"Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

korbjaeger said:

- So, Greggo virgin-until-22 says his back seat got a lot of play? So, does this mean A) Nick should call BS on him, B) Sara should call BS on him, C) Greg loaned out his car (or at least the back seat) to a lot of horny buddies, or D) the writer completely forgot canon? My money's on A...

- Sara and Warrick's "panty discussion" was amusing...the look on Sara's face at the end was a bit puzzling. So, Warrick (and presumably most of the rest of the team/techs) don't know about her and Grissom, then. Wondering if Hodges knows...that would not surprise me in the least.

Well, I liked this ep a lot. The specific who-dunnits kept me going the whole way. Much as I love basketball, I'm gonna miss having any new eps til April...

I was glad to see someone else noticed the writers forgot that Greg lost his virginity at 22 yet this episode he's talking about having sex in the backseat of his car in high school. Granted it was only mentioned once (and for comedic effect) so I'll give the writer some slack. I did laugh at Sara's look after Warrick's comment on her taste in men. In fact I think I'll forgive the writer just for that scene alone.
^^^ well, when he talked to Mia, he was obviously BS-ing. i'd say he was again trying to look better in Nick's eyes this time.