"Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

quoth_the_raven said:
Am I the only one here who was squeeing their heads off after the last scene?? :confused: :lol: :p
Maybe, because at least I was more gagging than squeeing. :devil:

I really liked the way they had everybody involved in this episode. They incorporated a little of Doc, Wendy, Hodges, and Sofia with a little more Warrick and Archie, a few scenes for Catherine, Sara, Brass and Greg and the most with Gil & Nick. Nobody was really left out. Back to the good old days.
I thought last night's episode was one of the best we've seen thus far into the season (Besides Built to Kill imo).

I loved the little singing "If that's your boyfriend.." between Sara and Archie. She's got a great voice. It should've been Nick though - his singing voice is hot!

Grissom and Nick working a scene. Yay.

I loved how Grissom told Sara he trusted her "Intimately" at the end of the show. He obviously cares and trusts her deeply. My mouth dropped open, and boy did I squee!!

Great episode overall!!
I really liked this one. It may not have been "gripping television" but it was great filler. It was nice to watch it and not have to be on the look out for the MCSK, you could just relax and enjoy the story.

Oh and I loved that we got to see Greg and Nick working together again, or just plain greg out in the field. It seems like he is always in the lab lately.
My thought on Fallen Idols: I Loved it. (but being a Nick & Greg shipper, you probably know why)

With the exception of the last scene which IMO was unnecessary and cheezy, this was one of the best episodes thus far this season. CSI seemed back on track with this one. The case was interesting and kept my attention, with several suspects and twists. Everyone got a fair amount of screen time with Nick, getting the most, and Catherine getting the least.

It was thrilling to see Nick & Greg finally getting some decent screen time together, it was like the old CSI with Greg telling his outrageous story and Nick teasing him, I miss their banter. Those two are so much fun to watch, we need more of them. Greg looked fine in his CSI cap, something we've never scene before.

The suspects all seemed to get their well deserved punishment for their sins (so to speak) and it was refreshing to see.
quoth_the_raven said:
I loved the use of the Evanescence's Good Enough in the beginning and end of the episode (beautiful song and set a very nice atmosphere for the entire episode).

God, I love that song. someone above said something about the opening being too long, but I felt it was appropriate. Especially considering that song has a nice, slow build up. Great stuff. I usually enjoy the music choices on CSI, but this is by far my favorite. :D
Toots said:
Is it just me or is someone else waiting for a kiss between Griss and Sara?

Hopefully it's just you. Personally, the thought of a kiss between those two makes me want to throw up. :eek:

Thank God...I thought I was the only one who needed a snack sack at the end of the epi. They have about as much chemistry as I have between my brother and I. However, when Lady Heather is on, the heat generated between her and Grissom makes my TV start to melt. Why do they keep persuing that creepy story-line? :confused:
The openning was done very well IMO. The episode needed a lead in about the victims to make a bigger impact later. I mean it was just another ball game but by the next day or so a lot of people were dead or were going to suffer for the rest of their lives over what happened. If we hadn't seen them normal and happy we wouldn't have felt much for them later if at all. Just an opinion :)
dgemba said:
Toots said:
Is it just me or is someone else waiting for a kiss between Griss and Sara?

Hopefully it's just you. Personally, the thought of a kiss between those two makes me want to throw up. :eek:

Thank God...I thought I was the only one who needed a snack sack at the end of the epi. They have about as much chemistry as I have between my brother and I. However, when Lady Heather is on, the heat generated between her and Grissom makes my TV start to melt. Why do they keep persuing that creepy story-line? :confused:

You know, I've kinda been making this argument with some of my other friends for a little while now: if the TPTB really wanted to pursue the relationship, they should've done it early on...when it was, in fact, less creepy. What I think I find most offensive is not the age difference or their attraction to one another...I don't like either, but that's not the main thing I dislike about it. It's the fact that GSR felt like an afterthought. An answer to Grey's Anatomy moving to Thursday nights and bringing with it competition. If I were a fan of GSR, I would actually be offended, not rejoiceful. Then again, I know what it's like to wait on your fav ship to finally become canon after having to wait years for it to actually become reality.

korbjaeger said:
- So, Greggo virgin-until-22 says his back seat got a lot of play? So, does this mean A) Nick should call BS on him, B) Sara should call BS on him, C) Greg loaned out his car (or at least the back seat) to a lot of horny buddies, or D) the writer completely forgot canon? My money's on A...

I thought it was just me who caught this. It was either a continuity issue or Nick has just gotten used to Greg's BS-ing.
beaujolais said:
- Nick's observation about there being a lot in his past he'd like to forget:

In one of the early drafts of the script, this scene (and the line about selective amnesia) belonged to Brass. Just goes to show you how interchangeable Nick and Jim are in terms of crap they've had to endure.

And just how the writers have selective amnesia about Grave Danger. Probably because it wasn't THEIR show!!! It was Quentin's.

Anyways..it worked better with Nick anyways..
Exactly, edog...I would have gone along with TPTB earlier on re the GSR, not after she was throwing herself at him, but he constantly, and convincingly btw, kept rebuffing her. In more than one epi he alludes to that type of romance, but said he could NEVER step over that line--he would lose everything. It's just gratuitous at season 6 & 7. :(
korbjaeger said:
- So, Greggo virgin-until-22 says his back seat got a lot of play? So, does this mean A) Nick should call BS on him, B) Sara should call BS on him, C) Greg loaned out his car (or at least the back seat) to a lot of horny buddies, or D) the writer completely forgot canon? My money's on A...

I'd like to add an (E). I appreciate that Nick tolerated Greg's tall tales about his supposed love life, and he didn't belittle Greg. Nick knows Greg so well that he wouldn't hurt Greg's feelings by making fun of him. That's the mark of a good friend.

Of course, it could also be that Greg possibly did get to 1st and 2nd base during make out sessions with girls, but it is very doubtful that he'd get a home run at that age, nerd that he was/is. Many high school age boys don't score.

For me, the actual plot of this episode took a backseat to the wonderful camaraderie that was on display with our cast. I loved seeing them all in one episode, and it is the reason that keeps me watching.

Greg and Nick looked adorable, but I have to ask this...is it ever cold enough in Las Vegas to require wearing a parka and gloves? It just looks too out of place for the guys to be dressed so warmly. I've never been to Nevada so I really don't know.

Greg wearing a baseball cap = hot, adorable, cutie-pie. Greg + Nick = fantasy come true with me in the middle. Rowwwwwrrr! :cool:
goldnhart said:
"A lot of play" could just mean makin' out, not necessarily sex.

Yeah, that's true. Still, not to hard to fathom that Greg was playing up his little make out sessions as something more. haha
It wasn't out in left field, if any of you have watched all 7 years, there have been constant clues to them. he gave her a plant, a book, wrote her a love letter, sent her a cocoon, held her hand, called her "honey" etc... HELLO, this wasn't by any means a surprise, it's been on going for a long time!!!.. but I as well, love that the team was back together..Greg and Grissom hysterical :lol:, so far apart in their views, yet whimsical together , and Greg and Nick so funny, and Warrick kinda of suspicious of the creepy teacher, but couldn't put his finger on it, and Brass, always good and Doc, so great in his disecting, & his anaylazation of his forte!! not too much Sofia, hardly remember her :( it was a good ep. all the way around
