Everyone's age?

Posted by Crazy_chick:
Cat, i love my family too. (if ya mean the tv show)

Oh well...thats pretty much me lol
Of course! it rocks! i totally love it! :D
Posted by iMat:
Posted by Cat:
Posted by kazzy:
how would you know? not as if you've met any of em! :D they're all my lovers as long as i'm alive to fantasize! ;)

Because she knows your only lover is me.

Because everybody loves me.

I am the number one cause of affairs, which also makes me the number two cause of divorce.

First cause of divorce is marriage.

I'm working on beating that.


you are one scary guy!
:lol:..cant believe she only just realised...it must be the feeling of being old getting to her... :rolleyes:
she wasn't talking to you... she was telling me and Kazzy off again! *sobs quietly on Kazzy's shoulder* :(
Woohoo! Introducing myself!
I'm Sanna (those who can't pronounce my name well, can call me DaWacko), Finland, turning 20 on Jan 7th '05. Studying social studies, and I'm the one who turned Cat and Kazzy to be evil. :devil: