Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Picture Thread #5.0

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athens said:
^thanks :D...is not that fresh,season 7,nop :p..Wait,did her ex died or something?I am not really informed coz I had seen s5 now s6 and s4..the pictures are with her crying and Lindsay near her,although I dodn't know if they are real.. :cool: :D

That's definitely season 3's Lady Heather's Box. Eddie died in this episode. Cath was crying at the end and Lindsey was trying to comfort her. :)
Didn't she also cry in Farenheit 932 when she takes the mom into the morgue to ID her sons' body, and that one tear slips down Cath's face? Or am I thinking of another one
that was what I was talking..thanks :D..Which season is you think is the best Catherine..stories etc? ;)
I'll say season 3 or 5.

The third because there's a LOT of cath in there. And not only the cases she works on, but especially because we see her as a woman, with her relationshio with Eddie and Lindsay. Obviously I'm talking about LHB.

The fifth, on the other hand, lets us see more of the Catherine at work, beacuse after she becomes a supervisor she changes her attitude and we see a more authoritative Catherine, but also a person who wnats to achieve her goals.

It's hard to choose, btw...I'd pick them both.
I'd go with season 3.
You've got Cath racing a car, getting attacked, re-opening an execution case, walking through a landfill full of REAL garbage, rescuing Lindsey & Eddie's death, blowing up the lab, and identifying her father.

Season 5 was too much of a change in Catherine's character (and not for the better). With her promotion to supervisor, she lost a lot of her fun-lovin personality that was so wonderful to watch in the early seasons. We still haven't seen it back in, even through early season 7.
I agree with kay. Season 3 wasn't the best season for me case-wise, but definitely the best season of Catherine.
Your picture that you have of Catherine...looks like she is dancing or walking...what episode is that from. What season?
^ You mean my signature banner? It's from a behind-the-scenes clip they did while filming Grave Danger. Everyone is in the clip except Nick. If you would like to have it, pm me and I'll let you know. :)
Oh good lord, I'm cracking :lol:
I've just seen the cap, it's hilarious!!!

I couldn't agree more with the "Queen of The Lab" thing :D
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