Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle

I love it!! I can't wait until you update!! This story is very addicting, so many questions yet to be answered. You're so evil for torturing me Hestia !!

Just kidding!! :D
Dude, i love it! I can practicly marry it. Write more, your killing me!
Agian i love it! Please Write many more chapters.

Keep it up.
I actually have people looking forward to my next chapter? I do not believe it. :D

Chapter 5: The Fight

It was one of those days. He knew what he was getting into when he started it. He married a headstrong woman and he didn’t regret it - most of the time.

He surprised himself when he brought up the baby subject. It was one of the few things he kept to himself, a dream of having children with the woman he loved, trying to make up for lost time. He had so many regrets in his life. Many that involved Sara and not confessing his feelings sooner.

At night, even before he married her, he would dream about his future son… sometimes it was a daughter. Either way he found himself smiling when he woke up.

If he approached it psychologically, his desire for a child, and consequently his dreams of having one, stemmed from the death of his father. His dad died when he was young and he lost an important male figure in his adolescent life. Perhaps he wanted to prove he could be a capable, nurturing father. All the untapped love and grief of losing someone close was hidden away, only recently unleashed when the possibility of having children was very promising.

Besides, Grissom always had a soft spot for children.

As early as he could remember he didn’t mind having kids. He just never found the right woman and his work always got in the way. When he dreamt of his future, he always wanted a good woman by his side and a child who would look up to him.
If he could share his interests with the youngster maybe he wouldn’t feel like all his work and sacrifice amounted to nothing.

When he dreamt about their possible children it was always a similar, if not the same, dream: He was pushing his son (or daughter) on a swing in the park, feeling a warm stirring in his heart as the young child squealed in delight.

Even though it sounded like quite a bit of responsibility on his part, he was sure he could rise to the challenge. Grissom would teach his son everything he needed to know, especially about bugs. His son would be quiet and intelligent. He would be sure of that.
A son would carry on the family name, but he also dreamed of a daughter. A young girl with her mother’s looks, that he could protect. She would look up to him, she would be daddy’s girl, but her stubborn streak and her inquisitive nature would make her independent as well.

Sara tried to come off as a woman who didn’t have a clue as to raising kids, but she didn’t give herself nearly enough credit. He could tell she was the kind of person who would be a fiercely loyal mother. She would be protective and loving.

Whenever Sara asked why, he found it hard to put his feelings into words. He tried so hard to explain his point of view, but he usually ended up telling her she wouldn’t understand and invariably pushing his wife away. He hated himself for doing it but he could be as stubborn as her, and some things just didn’t change.

He walked in spotting Sara asleep on the sofa. She looked so calm and serene. He almost hated to wake her.

“Sara. Honey, wake up. I brought dinner.”

Her eyes fluttered opened.
“Oh. Hey... Gil.” She seemed to pause before she said his name.

He set down the cartons of takeout on the table. Pushing back his thoughts of children aside. He could bring it up later.

“How was your day off?” He asked her softly. He stayed on neutral ground.
“Boring. But I managed to finish unpacking. The house is big.”
He looked up at her. She avoided his gaze and reached for some egg drop soup.
“Well, you know why we have the extra rooms.”
He didn’t mention it. But she caught his drift and kept her head down.
“Yeah, I know.”

They ate in silence. He stared at his wife who looked like she just wanted to finish up and leave. He tried to ignore the tension in the air, but he didn’t want to bring up the topic that would shatter the silence in a way he didn’t care to re-live.

“This tastes different.” She broke the silence.
“I didn’t go to our usual place. I tried the new restaurant a few blocks away.”
She finished up her soup.
“Really? Any gimmick? If they want to stand out from all the other take-out places, they better have Elvis dishing out dim sum.” She smiled.
He relaxed as he continued their light conversation.

“Well, I can’t say I saw Elvis in there, but I do believe their mascot is a dragon that can play some mean slots.” He was glad to see he got a laugh, and he continued.
“Actually, they do sort of have a gimmick. You can special request a fortune in your fortune cookie.”
She raised an eyebrow as she gave him a pensive smile, “Doesn’t that defeat the purpose?”
“Well,” he explained, “You can ask them to write ‘Happy Birthday’ or ‘Happy Graduation’ or ‘Congratulations: it’s a boy.’

As soon as he said the last one he noticed her smile falter. It just slipped out before he could think about it.

“It’s okay.” She reached over for a fortune cookie.
He finished his fried rice and reached for a cookie himself.
“So how was-”
She stopped mid sentence. Her eyes were wide as she read the little paper in her hand.
Grissom looked up, not understanding what was the matter.

“What’s wrong? Did you get a bad fortune?”
“Very funny. I just... I cannot believe you!” She got up and slammed her cookie down and stalked off. He was stunned. Grabbing the remains of the battered treat, he read the cause of her outburst.

‘A small addition to your family will bring much luck and happiness.’

The irony was almost funny.

He tried to think of how this fortune could possibly be blamed on him.
Then he remembered how he told her about their “gimmick.” She must have thought he purposely ordered a fortune that said that.

He cleared everything away, giving her time to cool down.

“Sara? Come down please, we need to talk.”
When she didn’t even respond he decided to brave the trek upstairs. She wasn’t in their room. He walked over to one of the spare bedrooms and found her face down on the bed.
He felt bad, so he walked over to explain himself and to comfort Sara.

“Please, don’t cry.”
“I’m not crying.” Her muffled voice came through. She turned around and it was true. She wasn’t crying. She looked more angry than anything.
“Just stop. I want to tell you this clearly, so read my lips: I’m tired of it. I’ve been thinking about it, and I’m just tired of everything.”

He saw her pull away from him and tuck her legs in while she wrapped her arms around herself. Clear sign of self preservation.

“I know you want kids, and I guess I want kids too, but what we’re doing just isn’t working. If you keep... if you keep pushing me, I’m just not going to do it. I just wont!”
He stared at her. She sounded so unhappy, and it was his fault. He didn’t know what to do about it.
“Sara, I’m sorry.”
“Is that all?”

He was feeling tired and he didn’t want to fight. He thought she would just accept his apology but apparently she was going to make everything difficult.
“I’m sorry you feel this way, but I would think that you’d understand why I want to have children with the woman I love. The woman I married.”

That’s when she started to cry.

“Just so you know,” she kept her voice steady, “These are tears of anger. I know you wanted me to stay here to wait for the results of the fertility doctor, but I didn’t get them yet.”
She got up.
“I’m going to bed, and don’t bother joining me. We‘ve got plenty of other rooms so just pick one.”

With that little threat she left. He was stunned. How could the night have gone so completely wrong?

....How could the marriage have gone so completely wrong?

Kind of sad, huh? But I’m sure sandle people are rooting for this. :lol: I am so glad for the reviews, I am literally grinning! I'll update soon, so stay tuned for the next chapter. It's where Sara and Greg interact! ^_~
GSR GSR GSR!!! lol. GREAT story, I just love it! Dum-Dum-DUMMMMMM - will that fortune cookie come true I wonder? *shifty eyes*

Yay, interaction, can't wait!

And Sara paused before saying Gil's name huh? Maybe cause she was having a dream about Greg?....I'm just putting it out there.

Can't wait for the next chapter!
Yes Grissom and Sara fighting **starts laughing maniacly** LOL

Just saying ... I can't wait, this is a really good fanfic!!
I'm glad people are reading this! Woooooo! And since tomorrow is my birthday... I was hoping I could get reviews as a present. :lol:

Chapter 6: The Conversation

Lovely day for a white wedding…

He clicked the radio off. That’s what he got for not remembering to bring his CD player. He would’ve thrown the radio in the garbage but it belonged to Nick.
Besides, he didn’t have the heart to do much of anything, let alone trash a little portable radio. He had an empty feeling inside... and he did just about everything he could think of to fill it.

Women, alcohol, food, magazines. It was starting to look hopeless.

Catherine had been very supportive throughout the first year. She always asked him how he was doing.
However a certain lab-tech interpreted her gesture as some sort of ‘secret romance’ and now there was a rumor that he was secretly engaged to Catherine.

‘Just great,’ he sighed.

“Hey Cath. How are you?”
She smiled at him as he walked into the break room.
“I’m fine. Considering we’re supposedly engaged to be married. Were you going to tell me anytime soon,” she joked.
“Well, you know how I like surprises,” sarcasm dripping from every word, “Especially when they sprung on me by a brown-nosing trace tech who’s starving for gossip.”

Sara walked in, “Are you talking about Hodges?”
“Who else. So how was your day off?” Catherine moved over so Greg could sit on the couch. He was feeling sleepy. Which he guessed was a result of using his sleep time to try and pick up women. Well, that and he recently started staying up late to play video games.
He was becoming very good at the one person shooter. But he needed to stock up on more games.

“Catherine, can I talk to your for a minute?” Sara asked.
“Umm, sure. See you later Greggo.”
He waved goodbye to Catherine, not catching the look Sara gave the woman when she called him ‘Greggo’.

After dozing off for a few minutes, he was jolted back awake when he rolled off the sofa.
He rubbed his head. “Guess that’s one way to wake up.”

He looked around and realized no one was in the break room. Since Catherine was temporary supervisor of grave yard, he hoped she wouldn’t get mad that he slept on the job. He hurried over to her office, hoping to catch her before she went out on a case.

“... I don’t know what to do.”

He stopped in his tracks. Sara was in Catherine’s office. She sounded upset, and he looked around, hoping no one caught him standing by the door.

“Sara, this is just what couples go through. You know, when I was with Eddie-”
“No. It’s more than just some little disagreement. It’s like I don’t even know him. I think I’m regretting this.”
“Sara. If you have any doubts, you should be talking to Gil, not me.”
“He doesn’t understand.”
“Would you like me to talk to him?”
“I would appreciate it.”
He heard some chairs scrape. He guessed they were getting up.
“You don’t look like you can handle a case. I’ll put you with Greg, and you can work in the lab.”
“Alright. Thanks for listening.”

He scrambled to get to the lab. It was Wendy’s day off and he was manning the test tubes.

As he caught his breath, he thought about what he heard. How was he supposed to feel? Sara was having marital troubles and he was torn. Part of him was sorry for her, after all, she seemed so sad.
But another, deeper part of him couldn’t help but rejoice. She was having second thoughts about Grissom. He decided no matter what, he would be there for her.


After a long day of operating the lab and doing paper work, the two CSIs-turned temporary lab techs, clocked out for the night.

“Hey Sara, are you okay?” He had avoided asking all day. He cracked jokes and told her funny stories in hopes of seeing her laugh. She only smiled twice.
It was brutal.
“I’m okay. Just having a bad day.” She was taking down something in her locker.
If he didn’t know any better he could’ve sworn she was tearing down a picture of Grissom - but he wasn’t sure.

He didn’t know what else to do, he blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
“You wanna get a drink or something? To unwind and relax?”

She closed her locker and stared at him.
For a minute, he almost thought she was going to slap him. He had no right asking out a married woman, even if he meant it as friends.
She thought it over before consenting.
“Yeah. I could use a drink.”

He drove her to a bar he recently discovered a few blocks away from his apartment. He frequented the bar, spilling his troubles to the sympathetic bar tender. Most of them involved Sara and her ring.
He remembered how he tried to flirt with a waitress there but ended up with a cocktail thrown in his face.
Alcohol plus Sara on his mind was not a good combination.

After they each had three beers, he felt relaxed and loose. He looked over at Sara who also looked less stressed out.

The combination of alcohol in his system and what he overheard in the office must have given him the courage to ask her what’s been on his mind for so long.
“So, how’s the married life?” He got the ball rolling.
“Don’t ask.” She sighed and gulped the rest of her beer.

He just waited. Years of talking and spending time around Sara taught him that she would speak when she was ready. He figured he could wait as long as she needed.

“We’ve been fighting lately. And it’s going to get worse.”
‘That was fast.’
Greg tried to reassure her, “You don’t know that things will get worse.”
She looked serious and she pulled a letter out of her purse.
“We’ve been fighting about kids. He wants them as soon as possible and I’m not ready to be a mom.”
He nodded, trying to understand.

“We went to this stupid fertility clinic a few days ago. I got this yesterday.” She opened the letter and handed it to him. He didn’t know if he should read it - the letter was personal and he didn’t want to intrude.

She noticed his hesitation so she summarized, “We can’t have kids. Basically, Grissom’s past his peak and this is just going to drive him over the edge.”
When did Sara start calling her husband by his last name?
“Yeah.” She grabbed the paper and crumpled it up.
“I take it he doesn’t know.”
“I told him I didn’t get it yet, but he’ll figure it out eventually.”
She ordered another beer.

“Sara, I’ve never seen you like this. Getting married is supposed to be a happy, joyful thing, but it looks like it’s drained you,” Greg reached over and tentatively put his hand next to hers.
“It’s only been a year and I hate what you’ve become. I miss the old Sara. You were never this upset. You were independent and you stood up for what you believed in. Sometimes, I wish you never married him.”
She looked surprised and she pulled her hand back.

He realized he was out of line.

“I’m sorry. That came out wrong. I just... forget I said anything.
“No, you’re right.”
She put down her beer, looking sure of herself, “I’ve become this whole different person. I didn’t know being married was like this. Even though I should’ve -”
She stopped and looked around.
“You live a few blocks away, right? I don’t want to pour my heart out in a bar.”

Greg had a feeling where this was going.

“Let’s go to your place and continue the conversation there.”
“That’s not a good idea. I mean, you’ve had too much to drink - I have too. We shouldn’t go to my apartment when we’re both like this.”
She just shook her head, “We’re just going to talk. What’s the harm in a conversation?”

He hesitated and against his better judgment he agreed.
“Alright. I guess there’s no harm in conversation...”

And so the plot thickens! Well, I gotta say the next chapter might get a little ... over PG-13 ish. BUT I promise it won’t be too graphic. Or maybe I should just skip it! I’m not good with ‘intimate scenes’. *sigh*
Since it’s not written yet, you can wait and see what I can do - hopefully it won’t totally fall flat!
Oooh i really like this too. it's really well written. you've done a great job of getting the characters feeling across using their points of view. i can't wait to see what happens next!
Your a really good writer so I think you should try the intimate scene, as you put it, see if you can do it!

Happy Brithday and a great chapter. Go Greggo!