"Fallen Idols" Discussion *Spoilers*

Finally. I'd been told about the "Casanova" line but it didn't appear on the CBS preview. I'm glad to finally see it. And once again, Greg is the knowledged one when it comes to something kinky. ;)
I know this is off topic (And might be deleted) however, speaking of Greg being knowledgable towards something "kinky", I remember the episode when Nick, Grissom and Catherine (I think!) were investigation a crime scene and Nick instantly knew the "Erotica Boutique" font. He he, what a guy.

The episode looks great, and I can't wait for tomorrow! (GOSH, only one day left!!)

I wonder if Catherine is even going to be on the show. Usually we'd see a scene with her at least once. Maybe they're just giving her a bit of time off since the whole Keppler storyline.
I love that promo--Nick called Greg "Casanova"! :p

I could be wrong, but I think Nick is directing his "Casanova" remark to that good-looking basketball player when he is interrogating him. Looked like it to me anyway.

I hope Nick is saying it to Greg, but doesn't look like it to me.
Clarrisani said:
Finally. I'd been told about the "Casanova" line but it didn't appear on the CBS preview. I'm glad to finally see it. And once again, Greg is the knowledged one when it comes to something kinky. ;)

No, only on the CTV one. I was so excited to see it!

Is it Thursday yet? haha.
sounds like Greggo is acting more like the sweet, goofy CSI we all know and love :D
can't wait!! :eek: damm still have 11 hours to go
I couldn't get on this forum last night. Was anyone else having a problem?

Anyway, I really enjoyed this episode. And yes, I'm glad I was wrong about the Casanova line. It was so cute of Nick to call Greg that. Greg looked really great in that hat too.

Off to work. Again, this was a very well written episode...except for the very end. Even if that scene was only a few seconds long, it hurt my eyes.
yes i had the same problem and i think there were others with that problem!
but i'm happy that everything's back to normal and i can read how the new episode was.
i hope it was a good one!
The first 15 minutes or maybe less, I got a bit worried Sara was only gonna pop in for the last scene, because she hadn't shown up yet. But I was pleasantly proven wrong. Now I can't decide, though, if her scene in Meet Market with the stripper is my favorite of the season or her singing "If That's Your Boyfriend" with Archie is my favorite.

Seriously, that took me back to my youth. Not to say that I'm old :lol:, but I started getting into popular music and such a few years after that song came out. Still one of my favs :D

Overall, I really enjoyed the episode! There seemed to be a great amount of screen time for everyone and for once, a bit of a shuffle on who worked with who. For such a long while, it seemed that Grissom and Sara or Nick and Catherine or Warrick and Greg were the only teams working cases together.

Nick and Grissom working together. Great stuff. Catherine and Grissom getting some interaction. Priceless. :) I've always loved Warrick and Sara's interaction. The phone book scene in Snuff still one of my favorites! Nick and Greg! Need I say more?

Anyway, the case held my interest and the ending was downright creepy. I'm referring to the teacher and her obsession with Ryan, not the GSR. The GSR was. . .meh. If I can point out anything that I might have remotely appreciated about that scene last night was this: it was kinda reflective of their relationship. At least there seems to be a decent level of trust and understanding that most tv couples lack nowadays.

And that's about all the good I can say about that, because I'm still not a fan of their coupling at all.
Overall, I thought it was a good ep. It was a little obvious that Charlie was involved in the basketball players disappearence. But I dozed off a little, though. Did they find his body? Btw, the actor who played Charlie, Reiley McClendon, is an such a good actor...I've seen him in other things, I hope he keeps acting. I did doze off for a couple of minutes, and I opened my eyes to find Grissom with shaving cream on his face and Sara witha straight razor. She asks him if he trusts her, and he says intimately...? :confused: Did I hear that right? What that does have to do with what happened on the show? I don't mind the GSR stuff, I'm just glad Grissom and Sara are getting some, but that last scene was just weird. :eek:
Yeah, the kid that played Charlie played a set of twins on L&O SVU and he completely creeped me out when I saw that! I think one of the twins was a girl, too!

Thought last night's epi was great. Loved Take Charge Nick, and the fact that we actually got to see Warrick and Greg for longer than two seconds.

Hated that last scene at the end of the show, though..just gotta say it!
Kinda gross that the jock had crabs. Wonder who he got them from. So what did the girl die from? The hit on the head? I missed her autopsy.
Why did the Principal of the school take down Charlies picture but not the others? Or even Megans? She helped kill him!

csinut- Yes they found his body. He was at the teachers house(?) with her, both dead in her bed with a camera going off every 5 seconds. Kinda creepy.

Sort of OT but when is that cocoon thing going to hatch? It's been a month already!