Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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Triple disagreement and not just because I'm a super Natalia fan. :shifty:

Someone mentioned that Natalia isn't judgmental. Well that may have been true in the past; however, this season she is more aggressive and angry and jumping to judgment.

I have to say I disagree with the above statement. I beleive Natalia isn't judgemental, past or present. In the past, with Ryan's firing and shaming, Natalia was the one who stood by him, even when feeling betrayed by him.

More recently, with Eric's wire, Natalia didn't pass judgement or comment. Sure, she gave him a good warning of what his actions could cost him, but that was just tough-love, words of concern from a past experiance, she probably didn't want to see Eric go through what she did.

As for being more aggressive, I think that's just with suspects. And who would blame her? One thing I've noticed through out the CSI shows is, at a certain, matured stage in their careers, each CSI seems to go "colder", but really it's just the harsh reality of working in law-enforcement. At the start, Natalia was always one for giving a suspect a chance to prove their innocence but, when facing that a hundred times over and each one proven to be evil or using of her kindness, I can see why she's not giving out any more chances that easily. (Plus with her past, not easily trusting of others is kinda to be expected, don't ya think?)

Also, Natalia is a very emotional-showing character, kinda opposite to Horatio. If she's hurt (eg. Internal Affairs) then we see she's hurt. If she's mad (eg. Sleepless in Miami) then we see that too. And if shes happy (eg. F-T-F) then we see some fun and playfullness. I rather an emotional Nat than a cards-to-chest character like Horatio.

I also don't like that she didn't think anything was wrong with how Horatio handled the witness in the car. She is enabling Horatio right now.

Again, I completely disagree with that. I actually beleive Natalia didn't know what Horatio was going to do, thought it was just an intimdation talk. You can see when he says to close the door, she realises what he's about to do and even seemed hesitant. Then when Horatio hurts the suspect, it's quite clear Natalia is uncomfortable and shocked by the situation. Just cause she didn't speak up, doesn't mean she agreed, or supported it.

Anyways, that's just my opinion, had to get it out there. Damn! 7-ish weeks till Bloodlust?!?!?!? How are we meant to last!!!! :wtf::wtf::scream::scream:
I don't have any details on this, but episode 18 is called 'About Face' & Natalia is abducted.
I don't have any details on this, but episode 18 is called 'About Face' & Natalia is abducted.

Wa-wa-wa-WAAAAT?! :eek::wtf:

Seriously! But-but episode 15....and now 18? Wa-Wa-WAAAAAT?!:brickwall:

Get those details quick mjsud! You little Nat-spoiler-machine! Go do it! Got me all hyped now!!!!!! Now I'm bouncing off the walls with glee!!!! :guffaw:

:brickwall:MUST:brickwall:READ:brickwall:MORE BOUT:brickwall:THIS:brickwall:EPISODE!!!

After recovering from my mental fuses explosion....

I was just over at the Spoiler Lab, found this about 9.18!!!! OH MY! :eek:

The case deals with the rapes and deaths of two women. Calleigh is present (and has a few scenes with Eric), as well as Loman, Horatio, Natalia, Walter, and Ryan. Hopefully more will be known on Monday.
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I definitely think Natalia's gone a little "bad cop" this year. It struck me particularly in the last episode when she took off with the one guy whose sister was in the wheelchair... she just kind of grabbed him and dragged him off (and didn't even flinch at his pain from her grip). Methinks Horatio's rubbing off on her a bit.

I did love this last episode, though; I've loved practically the entire season! So happy we're seeing more of Natalia, and Eva's looking particularly more stunning than usual. I pray TPTB keep it up!

I don't have any details on this, but episode 18 is called 'About Face' & Natalia is abducted.
I. Love. You.

If you've got any more spoiler news, please don't hesitate to share! I will do nefarious things for spoiler knowledge on here or via PM! :p
As for being more aggressive, I think that's just with suspects. And who would blame her? One thing I've noticed through out the CSI shows is, at a certain, matured stage in their careers, each CSI seems to go "colder", but really it's just the harsh reality of working in law-enforcement. At the start, Natalia was always one for giving a suspect a chance to prove their innocence but, when facing that a hundred times over and each one proven to be evil or using of her kindness, I can see why she's not giving out any more chances that easily. (Plus with her past, not easily trusting of others is kinda to be expected, don't ya think?)

Also, Natalia is a very emotional-showing character, kinda opposite to Horatio. If she's hurt (eg. Internal Affairs) then we see she's hurt. If she's mad (eg. Sleepless in Miami) then we see that too. And if shes happy (eg. F-T-F) then we see some fun and playfullness. I rather an emotional Nat than a cards-to-chest character like Horatio.

I agree though I def don't see her being 'colder' as you said she shows her emotions, you can see it in her expressions, even after the word with that guy, you can see she was affected. In fact all of them are aggressive or in fact way more aggressive against suspects. Just because we seldom ever seen her with suspects the past seasons, I guess people tend to pick up on her actions more so. If one of those guys does it, meh its nothing and forgettable, just usual police work. Another thing, I don't want to see her always being taken advantage of and people being rude to her because of her kindness.

Well, if this is how it is then 9.15 might just be something small leading up to 9.18! I can't imagine what the episode would be like! Like you guys :). I can't wait to see how her storyline unfolds and whether it comes to a closure for her.
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Did you all read the spoilers just posted in the spoiler thread?

Seems like a lot is going on in the episode, though not much mention of Natalia's attack/abduction.

Is it me or does the ending seems to suggest Natalia has yet to be found if she was abducted? :wtf:
I don't have any details on this, but episode 18 is called 'About Face' & Natalia is abducted.

MJ you're a genius! I love when you find stuff like this! It makes my day alot better!!! :thumbsup: I hope this is true! Natalia being abducted, that's like the best thing they have come up with in a long time for her story line. This season just has been amazing as far as Natalia scenes go. I wonder who abducts her. You know she probably will be drugged again cause I don't see her giving in unless they have a gun to her head. I have a feeling we will see some good Natalia action in this episode. At least we better! :scream: I will be mad if not. Someone please post more spoilers when you find or get them! I want pictures really bad!!! Or I would take a behind the scene video too. I hope we have something. One thing I've noticed we haven't gotten is an interview with her talking about her specific episodes. Except for 1 or 2. I want one on this episode! Well hopefully something will pop up soon! :) From what I read in the spoiler lab, it seems alot like "Payback" to me, how its a man who committed a crime but he probably didn't. So it should be interesting.
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I hope the spoilers for 9.18 is really leading up to the "something big" we all have been waiting for. We have waited long enough, and still waiting.

I am getting so excited here but need to tell myself not to. Maybe once after the break is over and the new episodes starts to air, we will get more news (interviews, scene videos, etc), even for 9.15 too!

I could really use some new CSI: Miami spoilers. — Lisa
Then a big spoiler you shall have! In an upcoming episode, one of the members of Horatio's team will be abducted by a presumed serial killer. That kind of behavior is normal among murderers, right? Well, in this case, not exactly. Apparently this culprit has nabbed this specific team member in a last-ditch effort to prove his or her innocence.
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Kinda sounds like it'll be a 2-parter to me, but I guess we'll have to wait & see. Either way, I'm excited & can't wait for February 20th to get here so we can finally get some new episodes full of Natalia. :p

I'm 50-50 on the continued episode idea MJ, though I can see where you're coming from.

* 9.15 Bloodlust deals with a serial killer who kidnaps two girls and ends up killing one, then seemingly kidnapping a news reporter and then going after Natalia.

* 9.18 About Face deals with an accused serial killer - who raped and killed two women - trying to prove their innocence....by abducting Natalia ;) Defiant similarites, but.....

- 9.18 spoilers say they're dealing with an old case, from four years ago. And according to spoilers from the Lab, the attack/abducting seems brief :shifty:

(I'm still confused, seeing as Natalia fights another girl in 9.15....Right now the details seem very messed-up (maybe that's just me, if so, please correct) but I hope TPTB don't botch up another potentially-great Nat plot :shifty::shifty::scream::scream:

I hope I'm wrong, it would be a quite stupid move on TPTB's part to have Natalia in two seperate action-packed suspensive story-plots and not give the right time/dedication/writing to it.

I hope the walk/run goes good! Eva's so kind to put so much effort into the charity, you can tell it isn't fake. I love that about her (and her awesome acting too :thumbsup:)
Here's the plotline for 9x18 which can be found on SpoilerTV - "In 1.18 "About Face" the case from four years ago, a convicted serial killer who raped and killed two women might be innocence. To prove his innocence...they abducted a CSI, Natalia"

I don't know why it sez "1.18" when it should say "9.18"
Kinda sounds like it'll be a 2-parter to me, but I guess we'll have to wait & see. Either way, I'm excited & can't wait for February 20th to get here so we can finally get some new episodes full of Natalia. :p

I'm 50-50 on the continued episode idea MJ, though I can see where you're coming from.

* 9.15 Bloodlust deals with a serial killer who kidnaps two girls and ends up killing one, then seemingly kidnapping a news reporter and then going after Natalia.

* 9.18 About Face deals with an accused serial killer - who raped and killed two women - trying to prove their innocence....by abducting Natalia ;) Defiant similarites, but.....

- 9.18 spoilers say they're dealing with an old case, from four years ago. And according to spoilers from the Lab, the attack/abducting seems brief :shifty:

(I'm still confused, seeing as Natalia fights another girl in 9.15....Right now the details seem very messed-up (maybe that's just me, if so, please correct) but I hope TPTB don't botch up another potentially-great Nat plot :shifty::shifty::scream::scream:

I hope I'm wrong, it would be a quite stupid move on TPTB's part to have Natalia in two seperate action-packed suspensive story-plots and not give the right time/dedication/writing to it.

I hope the walk/run goes good! Eva's so kind to put so much effort into the charity, you can tell it isn't fake. I love that about her (and her awesome acting too :thumbsup:)

It's just a couple of things that make me think it might be a 2-parter (and I'm meaning 2-parter as in episode 18 ending on a mini-cliffy....not 9.15 being tied into 9.18). First, whether it's brief or not, she'll be abducted, & according to what was posted in the spoiler lab, she isn't in the ending montage. Anytime there's some character drama, they almost always show that character at the end so I'm a little suspicious that there's no mentions of her whereabouts. In fact the ONLY mention I'm seeing on Natalia for that episode IS her being attacked/abducted -- to me that's a little strange to not see anything else on the matter....no arrest, no comments from other teammates on said attack/abduction, no comments on finding her either.
Of course, I do know that not everything is in spoilers, but I still find it hard to believe that there wouldn't be any other mentions of her or what has happened, even if the attack/abduction is brief or not (and personally, I took "briefly" to mean that the spoilers only mentioned it briefly, not necessarily that the abduction itself is brief).

Secondly, the "last-ditch effort" part makes it sound as if it happens closer toward the end of the episode.... now I know that Natalia is all kinds of awesomesauce ;) but if this happens closer to the end, then would she really be able to prove his innocence THAT quickly before the episode is over? While abducted?

I'm not necessarily convinced it will be a 2-part episode, but things aren't adding up with the 9.18 spoilers ...at least on the abduction/man seeking innocence part. I just would think that if a CSI is taken & forced to prove one's innocence, it would take up quite a bit of an episode because they would need time.....& with there not being anything else there in the 9.18 spoilers except for a suggestion that she's attacked....that's just wierd to me & doesn't sound like all this will happen in that one episode.

We need spoilers for 9.19 pronto. :confused:
In fact I do hope it is a 2 partner but the spoilers have been confusing. I think we can seperate Bloodlust as I think the scene there might just be a brief one. Now I seriously hope her abduction in 9.18 isn't a brief one - again. Just this, I am worried because right now it seems that a lot is being cramped into 9.18. Yet I think it can't be something brief when this information is being released in the news. My mind is being messed up by them all. :scream::lol:

I hope TPTB don't botch up another potentially-great Nat plot :shifty::shifty::scream::scream:

I hope I'm wrong, it would be a quite stupid move on TPTB's part to have Natalia in two seperate action-packed suspensive story-plots and not give the right time/dedication/writing to it.

I agree! :(
I forgot to say this before, but Natalia is seen working in 9.16, which means she was found (if kidnapped in 9.15)

I'm really confused right now, and I bet some of you are too. I'm gonna bullet-point what we know of 9.15 and 18. Add info if/when you get it ;)

9.15 Bloodlust

- the case is based off the Oak Street Killer story

- the case deals with two kidnapped and tied-up girls. They manage to escape their binds and run. One escapes while the other is caught and killed.

-A reporter (suspected to be Erica Sikes) disappears while trying to interveiw the survivor

-At a scene, (apparently Ryan is also at the scene) after finding a key piece of evidence, a man approaches Natalia, takes the gun from her holster, aims at her, and ties her up

-She fights another girl -( details are scarce unfortunally :()

-She is found/saved/escapes before the end of the episode as she appears fine in 9.16

From the description in point 4 of the above spoiler, I wonder if Natalia was distracted by something, possibly thinking "the man" was eg. Ryan or someone at the scene coming up to talk to her. Continuing on that thought, maybe she couldn't see who was approaching eg. had her head in a closet looking at the key piece of evidence and assumed the approaching footsteps were Ryan's.:confused::confused::confused: Just a thought.

9.18 About Face

- A case from four years ago is reveiwed when two women are raped and murdered in the style of the killer from four years ago.

-Natalia is abducted by the accused, in an apparent last-ditch effort to prove their innocence.
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