or even comforting, she spoke up.
“I‘m sorry I was mad at you. I shouldn’t have put you in this situation.”
She reached out and he took hold of her hand.

Greg wasn’t angry anymore; how could he stay angry with her when she was like this? No matter how much she played with his heart or ran back to her husband, he would always have feelings for her. And that would never change. Right now, he just wanted Sara to be okay.
It’s funny how the possibility of losing someone he loved set things into perspective.

“No, Sara. I’m sorry I was so angry. This probably wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for me. I probably drew attention to us in the bank.”
“Don’t be silly, you had nothing to do with the shooter.” She tried to sit up in her bed, but he urged her to stay lying down. She sighed and obliged.
“Okay Greg. You win. How’s Warrick?”
“He’ll be okay. His shoulder will be sore for a while but he’ll recover.”
“Good.” She nodded. The color returning to her cheeks.

For a few seconds nothing was heard except the steady beeping of the machine.

“Greg. I wanted to… tell you something.”
He was all ears; it had to be important, judging by her nervousness and her tight grip on his hand.
She made a face.
“Sorry. Too soon.” Greg managed to smile.
“When I heard that gun shot I didn’t know what happened. I didn’t know if I would lose you, or if I was going… to die.”
Now he returned the grip. He didn’t want to think about that.
“I realized,” she took a deep breath, “That I would never get a chance to tell you how much you mean to me and I-”

“Excuse me, who are you?”
The pair turned around to see a doctor and a nurse looking angry.
‘Uh oh. Should’ve known I’d be caught… but why now?’ Greg was there with no permission, and the nurse looked like she was going to inform him, in a not-so-polite way.
“I was just seeing my fallen colleague,” he answered, feeling ridiculous.
“Young man, you are not family and you’re not allowed to be here!”
“Leave. Now.”
He looked pitifully back at Sara, reluctantly letting go of her hand. It was all he could do not to yell at the doctors for not giving him at least one more minute with her. He saw her slump back, covering her eyes with her free hand. The hand he was holding…

After he finally left the room he walked over to the waiting room. Everyone looked so somber and quiet, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to join them. Then again, misery loves company. It didn’t matter, because at that moment Catherine noticed him. She had a surprised look on her face.
“Greg! You’re okay!”
“Yeah. I’m okay.”
“You know that Warrick-”
“He’s fine. I know. And Sara…”
“You heard, huh?” Catherine draped an arm around him and gave him a sad smile.
“I can’t believe Sara and Grissom lost their baby,” Nick spoke out loud in a tired, sad tone.
“I’m sure that poor baby’s father is beating himself up over it,” Greg’s voice wavered.
“You mean Grissom?”
Greg looked over at Nick, feeling a rush of emotions that he was trying to keep inside, for the benefit of Sara.
“Yeah. Grissom,” he choked out.

Okay, now I’m rooting for Greg! I am so indecisive! This would be one of the pitfalls of being a multi-shipper! *sigh* Now I really don’t know who Sara should be with. Grissom loves Sara, but does she love him back? And now we know that Greg never stopped loving her, and she obviously wanted to tell him something about how she felt…
Next chapter deals with Sara’s POV. Let’s see if things can get any clearer?