Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle

Ahh...omg!! POOR GREG!! I feel soo bad for him!! :( I'm so sad.

Ehh... please be Sandle!! I cant take this kind of suspense anymore!! Greg loves her. She cares about him!! It was Greg's baby!!

Alright, i'll stop. I'm going crazy!!
Okay, I've thought of an ending.
Maybe Sara dies, and Greg and Grissom end up together.


It's new, it's unexpected.

Maybe it's just because I can't stand to pick between Sandle and GSR.
Heh... interesting idea, Lia. I'll keep that in mind.

Chapter 16: The Lapse

Everything about the hospital was depressing. She couldn’t wait to leave.

After Sara was discharged, she felt much better. Although she still couldn’t go back to work - she just wanted to get away from sterile smell and bright, fluorescent lights that reminded her too much of the morgue.

During counseling her therapist reassured her, coaxing her to talk about the loss of her baby. She explained to Sara that miscarriage is not uncommon and approximately 40% of women go through it. Although it happened during her second trimester, it was inevitable. Sara did feel somewhat upset but she surmised that she would get over it, and told her therapist accordingly.

“It’s just that women usually suffer depression after such a terrible experience, and from the emotions you were experiencing during pregnancy…”
“I’ll call you if I feel depressed.”
The therapist let out a small disapproving sigh, but dismissed Sara.

The drive home was nice, partly because of the music and partly because she felt more like herself - before the pregnancy. She didn’t want to go home, so she drove around aimlessly.

Before she knew it, she found herself in front of Greg’s apartment.
“My subconscious has a lousy sense of humor,” she muttered under her breath.
Without a second thought, she turned off the engine and got out. But she was still wondering if she should go inside. Would he welcome her in? After all, he did “break-up” with her after forcing her to choose.
But then again, he seemed so kind and regretful in the hospital.

What if he was just being nice because he felt guilty? Maybe now that I’m better, he’ll tell me to go home.

She gripped the car keys in her hand, and moved ahead. In a minute she was at his door, knocking confidently.
He opened the door, surprised to see her.
“Hey, Greg. I hope I didn’t pick a bad time…”
“No,” he stepped back to let her in, “Come on in.”

She walked inside. His apartment still looked the same. A little messier, but she couldn’t expect him to keep up his clean habits. Besides, it also meant there was no other girl that he was trying to impress with his apartment. This made her feel grateful, then embarrassed because she was still feeling this way.
“How are you?”
She snapped back to attention, and faced him with a smile, “I’m good. Just got back from the… doctor.”
He just stood there awkwardly, not sure of what to do or say.
“How’s it going with you?”
“Good,” he answered quickly, “I have to get spring cleaning done.” He gestured to the debris and the clothes tossed every which way.
“How’s work?”
As soon as she mentioned work, he relaxed, telling her about his odd cases and the latest antics of Hodges or Ecklie.

“.... I cannot believe that! He walked around the whole day with a ‘kick-me’ sign?”
“He never knew, and I got fifty bucks,” Greg was grinning.
She smiled along with him.
“God, I miss work. I really do.”
He tilted his head in a confused manner, “You’ve got time off and you want to go to work?”
“It’s not as nice as it seems. I’m constantly bored at home. Although, bored is better than the alternative.”
She sighed, the smile fading from her face.
Greg looked a little concerned, “What do you mean?”
“He’s devastated over the baby. It’s like what happened is my fault,” she fiddled around with a magazine on his coffee table. He knew who she was referring to.
“Did he say it was your fault?”
“He didn’t have to say it. I can feel it, in his eyes. He looks so miserable. The guilt is driving me insane!” She plopped down against his sofa.
“Why don’t you leave him?” His voice was low.
She almost didn’t catch what he said.
“Greg… we’ve been through this. I can’t-”
“Why not?” He rose from the couch, his eyes blazing. He was serious, and she knew he wasn’t going to take a simple no. He needed an explanation.
“He’s my husband-”
“That’s why they invented divorce.”
“I can’t hurt him Greg-”
“But you’re fine with killing me.”
She was getting agitated, “I still love him!”

He stared at her. It’s as if he was waiting for that. “Okay. I understand. I guess we’ll have to stay friends.”
“I guess so.” She was beginning to regret coming here.
“It’s just hard for things to go back to how they were before… we slept together,” he declared bitterly.
Her breath caught in her throat, “Just so you know, I don’t regret what I did with you.”
“You don’t?”
“I just wish I wasn’t married,” she added, “Greg, you’re funny, you’re sweet, and so smart. When I’m with you, I feel incredible. You make me feel alive. If I met you before I met Gil, I know you would’ve been the guy I wanted to marry.”

He shut his eyes, letting her words echo in his mind.
He got up, walked over to her and deliberately took her hand in his.
“I know that look.”
He gave her a deliciously cruel smile, “You’ve got the same look.”

No matter how many times she berated herself, and no matter how much her common sense argued against it, she couldn’t help herself as she followed him to his bedroom.

How could something so bad feel so good?

Greg and Sara are back together. Which definitely complicates things … especially for next chapter. Grissom’s point of view and things will get intriguing! :D
Alright, i'm like in love with this fic.

Loving the suspense ... I have no idea how I want this to end.
Grissom's POV. :)

Chapter 17: The Discovery

He was handling it one step at a time. It was extremely difficult, and they both knew it.
“Want another glass, Grissom?”
He looked up at Brass, “Sure.”

At the moment, he was over at Brass’ house. He showed up on his front steps surprising the weary detective to no end. Brass wouldn’t dare turn his friend away in his time of need. Although Grissom could tell he wondered why he just showed up.

They were having a conversation and some brandy. He needed someone to talk to, without really spilling his feelings, so he called up Jim Brass. It was a surprise to the detective, but he was glad to let Grissom vent his feelings.
Although so far he was doing more drinking than talking.
“So, you ready to talk about it?”
“About what?”
“You know ‘what.’ Ever since the shooting thing, you’ve been quiet and depressed. Catherine is worried, and I’m sure Sara is worried.”
“Oh. That.”
“Yeah, ‘that.’” Brass gave him an exasperated look.
Grissom shrugged and finished his glass, “There’s nothing much to say.”
“Catherine is so much better at this than I am - maybe I should call her.”
“No,” Grissom reacted to the little ‘threat.’
“I mean… what do you want to know?”
Brass looked satisfied, “I take it you’re avoiding her because she’s still a little upset that you don’t want to talk with her. So I’ll play shrink, how do you feel about it?”
Grissom heaved a sigh, playing with his empty glass. Taking his time before answering.

“Jim, how would you feel if you lost your daughter - before you even knew her?”
Brass winced but nodded sympathetically, “I get it.”
“Sure you do.”
“No I really do. It’s hard losing someone you care about. No matter what.”
He didn’t say anything.
“Have you talked to your wife?”
Grissom’s clueless face said it all.
“I should’ve known. When you get hurt, you shut everyone out. I guess I thought it would’ve been different with Sara.”
“I’m giving her some space. We both need some time to ourselves to handle what happened.”
“Yeah, or maybe it’s just you that needs space.”
Grissom stared at him from the top of his empty glass.
“Sara is taking counseling, and I’m sure if she wants to talk to me, she would say something.”
Brass just shook his head in disbelief.
“First of all, do you even hear yourself? You’re not exactly an approachable guy. Second of all, Sara is very stubborn about these things - even more than you. I’m sure the last thing she’s going to do is talk to you.”
Grissom stayed quiet, thinking about what Brass said.

“What would you… suggest I do?”
Brass had a smile on his face now, “Now if it were me, I’d tell her how much I care about her and how I appreciate her. You should take her out for dinner and dancing. Have some fun in your life. When’s the last time you two were… romantic?”
Grissom gave his friend a look and started to get up, “Thanks Jim, I’ll keep that in mind. I should get going.”
Brass chuckled lightly. “So it’s been a while since you’ve had some heat between the sheets?”
“Yeah, I should definitely get going.”
Grissom placed his glass in the sink and bid his friend farewell.
“Tell me or Catherine how it went,” he called out after Grissom. “Actually, you better just tell me.”

He couldn’t wait to get home, hopefully he would catch her before she goes anywhere. Grissom was finally putting things into perspective. He had to stop feeling sorry about himself and his situation. His happiest moments were when he and Sara dated, so he was determined to capture those moments back. The passion, the excitement, the mystery. Married life was not the end of those wonderful feelings. Not by a long shot. He would work to save his marriage, no matter what.

Just as he was getting in, he caught sight of Sara, looking ready to leave. She had her black jacket and sunglasses ready. She was also transferring some contents of her large purse into a smaller purse.
He felt disappointed. “Are you going out?”
“Yes,” She started for the door, small purse in hand.
“I was hoping we could talk.”
“Is it important?”
He frowned. She had no idea how important it was, but he could use the time she was gone to think about what to say to her.
“I guess not. But come back soon, I really need to talk to you about a few things.”
Sara coughed lightly before replying, “I don’t know when I’ll be back. Besides, you were out for a while, and I didn’t give you the third degree.”
He frowned. Was she trying to pick a fight?
“I wasn’t giving you the third degree.”
“Good. So… bye.”
“Bye. Have fun.”
She left, quickly closing the door behind her.

He sighed and just watched Sara leave. Why did she sound so nervous? If he didn’t know any better, he would think she had something to hide.
But it was no matter. He would try and talk to her as soon as she got back. They would have no reason for any more fights and petty disagreements. For once, he felt like he had control over things and it would all start the moment he tells Sara how much he loves her. Things would work out between them - they had to.

He saw the large, opened purse sitting on the table.
“Hmmm… she forgot to put away her bag.” He walked over intending to put the purse in a closet but accidentally knocked it over, spilling the contents inside. With a wince, he leaned over and tried to put the things back inside.
A folded piece of paper caught his interest. Figuring it was unimportant or work related, he opened it up and glanced at it.
What he read stunned him.

‘Meet me in the park for our usual date. Love, G.’

*gasp* Oh no! Grissom is going to find out! Sara’s two worlds will collide! What will happen next? We’re winding down in this fan fiction…
Arg please tell me that there will be an update soon enough... i am dieing here... i woulda given you support ealier but i just started reading ur story at three in the morning while i was not sleeping.. still haven't gone to bed... meh whatever... anyway just update. PLEASE