Everyone's age?

YEa, hes always got great one liner wisecracks, when he first meets some1 or just leavin someone or somewhere
I loved in "you've Got male" or something (the one with the sisters that were found in the field.) how he goes "Mr willoughby... may i fingerprint your spiggot?" :D

Tho, still the one tha makes me laugh the most, and it wasnt even him who said...

WAs in "Turn of the Screws", when Sara says.."OH-NO Roller Coaster Wacko, twelve o clock"
hahahaha! i haven't seen that episode yet... but that has to be the funniest line ever! :D
Holy [censored]..its hirlaours...im guilty of rewindin also like 3 times...just to hear it again and again...its the way she says it and, then Grissoms look.....and its great at the end of the epsiode Grissom has some1 to talk to bout roller coaster rides, and why he does it....

BUt you have to see it...

It always works for me...lol!
oh golly gosh!i have to see it! i have already read the script but i can't wait till us Aussies see it! :D
Yea, its great im readin the "Unfriendly skies", WARRICK: (to NICK) Yeah, go ahead, honey. Save my life. LOL
hehe! i also liked in "Slaves of Las Vegas" how Catherine and Nick are talking while collecting evidence from Lady Heather's! the whole scene!
That too is good....Nick and Sara have great facial expressions, which help out the punch line. Especially, when it has to do with Greg and Gil.