I liked it. I mean, were some things slightly OOC for some characters? Yes, but I don't think that it made that big of a difference.
Look at Catherine. She was getting ambushed from all sides (Greg making a huge deal out of having to leave the scene, a high profile case, Ecklie on her back around every corner, Riley's report about her, someone [Hodges] opening their mouth, etc.). It's hard to be hit from every corner, and there's only so much people can take. I don't care who you are, there's a point when people start snapping and saying things they don't mean (trust me: I'm the most level headed, laid back person, and it takes a lot for me to start snapping but when I do, look out :lol

. There will be apologies, and I think Nicky's promotion was her way of apologizing to him. The words weren't there, but you could tell that she felt terrible for treating him the way she did and needed to let him know that she couldn't do the job without him. Did anyone else catch that brief little "Yeah, right!" look Marg gave when George was like "Love you too, Cath." Love that woman. :lol:
I'm liking Ray so far this season (actually didn't mind him last either). Yeah, he had a lot of scenes but it wasn't overkill. He was kinda....there, not taking charge, letting people do things. I liked his line about not being bothered by the shooting and that was bothering him. I can understand the reasoning there. Like there's been things that I've done where I know I just feel bad but it was justified, and that eats at you for awhile. Or, in CSITime, it will bug him for that one line.
I'll be the first to admit that I'm not a huge Sara fan. Sorry, but she's always rubbed me the wrong way. However, she was tolerable here. I wish they would have shown the reactions of Catherine and Nick after Sara appeared, and I wish that they would have had Greg walking up in the foreground so we could have seen Ray meeting Sara instead of vice versa. I didn't even mind the scenes with her and Catherine. Someone needed to give Catherine a kick in the butt to let her know that she's a good leader despite what Riley had to say. I'm whatever about all the GSR/marriage stuff, so I'll refrain from making comments about that.
Speaking of Riley, though, that totally came out of left field. I can't think of one thing last season that justified the comments she made in her report. I thought Cath did a good job in keeping the team running, so why even go there? Unless like in a span of a month over the summer it all fell apart, but whatever. Loved the Hodges bringing an apple for the teacher thing (hey, I'm an educator, I dig little things like that!). I love how quick Catherine was to realize that he was the one who opened his mouth and she didn't accept his peace offering. I like how she tossed the apple back to him. I would have launched it at his head!
Other little things I loved:
-The glasses are back. Rawr. That should be mandatory in every episode!
-I liked the Russian mob thing. SuperDave and Doc make a good tag team! Intruders don't stand a chance against those two! I guess the guy who was with Catherine was a lab person? Cause it looked like he got one of the guys, and Catherine moved to pull him out of the way and he got shot. That whole sequence was kind of confusing, but in a really cool way.
-Brass. He had one one-liner, yet it was awesome. Love Paul and hope that we get a few good scenes this season for our beloved Captain.
-The spider stuff was kinda...there for me. I hate spiders, so maybe that's why it wasn't appealing to me. lol
-David and Wendy are in the credits! Glad Liz added some girl power with Marg! Love all the new shots of them.
All in all, a great start to the season, and I hope that they keep it up.