Everyone's age?

Yeah, I'm old fart.
No, our society would have RULES and everything would be in great ORDER.

Besides, I bet I'm the most popular (not)! :lol:
I'm 19 years umm...7 months and... umm24 days.
I'll turn 20 on 7th jan :D I feel old in here because of Kazzy,Kate and Cat
yeash! we're truly sorry 'bout that! it's just that you wouldn't let us pick on each other! :rolleyes:
it also means we don't have to clean up any blood and guts... coz we won't try and kill each other off! you'll have to do all the work yourself if you kill us off! :rolleyes:
eurgh! no blood, no guts - I'm squeamish and I'd be lonely without you two - if you look in my profile - i mention you two :D
aww... that's sweet!!! :D i'm squemish too now that you mention it... still want to be a forensic pathologist and/or coroner and/or scientist ;) If not i'll be a Las Vegan casino owner! then my body guards will kill peoples off for me! :rolleyes:
Posted by SarahK:
eurgh! no blood, no guts - I'm squeamish and I'd be lonely without you two - if you look in my profile - i mention you two :D

But no me... I've tried my best and I was here first... ok, Cat was here earlier... *sobs*