Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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I gotta tell ya, there really aren't many people who can pull off the white thing - particularly white pants - but Eva does it with elegance and style.

With her figure and those long legs she makes white pants look great!

Looking at pictures of here through the years is amazing. Eva just has a natural beauty that, thank god, she is smart enough not to mess with. You don't mess with perfection and I love that she has the confidence and intelligence NOT to do what so many other actresses do - ruin their looks with cosmetic surgery.

I'm loving seeing so much of her this season and I'm hoping big time that it continues. A couple of people on another thread mentioned that they haven't even missed Calleigh - I really have to agree. I haven't missed her at all and seeing Natalia FINALLY get a chance to shine is almost worth all the time we had to wait to see it happen - almost! ;)

I sincerely hope that TPTB are seeing that Natalia is perfect in a lead position and deserves every moment she's getting and more! Her interaction with everyone on the team is great and she has a better working chemistry with Horatio than Calleigh's had in 5 years.

Ditto on all. :)

There were 2 moments in the episode that seemed like Natalia was taking it a little personal --
First, the scene with Vince when he said "karma is a bitch". She looked a bit upset over his comment...almost like she believed it herself. Hmmm...

Second, the scene where they were questioning Lucy on Connie's abuse. It seemed like there was a subtle reference there to Natalia/CSI when Lucy said the Derby was the only place that made Connie feel empowered. I don't remember exactly how Natalia put it when she agreed, but I definitly got the sense that she was relating.
There were 2 moments in the episode that seemed like Natalia was taking it a little personal --
First, the scene with Vince when he said "karma is a bitch". She looked a bit upset over his comment...almost like she believed it herself. Hmmm...

Second, the scene where they were questioning Lucy on Connie's abuse. It seemed like there was a subtle reference there to Natalia/CSI when Lucy said the Derby was the only place that made Connie feel empowered. I don't remember exactly how Natalia put it when she agreed, but I definitly got the sense that she was relating.

After just watching the episode, I was about to say the exact same mjszud. I noticed that look she had when Lucy mentioned the derby making Connie feel empowered. I think Natalia said something along the lines of "It was the only place she felt safe/ in control."

Defiantly subtle relations back to Nick/Natalia. I wonder if she meant the lab was her "derby" (safezone) when Nick came back. Maybe beforehand it was the FBI.

I also picked up on another thing, down in the morgue when Tom said an old abuse injury majorly contributed to Connie's death. My mind jumpped stright to Natalia's hearing injury. In a way, we were kinda told how lucky we are to still have Nat and how strong she is to have made it through the abuse. :(:)

And can I say, as a major RaiN fan, I loooooved the second last scene, the high-five made me giddy :guffaw::guffaw:

I said this on another thread but I have a gut feeling Natalia will be the one to pull Horatio on his sudden dark attitude, given the hint in Happy Birthday.

I hope so, that would be a nice clash to see! Fingers crossed for more Nat -action this season! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
I said this on another thread but I have a gut feeling Natalia will be the one to pull Horatio on his sudden dark attitude, given the hint in Happy Birthday.

I hope so, that would be a nice clash to see! Fingers crossed for more Nat -action this season! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

I agree, I think this would make an epic scene if we get to see Natalia coming up to Horatio one day. They seemed to have a closer connection this season, her being his new right hand woman and him covering for her, etc. The way he is with her makes him different, so a hint to TPTB to do something about this! But her pulling him away from the dark side and not the other way round. ;)

Subtle hints throughout the episode with regards to Natalia, pretty good nonetheless, though I thought she would jump when she saw the broken arm fracture. I wonder why she was upset when talking to that guy though. :confused:

Hmmm, I have a feeling episode 9.15 might not be as Natalia centric as we hoped, just my gut feeling. Sorry. Sure hope I am wrong. :(
I said this on another thread but I have a gut feeling Natalia will be the one to pull Horatio on his sudden dark attitude, given the hint in Happy Birthday.
Ya know, I think I'd like to see that.
Natalia has shown in the past (with Eric & at times with Ryan) that she treats these types of situations with a does of tough love & compassion. I think she'd be very good for this "task". I hope your gut is right on this one. :)

I wonder if she meant the lab was her "derby" (safezone) when Nick came back.
I definitly think so. Solving the cases, busting the bad guys....it all helps her feel like she's gaining the upper hand, imo. And you're right, the lab is her safezone & I think she realised that when Nick returned & she had the "boys" at her side ready to defend - no one there would've allowed him to harm her.

So now that we're pretty positive that the job/lab is Natalia's comfort/safety zone....I wonder how it will effect her when you-know-what happens, in the you-know-what future episode.
I said this on another thread but I have a gut feeling Natalia will be the one to pull Horatio on his sudden dark attitud, given the hint in Happy Birthday.
Ya know, I think I'd like to see that.
Natalia has shown in the past (with Eric & at times with Ryan) that she treats these types of situations with a does of tough love & compassion. I think she'd be very good for this "task". I hope your gut is right on this one. :)

I'll join in on the hope that your "gut feeling" turns out to be right, MelxxWhoLuvsYa! :thumbsup:

Natalia would be the perfect person to address the problem with Horatio. She is compassionate and best of all she is non-judgmental. She would understand the pain motivating Horatio and be able to address it with him with the strength and sympathy that doesn't dismiss the pain he's feeling.

I just don't know if they have the writers on CSI Miami who could write this. I'd trust Eva and David to write it based upon the intimate knowledge they have of their characters more than I would the writers who can't seem to remember what these characters are about from episode to episode. :(
I think you guys are right saying the job/lab is her comfort zone. When Nick came to stalk her, you can see she really hated it like she didn't want it to be ruin by him. I don't know how to put it but I guess you all know.

I still wonder if Natalia will ever find out about the shooting incident. I really, really wish to see her reaction.
I said this on another thread but I have a gut feeling Natalia will be the one to pull Horatio on his sudden dark attitud, given the hint in Happy Birthday.
Ya know, I think I'd like to see that.
Natalia has shown in the past (with Eric & at times with Ryan) that she treats these types of situations with a dose of tough love & compassion. I think she'd be very good for this "task". I hope your gut is right on this one. :)

I'll join in on the hope that your "gut feeling" turns out to be right, MelxxWhoLuvsYa! :thumbsup:

Natalia would be the perfect person to address the problem with Horatio. She is compassionate and best of all she is non-judgmental. She would understand the pain motivating Horatio and be able to address it with him with the strength and sympathy that doesn't dismiss the pain he's feeling.

I just don't know if they have the writers on CSI Miami who could write this. I'd trust Eva and David to write it based upon the intimate knowledge they have of their characters more than I would the writers who can't seem to remember what these characters are about from episode to episode. :(

Giving what occurs in 9.15 (and my strong feeling that Memmo might be involved if he survives 9.13) I believe Natalia will be the one to pull H on his behavior. It seems the two have gotten a good strong bond this season and David and Eva sell it greatly.

I dunno, just popped into my head but I can't shake the feeling that this all building up to something...hmmmmm...:confused::confused: Anyone else with me?
^^ I could see Natalia making a comment or two - whether it's directly to Horatio or she takes it to Eric & tries to get him to talk to him. Either way, I can definitely foresee her showing some concern that he's going to go off the deep end. Pooey on tptb if they don't go there, because really at this point I could only see her (or Eric) attempt to bring him down a notch. (sidenote: I know Ryan cares & loves H as well, but he hasn't witnessed his recent actions).

I agree it feels that this is building up to something....I'm just not sure what! Can't wait to see though. ;)
^^ I could see Natalia making a comment or two - whether it's directly to Horatio or she takes it to Eric & tries to get him to talk to him. Either way, I can definitely foresee her showing some concern that he's going to go off the deep end. Pooey on tptb if they don't go there, because really at this point I could only see her (or Eric) attempt to bring him down a notch. (sidenote: I know Ryan cares & loves H as well, but he hasn't witnessed his recent actions).

I agree it feels that this is building up to something....I'm just not sure what! Can't wait to see though. ;)

Actually, I hope that it's Natalia who finally has that "conversation" with Horatio. I think she is definitely the most compassionate and understanding member of the team (equal to Horatio in that regard). I think she could have that quiet, earnest conversation with Horatio that could make him see the horrible path he's taking.

But I could see Ryan calling Horatio down long before Delko. Delko has been complicit on more than one occasion in Horatio's crossing the acceptable line with no indication that he has an issue with Horatio's actions and in fact, goes along with him rather than standing up and questioning. It would be too much like the pot calling the kettle black for me.

Calleigh, for all intents and purposes hasn't had anything that could be called a positive or close relationship with Horatio in years. And she appears clueless about anyone on the team except Delko and they next time they're going to have sex. As Horatio's second-in-command, she should have been the first one to notice the problem and nip it before it EVER got so out-of-control. So she would be the last choice to say anything to him now.

Ryan is virtually the only character on this show who has faced the ramifications for his actions (and Natalia's compassion shined while she helped him deal with those ramifications). He knows what can happen when you act inappropriately. And Ryan's behavior was never him abusing his position as a law enforcment officer (Yeah, I know he messed with evidence, but I forgive him - a child's life was on the line. In that incident the fact that he was a law enforcment officer was used against him.) or violent in nature. He's made a few mistakes. Some minor and some major. And he's come out a much wiser man.

You're right, MJ. Ryan hasn't witnessed Horatio actions. Maybe with Ryan it would simply take seeing Horatio doing something inappropriate to step and say to Horatio, "What was that? Do you understand what you just did and how unacceptable it is for a law enforcement officer?"

Natalia and Ryan together coming to Horatio and performing an "intervention" has the potential to be a very powerful moment for this show. Two of his team who know so well what's it's like to be in a dark place and come out on the other side.

A very powerful moment that I'd love to see.
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^^ I could see Natalia making a comment or two - whether it's directly to Horatio or she takes it to Eric & tries to get him to talk to him. Either way, I can definitely foresee her showing some concern that he's going to go off the deep end. Pooey on tptb if they don't go there, because really at this point I could only see her (or Eric) attempt to bring him down a notch. (sidenote: I know Ryan cares & loves H as well, but he hasn't witnessed his recent actions).

I agree it feels that this is building up to something....I'm just not sure what! Can't wait to see though. ;)

Actually, I hope that it's Natalia who finally has that "conversation" with Horatio. I think she is definitely the most compassionate and understanding member of the team (equal to Horatio in that regard). I think she could have that quiet, earnest conversation with Horatio that could make him see the horrible path he's taking.

But I could see Ryan calling Horatio down long before Delko. Delko has been complicit on more than one occasion in Horatio's crossing the acceptable line with no indication that he has an issue with Horatio's actions and in fact, goes along with him rather than standing up and questioning. It would be too much like the pot calling the kettle black for me.

Calleigh, for all intents and purposes hasn't had anything that could be called a positive or close relationship with Horatio in years. And she appears clueless about anyone on the team except Delko and they next time they're going to have sex. As Horatio's second-in-command, she should have been the first one to notice the problem and nip it before it EVER got so out-of-control. So she would be the last choice to say anything to him now.

Ryan is virtually the only character on this show who has faced the ramifications for his actions (and Natalia's compassion shined while she helped him deal with those ramifications). He knows what can happen when you act inappropritely. And Ryan's behavior was never him abusing his position as a law enforcment officer (Yeah, I know he messed with evidence, but I forgive him - a child's life was on the line. In that incident the fact that he was a law enforcment officer was used against him.) or violent in nature. He's made a few mistakes. Some minor and some major. And he's come out a much wiser man.

You're right, MJ. Ryan hasn't witnessed Horatio actions. Maybe with Ryan it would simply take seeing Horatio doing something inappropriate to step and say to Horatio, "What was that? Do you understand what you just did and how unacceptable it is for a law enforcement officer?"

Natalia and Ryan together coming to Horatio and performing an "intervention" has the potential to be a very powerful moment for this show. Two of his team who know so well what's it's like to be in a dark place and come out on the other side.

A very powerful moment that I'd love to see.

After reading everyones ideas [MJ, Michya and Delynn] I've only got one thing to say....

Get your butts over to CBS and start writing for Miami ;) I'm serious, Although Natalia's been getting more screen-time this season, I think that's just from Calleigh/Emily's absence (though she deserves the screentime no doubt!!!)

After hearing of Emily giving birth to her daughter, does anyone else worry Nat will start sinking into the backround again? I hope not, she's really proved herself not only as a CSI but also a worthy leading lady on the show.

I think it's time Calleigh took a backseat, but I'm not sure TPTB will see it that way :shifty::shifty:
After reading everyones ideas [MJ, Michya and Delynn] I've only got one thing to say....

Get your butts over to CBS and start writing for Miami ;) I'm serious, Although Natalia's been getting more screen-time this season, I think that's just from Calleigh/Emily's absence (though she deserves the screentime no doubt!!!)

Thank you, MelxxWhoLuvsYa - for the compliment and for including me with such illustrious company! :)

After hearing of Emily giving birth to her daughter, does anyone else worry Nat will start sinking into the backround again? I hope not, she's really proved herself not only as a CSI but also a worthy leading lady on the show.

I think it's time Calleigh took a backseat, but I'm not sure TPTB will see it that way :shifty::shifty:

I agree with you about Calleigh staying in the backseat. I think the Natalia proved that she can easily assume a lead position without breaking a sweat. She's been awesome this season and I'm sure we'll continue to see her screentime match what we've been seeing.

There was no ratings hit because Calleigh or E/C hasn't been shown. In fact, ratings have been pretty healthy considering the timeslot and did a pretty nice recovery when the show was switched to the earlier time - despite some fans vocally indicating they haven't been watching because of Calleigh's reduced time and no E/C.

That tells me the team and decent stories with them all working together are the draw and Natalia has always been an important member, and an active, focused participant of the team who puts the victim and their needs first every time.

I really doubt she's going anywhere! She's proved herself ... big time! :thumbsup:
You should join too MelxxWhoLuvsYa. :)

I've got nothing more to add but I can say she is doing a really excellent job right now and I don't see why this should change at all and same thing for everything else on the show. Much better than the last 2 season or so. Def not painful on the eyes too.
Someone mentioned that Natalia isn't judgmental. Well that may have been true in the past; however, this season she is more aggressive and angry and jumping to judgment. I don't like this change in her. I like the sweet compassionate Natalia. I also don't like that she didn't think anything was wrong with how Horatio handled the witness in the car. She is enabling Horatio right now.
Someone mentioned that Natalia isn't judgmental. Well that may have been true in the past; however, this season she is more aggressive and angry and jumping to judgment.
IMO, it has more to do with her storyline than anything else. Last season we saw her simply fed-up with being jerked around (Jesse stood her up), hurt (she learned Nick caused her hearing loss), & disappointed (Eric's wire), & I think alot of this season's "change" is stemming from all that - the majority, Nick.
It threw everything back in her face - she's not as trusting & she's putting up her walls again. I can't say that I blame her.
But I don't really think it's "anger" we're seeing -- I think she's just toughening up & showing those suspects that she's the one with the upper hand, not them. It all goes back to the Nick situation, imo...all a part of her healing/closure process.

I also don't like that she didn't think anything was wrong with how Horatio handled the witness in the car. She is enabling Horatio right now.
I personally didn't see it that way at all. Natalia looked very uneasy about the situation, & I wouldn't have expected her, at that time, to say anything to him about it. He is her boss, making it a sticky situation for her to be in.
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