"Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

desertwind said:
WHO-HOO-HOO the final scene.. which according to the GSR buzz, is that Sara will be seen shaving Grissom's beard off :p that sounds so seusual, can't wait..and just remember those against this.. all the other shows on TV have some romantic dalliances going on, and this according tho our "Wiki" news here, it's a done deal ;).. the rest of the ep. sounds fascinating as well.. back on track with out team YIPEE :D good season so far except 4 of them for me :(

the show has sunk to a new low....I am not looking forward to this eppy
I don't think that this episode will be old news. High school cases can be very interesting. I go to high school, and the dynamics can be very interesting if looked at the right way... (Can you tell I'm a nerd there?) So even if we have had previous high school cases, there's so many ways to put it that this episode could be very fresh and new. I'm also looking forward to the CSI's talking more about their years in high school. That made for some great scenes in "Bully for You".

All of this stuff about Grissom and Sara, too... from what I've heard, it's one little scene. Probably like thirty seconds, like usual. I'm just looking forward to seeing Sara at all... she's been almost absent the past few episodes. So I really don't see what all the fuss is about. I wouldn't hate an episode for thirty seconds of it.

Anyway, sounds like a really good episode to me. Looks short, simple, back-to-the-roots of original CSI type episode. It'll be a nice break after so much comotion the past few weeks. I'm really looking forward to it.
assumenothing said:
I don't think that this episode will be old news. High school cases can be very interesting. I go to high school, and the dynamics can be very interesting if looked at the right way... (Can you tell I'm a nerd there?) So even if we have had previous high school cases, there's so many ways to put it that this episode could be very fresh and new. I'm also looking forward to the CSI's talking more about their years in high school. That made for some great scenes in "Bully for You".

All of this stuff about Grissom and Sara, too... from what I've heard, it's one little scene. Probably like thirty seconds, like usual. I'm just looking forward to seeing Sara at all... she's been almost absent the past few episodes. So I really don't see what all the fuss is about. I wouldn't hate an episode for thirty seconds of it.

Anyway, sounds like a really good episode to me. Looks short, simple, back-to-the-roots of original CSI type episode. It'll be a nice break after so much comotion the past few weeks. I'm really looking forward to it.

AMEN, I agree with you on all counts, nice to see Sara featured, and I like your work "comotion" excatly, the team is back, without all the other interference, and 30 seconds, some have alot more, other shows, I mean, and the story sounds great!!
Like assumenothing said, it only 30 second. They won't show that 'till the end. I can't wait to see it Thursday night.
NicknGrissom said:
Like assumenothing said, it only 30 second. They won't show that 'till the end. I can't wait to see it Thursday night.

more like a waste of 30 seconds. Maybe if the scene has somthing to do with the actual case, but sara shaving grissom??!! that is stupid. I don't care about the looks they give each other, gifts they exchange, crappy love letters or who shaves who, why can't they bring back csi like it was?! 30 seconds is enough to ruin an eppy, and also I lost respect for my fave character, Grissom. I can't believe he would sink this low.
But... CSI does this all the time - ends with a scene that has nothing to do with the case. Warrick's had episodes that end with stuff about his gambling, Catherine kissed the club guy and got into his car, Grissom drove past Lady Heather's house and moped in the car...

It's fairly routine to end on a personal note.
sarahvma said:
But... CSI does this all the time - ends with a scene that has nothing to do with the case. Warrick's had episodes that end with stuff about his gambling, Catherine kissed the club guy and got into his car, Grissom drove past Lady Heather's house and moped in the car...

It's fairly routine to end on a personal note.

Excatly.. I love that their adding some zest/spice and romance to this show.. and I beleive it takes it to new heights ;)..WP is one of the producers of this show. and as such, his input is what counts, and obviously he feels this will add something fantastic to the show, and it is about the case,& the crime no doubt. but millions of fans do tune in to watch other aspects as well!! this being one of them
I've seen like two different previews for CSI, but today I saw a preview that I hadn't seen for Fallen Idols yet while I was watching T.V. It showed a lot of Nick, Warrick, Grissom, and Sara. But I did not see ONE scene of Cat!
Everyone's gonna feel the way they feel. I think the shaving scene (if kept) will be intriguing to the shippers amongst us because it'll show some insight into the two characters and their mindsets about their relationship. *shrug* I honestly thought it was fanfiction first time I heard about it.

I've only seen the short promo from last Thursday and the extended one on Innertube. Is there another floating about? Also, is this the episode that's Warrick-heavy? I can't seem to recall!
Well Warrick and Sara I think are working on a case. I saw the preview on CTV (Which I am sure you all know is on of the Canadian channels that have rights to air CSI). I think we see mega Warrick though! As well as Gris, Nick and Sara. I've seen like three different previews, so I have no idea now.

I am kind of curious as to how they are going to play this shaving scene though. It's very... romantic? Not something I've ever seen CSI do, so it will be a bit interesting. Can't wait though - I'm a big GSR shipper!
It would make sense that this is a Cath-lite episode. She got a lot of screentime during the Keppler quadrilogy and the MCSK case.
xfcanadian said:

more like a waste of 30 seconds. Maybe if the scene has somthing to do with the actual case, but sara shaving grissom??!!

I think everyone is forgetting that in the beginning, CSI showed a ton of stuff about the CSI's personal lives. During the first episode we were taken with Catherine to see her daughter. We've seen Grissom being romantic with other girls before. We saw his date with Teri Miller, and him with Lady Heather. We saw Nick with Christy Hopkins. It's not really a new thing for CSI's to be romantic. It's just that its inbetween two of them that makes this time different.
letsdance said:
gsrLOVE , where can I find the CTV video for Fallen Idols?
Is it on their site?
I am not sure, I was just watching T.V. on the CTV channel and I saw it. I can try to find it on the website, or somewhere. I shall look now. Don't know if I will find it though. If I can't find it, and I see the preview again (I rarely watch CTV unless it's on a Thursday, this time was an accident haha), I can type out what the preview was.

Edited: I was looking on the CTV website and found no video previews, however this is the website if you'd like to look a bit closer than I did: Click Here