"Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

This was a very good ep - a classic. The team working together, some twists and screentime for everyone. That's the way to go TPTB!

I didn't even mind the last scene, even though it seemed to jump in from nowhere. I guess if they feel a romance is needed, then stick it to the last few secs of every 5 epsiodes and I won't mind. ;)
I thought that the episode was better than I originally thought but still not the best. I thought the actress who played the photogrophy teacher was wonderful, I was actually kind of surprised hen she ended up being involved in the murder. The scene where Brass told the parents that no one would be prosecuted at the end was powerful and you could see the mix of grief and anger on their faces. In my opinion the final scene with Sara shaving Grissom was completely unnessesary it really destroyed this great episode for me.
I enjoyed it overall...loved Catherine's line. "I'm getting Lindsey a chastity belt" LOL Though yeah ew on the crabs.

I'm not gonna complain about the GSR but was bracing for some negativity. Even though I ship them I still don't know if the shaving scene was a good onscreen thing or more fanfic-y. But I did like it.

*hates not getting anymore new eps until after March*
This was my favorite episode.... ever.....

Nick/Greg had screen time--it was heavenly! I mean... They haven't been allowed alone together in so long. It was so nice.

Warrick and Catherine weren't in it all that much but they both had some really good lines!

Sara and Archie's singalong had me doubled over.

And the shaving scene was so amazing. Gris' voice when he said "Intimately" was enough to make ME swoon!

I laughed, I cried, it was awesome! Nice work, TPTB. You guys win with this one!
Okay, well, back to a more normal CSI week, this one will likely go down as nobody's favorite episode, for any number of reasons.

I didn't enjoy the episode because it was one of those "everyone ends up dead or in jail" deals. Very few misleading or "extra" players, the mystery being more in the "who gave crabs to who" and "who was in the video". Every character (outside of the unidimensional parents) was involved in the crime, and that sort of made it a little too easy. By half way through it was "yeah, yeah, they all did it".

I also thought that the opening sequence dragged badly, took way too long to play out, and set a very slack tone for the whole episode.

On the plus side, pretty much everyone got in the game, everyone got a piece of the puzzle and everyone got a few minutes on screen. A good team play episode, which after all the strife over the last 5 or 6 episodes, this one looks good.

As for the GSR: I think the writers have handled this one well, giving us glimpses but no full on liplock / sex scenes to deal with. Enough exposure so that if Sarah leaves / dies / whatever, there would be loss. It is easy to speculate on any number of ways this thing can be used. Overall, I think they hit this gently but clearly with this episode. If you don't like GSR, then you didn't enjoy this episode.

Overall, this episode for me is a mixed bag: Great team effort, some GSR, some nice lab work and facetime for supporting characters, but on the downside, well... the crimescene storyline was poorly developed, a lack of extra characters outside of all the obviously guilty ones, and a horribly long opening scene. This for me is likely the weakest episode of the season.
edog said:
her singing "If That's Your Boyfriend" with Archie is my favorite.

I've never heard that song, but I love it when they throw things like that in the show.

And the shaving scene was so amazing. Gris' voice when he said "Intimately" was enough to make ME swoon!

Oh yes. What that man can do with one word! I loved him the entire episode. It's so nice to have him back. My favorite line was the one about men never being as complicated as women think they are.

What was it Cath said after he told her that the chastity belt wouldn't prevent crabs? Something about him weirding her out? So funny. Her hair looked cute, too. I usually don't like it straight, but the bangs were nice.

It was so nice to have the CSIs all getting a chance to shine. Spiral out Nick and Casanova Greg. Loved that Greg's theory was so completely off the mark and how gracious he was when it was proved wrong.

My only problem with the GSR scene is that it was way too short! LOVED it, though! Does anyone know whose bathroom that was? There were butterflies in the background that looked like the ones in Grissom's loft.
I don't know about this eppy...It was decent, but for sweeps??? is that all they had planned, was to insert GSR scenes?

I liked the ending with the teacher though, that was creepy...love the strange stuff. I think it would have been better if she had taken the body for sex...that would have been crazy!

That last scene was terrible. It made sara look creepy holding that big straight razor. I cringed when grissom said 'intimately'...it was so cheesy and forced. When they were standing next to each other, they looked so much like father/daughter, I was just so creeped out by it.
I have mixed feelings about it. I wasn't crazy about the case. In the opening sequence, which I liked very much, as they pan back, they show the photo teacher standing in the background with a strange look on her face. I immediately said, "She's involved." Then the photos on the wall, Charlie's crush on Megan, the other cheerleader's headache, the broken lens, Megan's inability to remember anything — it was clear all were involved.
But maybe the case was secondary to the fact that the team was back together, and with some wonderful Grissom moments. And although I'm not a GSR shipper one way or the other, I loved the last scene. Intimately.
Well, if they did this for sweeps, it didn't work: Got this off of Drudge this morning:

Great episode... not especially fond of GSR, but that scence was so short it didn't really matter.
THe Team is working together the way they used to. :D
Greg was acting far more like himsef then he has in a long time. (although I thought he told Sara he didn't lose his virginty till he 22)
He and Nick were great, good to see them work together again
glad Warrick had more than 30 seconds of screentime as well.
Archie and Sara singing was funny, as well

The case was really interesting as well
Definately got the creepy teacher vibe from Diane.. think thats her name anyway... the ending when she had kid's the body was sort of creepy.

thought the Charlie, the wierd neighbor kid, was suspcious as well

too bad it'll be awhile before we get another new one :(
I don't have time to leave an actual review, but I just wanted to pop in a say how much I loved last night's episode. It was great :) Also, excellent music choice for the beginning and end.
Speaking of the end... that was the only part I didn't like. I mean, it was funny, but I just really don't like GSR.
this one is okay
not a stellar CSI episode but okay. The team was back together, no one seemed to have 'ruffled feathers' about Keppler and all the goings on when Grissom was gone.
I wonder if they are going to explore that??

This episode reminded me of Coming of Rage with all the high school drama

the creepy male cheerleader, I saw that young actor in an episode of Law and Order he was creepy there too
and something right off the bat told me he was involved
and the high school photography teacher... they wouldn't have even brought her into the scene if she wasn't involved some how.. I was thinking some Mary Kay Louturnau thing :eek:

I liked how the whole team pulled together on this one
and I liked how Nick said he wished he could have selective anmnesia--Don't we all ?

which brings me to the end....
I'm not a GSR shipper but Sara...PLEASE don't shave his beard!!!!