Fanfic: A Grissom/Sara/Greg Triangle

Without further ado, here is the... sandles part of the story. Hope the GSR fans don't leave! :lol:

Chapter 7: The Seduction

She entered his apartment and the first thing she noticed was that it was clean. She didn’t picture him being a neat-freak. Then she thought maybe he cleaned it for something special… worse yet, someone special.

“You weren’t expecting someone, were you?”
He closed the door behind her and grabbed himself a cup of cold water.
“Are you jealous?”
“I’m just asking,” She said hurriedly.
He shrugged, “Not really. I had a date here about a week ago, and I guess I was just too tired to make a mess in the last few days.”

She bit her lip nervously and sat down on his couch. Jealousy? No way. She was not jealous… but the more she tried to convince herself she wasn’t jealous, the more her stomach started to twist into knots. Why was she acting like this?

He drank some water and suddenly her mouth felt dry. She wasn’t necessarily thirsty, although little beads of sweat were running on the back of her neck. Since when was she uncomfortable around her friend?

‘He’s just your friend? Are you sure about that?’
Now she was hearing voices in her head? What an evening it was turning out to be…

Sara took a deep breath and calmed down. She shouldn’t be feeling this way. They were two adults, and they could carry an adult conversation.
‘You could do other adult things…you want to do other adult things.’
There was that pesky voice again.
“Leave me alone,” she mumbled.
“What?” A new voice broke in and he sounded confused.

She cursed to herself as she realized Greg heard her.
“Ummm, can I have a glass of water?”
“Sure. I should‘ve offered.”
He hurried to his kitchen and handed her a cool glass of water. She could’ve sworn she felt a spark when their fingers touched.

“Do you date a lot, Greg?”
Why did she even bring that up? She had no business asking about his dating life. She had no reason to care. But still, her stomach was twisting around, waiting for his response.

“I go out when I can. Lately I’ve been focused on the cases. You know how it is.”
He took a seat on the opposite end of the couch.
She moved over closer to him. They sat mere inches away.

“Greg.” Her voice was low.
“What?” He sounded hoarse and tense.
“Do you have any regrets?” She stared at him, speaking before thinking.
“Doesn’t everyone?” He cleared his throat and gulped down the rest of his water.
“I do…” She looked down for a moment then grabbed one of his hands.
“That time, when you asked me out… for a break. I should’ve said yes.”
“Greg, I know you want me. I can see it in your eyes.”
“Sara,” he tried again.

But before he could say anything more, she was on top of him. Her lips crashed down on his, sliding her tongue past his lips and deepening the kiss. He didn’t do anything until her hand reached for his zipper. That’s when he weakly pushed her off him.
“Sara,” he gasped, “We can’t do this. You’re married and… you’re drunk!”
She pursed her lips, “Do you want me?”
“Not like this! You’re not thinking and neither am I!”
“Actually, my head has never been more clear.” She took the chance to take off her shirt and shoes. “Do you want to take it into the bedroom?”
“We can't-”
“Last chance.” She got up and gave him an intense, lustful stare that he obeyed.

He followed her to his room, hands all over her.
She was giggling and kissing him, feeling a burning desire that she hadn’t experienced in quite some time.
She wrapped her arms around him and planted kisses along his neck, enjoying his shivering reaction. His breath seemed to catch in his throat as he fumbled around and tried to take off his clothes. She grinned at him.
He looked so cute.

Grabbing his collar she pulled him onto his bed, and he ripped off her clothes in a heated frenzy.
He would probably think it meant nothing to her. After all, she could claim she had one two many drinks and that would be the end of it. But unlike Mr. Sanders, she could hold her liquor quite well and she was aware of what she did and everything around her.

Every one of her five senses were completely conscious of everything around her. The sweat, the sheets, the moans. In the end, passion took control and her senses just exploded in pure, blissful heat.


As she woke up the next morning Sara was acutely aware that she was not in her bed. She was not even in her house.
She looked at the light that stirred her awake, it was coming from a window. A crashing realization hit her and she knew where she was.
Turning around to see the mop of brown, messy hair beside her confirmed her suspicions.

She just slept with Greg.

Sara felt awful. How could she knowing do this while she was married?
As she slowly got out from the tangled sheets, she picked up the clothes that were tossed here and there.
She grimaced as she looked at the torn blouse and the tattered bra.
He was really strong… she quivered slightly.

Looking at the sleeping form of the younger man, she decided that all the stress and gloominess of the last few months spurred her to do this. She figured it was some kind of subconscious rebellion and she needed the passion that had been lacking in her marriage. She was sorry to leave him like this. But she grabbed one of his shirts and bid a hasty retreat.

‘Is that all he was? Just a one night stand?’
The voice was back and she was not happy.
‘He really cared about you, but you used him for your own selfish needs.’
“Shut up,” she grumbled. She looked around in her purse and came up with some crumpled bills, some change and some mints.
‘You just left him - without an explanation.’

He would understand. Greg had to understand. It was in the heat of the moment and she swore it wouldn’t happen again. He wouldn’t hate her, and if she hoped hard enough, he might forget it and chalk it up to one hell of a dream.

Sara summoned a taxi and tried to get him to take her as close to her house as he could without pulling up in front of it.
‘You’re lying…’
“I’m not lying. Maybe he will think it’s a dream. And if he doesn’t I’ll just blame the alcohol.”
‘No… you’re lying about the other thing.’
“What other thing?”
‘It won’t happen again…’

She must’ve looked crazy as she argued quietly with herself. But she looked even worse when she realized the voice was winning.

Oh My God.
That was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to write. And yes, I had to write it… just to prove that I could do it. Sort of. :rolleyes: The intimate scene was just awful! As I wrote it all I thought was that it was embarrassing and kind of vague. My face is red, and I don’t think I’ll be writing another scene like that again… I'm such a prude!
I guess that’s why a Virgin Goddess of the Hearth should not try and write smut!
Hey, don't worry, the intimate scene was REALLY good. I can't write them well without being extremely vague or disgustingly vivid, ahaha.

It was great, don't put yourself down, ya did real well!! Great chapter too!!! Awww, poor Greg - n Sara talking to herself - :lol:

More soon plz!!

It was really good well done, knew ya could do it and ya did it real well!

Loved that chapter poor Greg, he must be heart broken, I really like the ending, it makes you want more, hint hint :lol:
Wow I loved it!! The intimate scence was really good do hound yourself so much.

I feel bad for Greg though .. poor guy. I hope Grissom doesn't find out, but you know he will.
I just want to thank you all for your kind words. Especially after the last chapter. :lol: Well, now we see things from Grissom’s perspective. Should be good, but this story won’t be over yet. :D

Chapter 8: The Surprise

He heard her slip inside and felt like a father who was busting her daughter for breaking curfew. It didn’t help that as soon as she caught sight of him she looked every bit like the 'guilty teenager'.

“Where were you last night?”
She walked inside, clutching her purse tightly. He could tell that she was guilty, but as of yet, he didn’t know why.
“I didn’t know you were awake at this time.”
He frowned as she made her way up the stairs.
“You’re avoiding the question.”

Grissom didn’t let her pass, and she looked at him with regret and sadness.

“I was... at a bar with Catherine and I lost track of time. I‘m sorry. I should’ve called.”
“You were out all night with Catherine?” He wanted to make sure.
“Yeah. We talked about a few things.”

He was surprised when she turned to him and gave him a small hug.

“I shouldn’t have blown up at you before. I’m sorry about... everything.”
He stared at her, trying to decide if he should accept what she told him, or ask a few more questions. She looked bleary eyed and her hair was disheveled, so he just let it go and he gave her small smile.
“Alright. I’m sorry too. About everything.”
“You shouldn’t have to be.” He watched her walk to the bathroom.

In the days that followed, he barely saw Sara. Their recent schedules allowed him to stay at home, but she spent more time at the lab.

He decided it would be a nice surprise if he went to see Sara at the lab. Grissom drove to the lab, making sure to stop by Sara’s favorite deli; they had a large vegetarian option. It would be a nice change of pace to eat lunch together.

Judy greeted her warmly and directed him to the break room. Sara was supposed to be there, but when he walked by, he found the room empty.

Grissom walked over to his old office, which was now Catherine’s office.
She was doing some supervisor paper work that had always annoyed him to no end. He always knew she could handle the job.

“How are things, Catherine.”
She looked up at the sound of his voice, “Gil! I didn’t know you were stopping by.”
“I’m here to see Sara.”
“Well funny you should say that,” Catherine pushed back her chair, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you about Sara.”
So her chat with Catherine was probably about him, and by the look on her face, she knew about their little spats.
“I don’t have a lot of time,” He was trying to back out.
“It will only take a minute. Just hear me out.” She got up and grabbed his arm. He didn’t know how she got her way, but she almost always did.
“Gil, what’s wrong? You can’t possibly be fighting so early in the marriage. It’s only been a year.”
He put down the bag. It was not going to be a brief chat.
“It’s a disagreement between adults. I don’t think it’s any business of yours.”
“Ouch,” she put a hand to her chest, “You got me. But here’s what I see: a guy on the defensive who can’t explain why he’s making his wife miserable.”
“Sara is not miserable,” he tried to argue.
“Of course not. That’s why she was almost in tears when she asked for my help.”
“In tears?”
“Almost… she was more angry than anything,” Catherine shifted in her chair and gave him an almost sympathetic look.
“I’m not saying you’re wrong. I just think marriage works best on compromise. You want children, but Sara’s not ready. Can’t you two put aside your stubbornness and think of some common middle ground?”
“I don’t think you understand-” He was finding himself in a confusing situation. His friend made sense but he had to make his point heard.
“Now that’s what Sara said. If you don’t think I understand, why don’t you explain it to me?” She gave him a challenging look.

He realized she wasn’t going to let him leave until he gave her some kind of answer, so he tried to simplify it as best as he could.
“I want someone to be there for me. I want to be able to have a child before I die.”
“Now I can understand that. But Gil, you have to understand that she can be there for you. She married you for a reason. But if you keep forcing her to do something she’s not up for, she’ll just grow to resent you, and you’ll both be left with bitter feelings. I know you don’t want that.”
He sighed as he accepted the advice, “No, I don’t want that.”
“I know you too long to expect you to give up this idea. But just try not to obsess over it. You can’t control her, Gil. If you keep it up, someday it might come back to haunt you.”
He nodded as he realized the truth in her words. She spoke as a friend who didn’t want to see him get hurt, and for that he was grateful.
“Thank you Catherine. I have to go now.”
“Think about what I said.”
“I will.”
He was at the door when she added, “You could always adopt.”
Grissom just smiled and left the office. Despite his knack for attracting unrelenting, determined women, he was glad they were in his life.

“Hey! Long time no see, boss.”
“Hello Hodges.” The lab tech didn’t seem to change much. Although now he was buttering up Catherine, he still spread the occasional rumor or two.
“Are you here to see Sara?”
“As a matter of fact I am.”
“Well, I can tell you she’s not with Greg Sanders.”
He just raised his eyebrow as he stared at the trace technician.
“Well, thanks for the help.” He started to leave but Hodges followed. Like a lap dog following it’s owner.
“It’s just that Sara has been acting weird lately and she avoids Sanders all the time.”
“Maybe it’s just a coincidence.”
“Nope. He was looking for her and she practically hid in the restroom for half an hour!”
“Sounds interesting, but I have to go,” he brushed him off.
“Stop by any time, boss.”
“You do realize that I’m not your boss. And don‘t you have work to do?”
Hodges looked a little shamefaced and hurried back to his microscope.

He walked around the halls, spotting Warrick, Nick, Ecklie and even Greg. He saw just about everyone except for Sara. After a while he gave up and left her a message with Judy. He drove home bothered by what Catherine (and even what Hodges) told him

Some light writing and reading kept him busy while he waited for Sara to come home. He slept for a while and woke up when he heard her footsteps on the living room. It was like deja-vu. He strode downstairs and spotted her making some tea.
“Hey Sara. How was your day?”
“Not so good actually. I’m feeling a little sick.”
Concern immediately overtook him. He joined her at the stove.
“Are you okay?” He reached out to feel her forehead.
“I think so. But I have to do something,” Sara was shaking ever so slightly; sweat drops clear on her face.

Watching her head into the bathroom he thought about what could possibly be wrong with her.
“Oh my God!” Her voice echoed from inside.
“What’s wrong?” He hurried to the bathroom and found the door unlocked. When he threw it open he saw her leaning against the sink - clutching something very familiar.

“I’m pregnant.”

Hope you guys didn’t see that one coming! Well, you might have. If so, I’m a lousy writer! :rolleyes: And now the question that begs to be asked: who’s baby is it? (BTW this is a trick question. If you paid close attention to chapter 6, the answer should be clear. ;))
Greggo's going to be a daddy, ah bless that baby, it will have crazy hair! :lol: Well it depends on what Sara does... brilliant chapter!
Oh, my loyal reviewers! you make me so happy and not-regretful about what I've written! This chapter is Greg's POV. Hope you like it. :cool:

Chapter 9: The Realization

He kept an eye out for her the day after their ‘fateful night’. He tried coming in early but she was never there. He looked for her during break but it was like she wasn’t even in the building. After the first week, he just stopped trying.
He could tell she was avoiding him, so he didn’t bother looking for her. She obviously didn’t want to talk. She used him and tossed him aside like garbage.
God, it made him depressed…

“Hey Sanders. What’s got you down today; did you finally check your outfit in the mirror?”
“Shut up Hodges.”
“Well someone is in a foul mood.”
“How about you give me what I came for, and get back to flirting with Catherine.”
That comment made the sarcastic lab tech grimace, “What you call flirting I call respect for the boss.”
“Well I don’t care if it’s flirting or flattery, it’s still obvious to everyone. I wouldn’t be surprised if a new rumor popped up about you and Catherine.”
Hodges finally gave him the results and Greg was glad to be on his way.

Now he found herself in the morgue. The cool walls and dark atmosphere did much to calm him down, and he needed a place to calm down. He was angry, baffled, and all around disappointed.
“Hey, is someone in here?”
Startled, he turned around and spotted the medical examiner.
“Hey doc. It’s just me.”
“I was expecting someone else, Greg. Were you hiding from someone?” The kindly older man walked towards him, files in hand.
“I guess I was just feeling a little off. I wanted a place to sit and think.”
“That’s understandable. We all feel like that sometimes.”
“So, who were you expecting?” He shifted the focus from himself, feeling embarrassed under the doctor’s concerned gaze.
“I think I see her now.” He looked up, Greg followed his gaze.
“Sara,” he croaked.

“I’m here to see the contusion...” she caught sight of him.
Her expression turned from shock to dread to shame, all in mere seconds.

She looked so pathetic… he just glared at her, not bothering to mask the hurt and betrayal he carried for the last couple of days.
Oblivious to the nerve-racking moment between the two, Doc Robbins explained his findings but Sara’s eyes were on Greg.
He had to get away from her stare. Her terrible, haunting stare.

“I have to go.”
Greg practically ran out of the morgue. Doc Robbins turned to Sara, hoping she knew something about Greg’s odd behavior. But she had already followed him - leaving a very confused coroner.

“Greg, wait! Please!”
Why did she follow him? He was at his car, hurriedly looking for his keys.
She ran up and grabbed the door handle.
“Greg, we need to talk.”
“You didn’t want to talk two weeks ago after what happened.” He refused to forgive her, and he just wanted to leave. He was pulling the door closed, but she had a strong grip.
“I’m so sorry,”
He didn’t even try to listen. He just kept reliving the ‘stab in the back’ … how she left him without a word. As if it never happened.
“Yeah, well, I’m sorry it ever happened!” He sat in the drivers seat. With one hand he stuck his key in the ignition, his other hand was busy trying to close the door. He had to admit she was strong. Why was she so persistent?
“Can’t you just hear me out? I was stupid. I know that. I shouldn’t have left you… I shouldn’t have done such a horrible thing to someone I care about!” She practically cried.
That was enough.
“If you don’t let go, I’m driving away - with or without you attached.” he threatened.
She just stared at him, almost as if she didn’t believe him. He didn’t even believe himself. “Please… please just listen…”
He started revving the engine.
“Let go!” he shouted above the engine.
“No! Not until you listen!”
“Greg, I‘m pregnant.”

He let go of the door. She stumbled back, falling from the lack of force on his end.
Just when he thought he wouldn’t be drawn in… she always knew how to surprise him. But was the baby his?
He looked at the fallen woman. She just lay there, like a pale rag doll. She looked so weak and helpless. He couldn’t leave her - he would never leave her. No matter what he told himself.

Kneeling beside her, he grabbed her hand in a firm grip.
“Are you okay?”
She turned over, crying as she wrapped her arms around him. He held her tightly, sobs wracking through her body.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry...” She whispered through muffled cries.
“It’s okay. Calm down Sara.” He was stroking her hair softly, just whispering that everything was going to be okay.
He was hoping to convince her and himself.


It happened again. He didn’t know why or even what led up to it, but there they were - in his bed.

He looked around noticing her clothes were not ripped up and laying around. At least he remembered to go slow and be more careful. Turning to the soft, warm body next to his, he felt a strange rousing in his heart.
She was sleeping and she had a smile on her face.

As soon as he laid back down, he felt her stirring.
‘Here we go. The day after and she’ll realize what just happened… let’s see how long it takes for her to run this time.’
Quickly, he closed his eyes, trying to look asleep. He was surprised that she didn’t jump out of bed. In fact she moved closer to him, practically hovering over him.
When he felt her hand caressing his face, his eyes shot open. She immediately drew back her hand
Neither of them said a word. Greg had to say something.
“You’re still here.”
He didn’t know what else to say. Somehow he figured “good morning” would just be too weird - even for him. But then again, their situation wasn’t exactly 'normal.'

“You wanna get some breakfast?” She spoke up.
That caught him off guard. It was almost to surreal. Then he got an idea. He reached out slowly, his hand close to her bare shoulder. She looked at him, her eyes alternating between him and his hand.

Surprise graced her features.
“Oww! Why did you pinch me?” She cried out.
“I wanted to make sure it wasn’t dream.” he practically smiled. It was partially true… plus he finally got even for her disappearance the first time around.
He watched Sara rub her shoulder. A small, pink mark forming on her pale skin.
“You normally pinch yourself when you want to see if it’s a dream!” She informed him.
“Yeah well, I wanted to make sure you were real.”
That got her. He didn’t have to elaborate - he could see the embarrassment and the self-consciousness in her demeanor.
“So... I guess we’ll be staying in for breakfast.” she replied shyly.
He wholeheartedly agreed.

A little humor at the end of this chapter to balance the angsty beginning. So this chapter was not as bad, right? I hope so! So far, it looks like quite a triangle. :devil:
I LOVE the way you presented the whole "I'm pregnant" thing. That would stop me in my tracks, too. :lol:

But anyway, you're suuuuch a good writer.