Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle

WoW! wowowowowowow! I love the way you did the "i'm pregnant" revelation too, very well done!!!!

More please! Will Sara realize what she's doing and will Grissom find out about the baby?!

Ah yay! This made me jump for joy, it's like a lil family, I kinda feel sorry for Grissom...................Nearly :lol:
Took me a while for this update, but here you go and thank you for being so patient with me! :D

Chapter 10: The Fantasy

The first time it happened she blamed it on the alcohol.
The second time it happened she could’ve said she was just emotional.
The third time, the fourth time… the fifth and sixth time… well she decided not to come up with any more excuses and just enjoy the time they spent together.

It had become a sort of special thing between them. Sometimes he referred to it as dates. But she liked to call it a rendezvous… it made it seem like some secret fantasy between two lovers - which is what it was. Either way, they both knew what would happen whenever they said it.

The first few times she initiated it. She picked the day and it was always at his apartment. As the days went by, she noticed he grew bolder. Before she knew it, he set the dates and she did not mind the change of dominance.
They learned each others likes and dislikes. She knew his favorite positions. And she had unwittingly revealed her most vulnerable, ticklish spots. She never grew tired of it - every time was like their first time.

Eventually, she spent whole days at his apartment, some days they talked and did things that normal ‘couples’ did. His apartment was their own little world… their haven from the real world - from him. It was her own little excuse. If she didn’t think about him, he didn’t exist.
They joked and laughed, they shared their hopes and fears... A big step in their pseudo-relationship was when she asked him if she could wear his shirt.
“Of course you can. As long as you don’t wear anything else under it,” she remembered Greg saying.
After a while she started leaving some of her clothes at his apartment “just in case”.

She definitely looked forward to their little “date-rendezvous.”


“Hey, I was wondering about something.”

It was a lazy afternoon, one of those rare days where they both had the day off. Sara was laying on his sofa, her bare legs dangling of the side of the sofa. She was wearing the shirt he loved, and she grew fond of it as well.
“Yeah?” he replied.
Greg was sitting on the floor his head resting on her stomach and his eyes closed. She had to think it out, making sure to phrase her request in a way he would accept. She knew his soft spots, she was tracing slow circles on his shoulder and chest, taking her time before she answered.
“Do you… ummm… maybe…”
His eyes opened. She was stalling and it was obvious.
“What?” He looked concerned.
“Do you want to go out today?”
There. She finally said it. Now she waited for his reaction. He didn’t look upset… but he didn’t look excited either. He was just confused.
“Did you say… you want to go out? With me?”
“Yes,” she asserted. “Unless you don’t think it’s a good idea.”
Now he looked hesitant. Why was he so hesitant? She thought he would surely jump at the idea of going out on a real date.
“Depends - will I get lucky?” He was making light of the situation.
“I’m serious.”

She sat up, trying to explain.
“I want to go out and do something before I start showing. You know… I won’t want to go out when I look so obviously pregnant.”
Now he looked uncomfortable… even sad. She didn’t understand. Why was he acting like this? Was it the money? They could just as easily go to a park or something…
“I don’t think it’s a good idea.”
“Why not? We should go out and do something fun.”
“Well, you wouldn’t want your husband to see you out with another man,” he replied dryly.
Her face fell. She felt so stupid. How could she forget? She was so caught up in their little fantasy, she almost believed they were really a couple. Going out was something that couples did - they weren’t a couple. The reality hit her hard.

“I guess I burst your bubble. Sorry.”
He didn’t sound that sorry. He didn’t look as upset as she felt.
“No. I shouldn’t have said anything.” She got up and grabbed her clothes.
“Sara… I’m sorry about it.”
She just locked herself in his bathroom and tossed on her clothes. Everything was different now. She knew she shouldn’t be angry at him - after all, he was telling the truth - but common sense flew out the door and her hard-head kept her from apologizing.

Ten minutes later, she emerged fully dressed.
“I should go.”
He looked hurt, but she didn‘t care. As she walked downstairs she felt a small sob surface. Choking it down she walked to her car, painfully aware that Greg did nothing to stop her.

After two days of moping around - which everyone attributed to hormones - she stopped by his apartment, but she was too proud to go in.
‘More like too scared.’
The voice always had a tendency to speak up when it wasn’t wanted.

She missed him and she was hoping that he missed her…
After she got home, she called out to Gil. He wasn’t home. Good.

She used her phone for extra precaution. He didn’t know about them and she wanted to keep it that way.
It rang once… twice… three times…
“Hi, Greg.” She decided she might as well get it over with.
“I’m sorry about what happened. I didn’t mean to just storm out. You were right, and I should’ve listened.”
She could’ve sworn he took a deep breath. She was about to say something else when he responded.
“Sara, the past few weeks have been amazing. I… know you might not feel the same, but I have to tell you that I care about you… a lot. I just wish I was enough.”
“I don’t understand-”
“Please, just let me finish. If you care about your husband we shouldn’t be doing this. He doesn’t deserve to be lied to. If you and I are ever going to have any kind of relationship you need to tell him the truth. If you care about me, you should know that I don’t want to sneak around. I want you Sara… not just for sex. I love our conversations, the fun times that made me believe… we were a couple. I want a real relationship. I don’t want to be the other man.”

What was she supposed to say to that?

He asked the question that begged to be asked…
“So, who do you choose? Me or him?”
“Greg. You can’t just expect me to make a decision after springing your ultimatum on me! I still… care about Gil. He was the man I was chasing for so long. I don’t want to hurt him. And in some way I still care about him.” She tried to explain.
If only he could see her point of view!
“I guess you made your decision…”
“No, wait! I have feelings for you too. They confuse me and I wish it were easy. But I guess love isn’t easy.”
Her voice grew soft, “Greg I care about you so much; you’re the father of my baby,” She sniffled a little. She was trying not to cry.
“So you just care because I’m the father…”
“It’s more than that! Don’t do this… Sometimes I wish it was you who I married. Not him! We get along so well, I almost think we are married ... And it’s so wonderful…”
He didn’t say anything.
“But when I look into his eyes, I just can’t… I can’t leave him.”
She started to cry. Why did she let him hurt her like this?
“I’ll bring your clothes to you tomorrow. Good-bye Sara.”
“Greg, this isn’t fair! Please-”

He already hung up.

She flung herself on the bed, crying bitter tears of regret and heart break. Why would he do this to her? As she asked herself this, she knew in her heart of hearts that it wasn’t fair to lead him on. It wasn’t fair to them and it wasn’t fair to Gil.

But it didn’t hurt any less.

This couldn’t be a triangle without the ultimatum! Now who shall Sara choose? It won’t be in the next chapter, because (as you may have noticed) I follow a little pattern. First Sara’s perspective, then Grissom’s, then Greg’s. So looks like Grissom is up next chapter. ;)
Eeeek, excited. <3

I wouldn't be able to leave Grissom either, that sexy old man <3

Uh yeah.
Oh hollie, I made you cry? And Lia you're the reason I made the ending of this chapter a bit more GSR friendly. But just a bit. :D Thanks for the encouragement and I'll try and update even sooner! :)

Chapter 11: The Reality

Post partum depression… no it happens after giving birth.
Depression… during pregnancy. Oh. It does exist.
Hmmm, common risk factors: fertility treatments? No.
Personal or family history? Probably not.
Relationship difficulties? Errr, let’s skip that.
Past history of abuse and stressful life events? Well, that sounds about right.

After months of seeing his wife low-spirited and downtrodden, he determined that she was going through something beyond his control. At first, he thought it was hormonal - he didn’t realize it could be stress-related.

He was looking up her symptoms in some medical and pregnancy books he bought specifically for their little ‘bundle of joy.’
If only some of his joy would rub off on her.
Sara was four months pregnant and she wasn’t as big as she should be. In fact she barely gained any weight - five pounds at most. So Grissom resolved to take her to the doctor for a check-up. Although he felt more like he was dragging a child for a shot.

“I already had myself checked out last month.”
“You’re a little too thin Sara.”
She frowned at him. “Excuse me for not being a big, blubbery whale!”
He grimaced, “I’m not trying to fight. I just worry about your health and the health of the baby.”

“Is she on a diet?” the doctor asked, reviewing Sara’s file. They were having a private conversation after she left the room.
“Well, she is a vegetarian,” he responded.
“I don’t think that matters much. She can take supplements; most soy products have the nutrients found in meat. Does she eat three balanced meals?” The doctor clarified.
“I’m sure she does.”
Although he didn’t monitor her all the time. She spent a good amount of time either working or sleeping.
“At least I think she does…” He amended.
“Well some women don’t like to gain all that baby weight so they go on a diet. She’s a bit underweight for a woman who is beginning her second trimester.”
He nodded, “Alright. I’ll talk to her.”
“I hope so. If she doesn’t improve by our next appointment I’ll stick a needle in her and feed her nutrients that way.”
Grissom smiled a little, not sure of the doctor was joking or not.
“I appreciate it. Thank you.”
“Actually, maybe you can bring her back in. I’d like to talk to her alone.”
“Alright,” he walked outside, spotting his wife sitting on a nearby chair. She looked ready to leave.

“The doctor would like to speak to you in private.”
“I cannot believe this! I’m not a child. I’m perfectly fine. Just a little nauseous and all the other ‘wonderful’ symptoms that accompany pregnancy.”
She wasn’t going to win this time. Before she could protest any further he grabbed her wrist and dragged her inside.
“She’s all yours, doctor.”
Grissom walked out, making sure to stay close by. He was within earshot and could barely make out some of the conversation.

‘I wonder what she’s telling Sara…?’

“Now, I just want to see if any of these things apply, Mrs. Grissom. You’re husband confirmed that on more than one occasion you have exhibited signs of extreme irritability, anxiety, and even excessive crying.”
“Mood swings,” She replied tersely.
Sara was leaning against the wall while sitting on the examination table, she tried not to show how much she disliked being questioned.

“Maybe. But tell me, and please be honest, do you have trouble sleeping? Or perhaps you sleep more than usual?”
“I guess the second one. But I deserve it. I used to pull all-nighters for my job.”
“Mm-hmm. And your fatigue doesn’t worry you? What about your loss of appetite? Are you trying to watch your weight or-?“
Sara interrupted, setting the doctor straight.
“I’m just not hungry. I guess I’m too tired or too nauseous. I drink water. That’s something.”
The doctor scribbled something down.
“Well, do you ever feel inappropriate guilt? How about feelings of worthlessness or hopelessness?”
Sara’s eyes widened and the doctor saw that she hit the nail on the head.

“Aha. I see that’s a yes.”
“No!” She blurted out. “I mean, I… not really.”
“May I suggest you face these problems. Talk it over with your husband and try and find a solution. Otherwise I’ll assign you a dietitian.”
“I don’t need one,” she responded stubbornly.
“Not up to you. I’m sending you to a good friend of mine. And you previously received counseling, correct? I’m sure it would do you some good, Sara.”
She looked away, scowling.
“Come on. You have such a nice smile. No need to get mad. Now, I’ll see you in a few weeks. Good-bye Mrs. Grissom.”
Sara jumped off and walked out quickly.
“What did she say?”
“Apparently, I need a dietitian and counseling.”
He nodded.
“Let’s go, please.” Sara’s voice was detached and distant.

In the car, Grissom made his plea.
“Sara, let me help you. I don’t know how we’ve gotten to this point, but I want to do something. Please, tell me what’s bothering you - tell me what I can do.”
She turned to him, eyes shining. But she blinked away the moisture and sighed.
“I just need some time. I’ll be fine. Don’t worry about me.”

It was some sort of belated karma. After years of keeping Sara at arm’s length he should’ve known better than to expect smooth sailing. She was pretending everything was fine, when it wasn’t. He realized how terrible it felt to be pushed away.

After he started the car he turned to her, hoping for some sort of sign that things were okay between them.
She looked at him and kissed him. On the cheek.
On the drive home, he couldn’t interpret what just happened. It was a quick second, but it drove him crazy. He didn’t know if it was a good sign or a bad sign.

Pregnancy troubles. And let me tell you, it will get worse from here. “Impending death” kind of worse. I didn’t know I had it in me to be so dramatic and depressing! :eek: Oh the shama! :D
SHAMA!!!! I love Shama so much! And you write it so well!!! MORE PLEASE! Awww, I actually feel sorry for Greg - but GSR should just win lol

An actual crime scene! And it's Greg's POV. Hope you all like it, and thanks for the encouragement so far! :)

Chapter 12: The Case

It was a warm night that brought back nice memories of the outdoors: picnics, fireflies, cool dips in the beach.

He missed that - more than usual since he was at stuck inside, doing lab work.
Wendy was taking too many days off, but he figured it was just one less person to face, that he broke up with.

Why doesn’t Sara follow her example? She’s got a few months left until she gives birth.
He didn’t bother too mask his petulance when she entered the lab.
“I need you to find a match on these swabs.”
“Got anything to compare it to?”
“Yeah,” she handed his some sealed baggies, “Condoms from two brothers and here’s the hairbrushes from the girlfriends.”
“I’ll see what I can do,” He took them and was about to start. He was aware that she was still standing there.
“Anything else?”
She seemed a little embarrassed. Either that or confused.
“No… umm… thanks.” She left


After a few hours he got two matches. He kept working on the other samples when Warrick rushed in.
“You got my bloody print?”
“Huh? Yeah,” he slid over to his other work in progress. “Just about.”
“I need it ASAP.”
Greg gave him a look, “What’s the rush?”
“We need something to hold that ex-con.”
“You don’t think he still did it…?”
“There’s a lot of evidence pointing his way,” Warrick grimaced.
“If Grissom was here, he’d say follow the evidence and don’t jump to conclusions.”
“Since when do you channel Grissom? Especially after the Sara thing.”
Greg glared at him, “That’s low. Maybe the print won’t be done after all.”

Before Warrick could counter, his cell went off.
“Brown… Yeah, I‘m in the lab right now - what?”
Greg looked on in interest as Warrick grew agitated, “No… how many bodies? Damn…. Yeah, I’ll be right over.” He hung up and Greg immediately asked what was up.
“Apparently, my hunch was right. Ex-con got some of his buddies out of jail and they tried a heist. When things went sour, they blasted away a few hostages then turned the gun on themselves,” Warrick started to leave, Greg close behind.
“What are you doing?” Warrick stopped the younger CSI.
“Judging by your call, you’re gonna need all the investigators you can get.” Greg was ready for some action.
“Besides, I only have one other test going, and I’ll just collect some samples and get back in time to finish the printout.”
“Fine, I‘m driving.” Warrick led the way.

As soon as they arrived he was overwhelmed by the smell of blood in the air.
“Warrick. I see you brought Sanders,” Brass regarded the two men.
“He insisted.”
Greg gave a shrug, but they couldn’t object. He was an official CSI and they needed him.
“We got nine civilians and three shooters. Total of twelve bodies. Catherine and Nick are arriving shortly.”
Warrick entered the cleared bank.
“Tellers and innocent people,” He just shook his head, and started to photograph the scene.
Greg got his kit ready and started to walk behind the bank tellers. Looking around, he
spotted something small and dark laying under a desk. When he bent over, he realized it was gun and he reached over to pick it up.

The female voice startled him, and he unceremoniously banged his head on the corner of the desk.
“Oww…” he got up and frowned at the familiar voice.
“A little warning next time, Sara.”
The brunette gave him a half-smile and snatched the gun with her gloved hand.
“You okay?”
“Yeah. What are you doing here?”
“I should ask you the same thing. Weren’t you supposed to run my swabs?” She bagged the gun.
“All hands on board. Twelve bodies and all this evidence. I was just going to be a while.” He rubbed his head a little, “Aren’t you expecting? I mean, I can’t believe you can still do field work.”
She gave him an irritated look, “Seeing as how there’s nothing impeding my ability to do collect evidence, I can keep working cases. And as you stated - all CSIs are needed on the scene.”
He shrugged, “Fair enough.”

Warrick butted in, “Sara? I didn’t know you got here. Why are you two arguing?”
Greg answered quickly, “No argument here. I have to check… something else.”
He didn’t want to get into anything with Warrick or Sara, so he picked a corner and got what he could.

Greg just wanted to get through this night with nothing bad happening…

Famous last words? Maybe. I just had to say that last part! Now you all know what’s going to happen… something bad! How awful of me! :lol: