Eye Candy: Marg/Catherine Pic Thread #6.0

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He can make a video with his dog, but can't have a pic walking his dog? Hmmmmm. I think he gets his dancing skills from his parents too. :lol:
LOL but the photographers can't break into his house and take pics of him dancing in his room. :D Even if they do have pics, they can't publish them unless he agrees. Am I wrong?
Yeah the paparazzo rarely take pics of kids unless they're Britney Spear's babies lol. Hughie's the shizz he'll agree to anything lol.

Another pic:

Okay seriously, she's walking the dog and she's hot. LOL. I love the hat and jacket btw. Hot Marg.

And Hughie's video was just hysterically bad.
I feel like I'm missing something incredibly important, what video?! Could someone PM me about it plz? Love the photos by the way, and love the new dog
Isn't she freezing?
If I wore those pants here, you'd find me dead.

Oh, the violet gloves! *ç*

Edit: Icons from the SAG's ready on my LJ ;)
kc_from_kc said:
I feel like I'm missing something incredibly important, what video?! Could someone PM me about it plz? Love the photos by the way, and love the new dog

Same here, I am loving all the pictures, but I have no idea what this video is you guys are talking about. Could someone please PM about it as well? Thank you.
Folks, please read the "Help Guide" tacked at the top of this forum, regarding Sites and fan sites for example a snip from the following.

Episode Linking, Proxies, Allowed/Not Allowed:
-There are two legal ways of getting CSI episodes online those are CBS's Innertube and iTunes. Anything through cbs.com is going to be legal.

-End result: CBS and iTunes are okay. Ways to cheat them not ethical and should be stopped. Other ways illegal.

-Add-in: Until CBS officially makes a page at "YouTube.com" the site will error on the side of caution and call any clips from CBS.com (ie shows,ect.) will be considered illegal. (If/when this changes we will post it in the help guide).

Please note again to read the "Help Guide" regarding the heading for the above and about fan sites or video's. :)
YAY, awesome pics! That jacket is love. I like the new dog, too, but I have to admit that Momo looked better. Do we know the name of the new dog?
The Hugh video is already on youtube. You just need to search for it. I'm hesitant to post directly cause I don't wanna get modslapped.
oh :D...my :D...god :devil: the picture where she looks :Dback is....wow.. :devil:
i made a website for her its not finish but..
:)marg-to-sexy-4-her-pants.piczo.com :)
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