Everyone's age?

Catherine also has some great lines! Like the one in "Caged..."
Grissom: why did the SUV cross the track?
Catherine: To get to the other side...

that one cracks me up every time! :D
YEa....and i always tho that in "Fur and Loating", thats what would be said...when Grissom says...Why did the coyote cross the street?
DEf. had to be a site seein a purple kat walkin in the CSI lab

Somein you def. dont see everyday...but every epsiode has some strange thing goin on...
wasn't the cat blue...? yeah! it was! :rolleyes: it would have been funny though! :D weird... yet funny!
You just had to point that out..didnt you....most likely you right and im wrong....

Whats up with Nick and Sara..they should be together
i feel the same about Nick and Sara! they are around the same age and Grissom and Sara is just... *shudders* :eek:
Actually, at the end of "You Got Male", where Sara makes a phone call to some unknown potential date; i think that the original script had her calling Nick, who, earlier in the episode, said to her "you need to get out more"
Why would he say somein like that....there always flirting in the lab and on the feild...she even tells asks him "Is he goin to wear certain shirts, cuz they look bad", who would say that if there wasnt a least a little intrest there......

and then he listens to her and changes

that def says somein
Hello. "Newbie" here.
( :eek: Wow, and I thought we went off topic a lot at Tides Of Sin... :lol: )

Hm. I guess I would be "grandma". I'm 45. :( June 29th, 1959. I had a friend in Elementary school named June. In sixth grade I finally asked when her birthday was. It was the exact same day! We never got around to finding out what times of day we were born, or which of us was older than the other by however many hours or minutes. ;)

BriarRose, I LOVE brownies! Can I have some? (Hello, I'm Joy, and I'm a chocoholic... :p )

CaptainMiracle51, I know who Paul Lynde is! He tends to be best known for playing "Uncle Arthur" in the t.v. series Bewitched. CM51, do you know who Shelley Berman is?

You can stop feeling so old now, SarahK. :lol: You are not the oldest here. :D (Well, not anymore, that is. ;) )

I have to ask, who is Baba? I don't recall a person by that name posting. (Or did I miss something? :confused: )

Oh, and I don't know who iMat is, but they obviously are NOT very mature.
Oddly enough, I've met quite a few 13-17 year olds (mostly via the internet) who are MUCH more mature than iMat.
Welcome! Grandma. Heh... j/k.
It's ok, my parents are older than you :D
and don't care about iMat, he is just being weird.
I'm 20 soon and I just want to grow up :D
Like I have said earlier, welcome to the teenhell :D
grandma! finally we get a grandma! woo!!! welcome!! im nearly 15..*lie* so i can be old enough to fancy william petersen! :D *grissom on csi* and i got a question for you...wot you think of grissom? i always ask the newbies this... :D i think hes hot.. :D anyway baba is the weird girl who fancies nick stokes and doesnt think grissom is little hot at all.. :( oh well! :D welcome to teenhall! just like dawacko said... :devil: