Eva/Natalia #3: More of the Beautiful Compassionate Bionic Woman!

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Greetings good people!
I think I spotted one mistake in this last "F-T-T" episode, albeit small but important one none the less.
In the epi when Nat found the "unmentionable" in one of the victim's pant pockets, they made a bet of magaritas.
The bet should have been made with Midouri cocktails!!
I trust everyone hasn't forgotten!

Having joined after what ever it is your talking about, I have no clue what Midouri cocktails have to do with anything, but okays! :confused::lol:;)

Anyways, Natalia owned F-T-F each scene she was in (which I'm glad to see is increasing:thumbsup:) Her playful nature really lightened the episode, which I found slightly dark/dull.

I've noticed Natalia and Walter's friendship is growing, which is nice to see:thumbsup:. Like in "Reality Kills" where Walter is droning on about the Statue of Liberty and Natalia jokingly asks for more information, the two are always fun/funny to watch together.

But aside from being an entertaining/fun person to watch, has anyone noticed how tough Natalia has become this season? That scene where she was shouting at the supect to get down had me like "Damn! Go Nat!" :guffaw:

I also liked the new trace techs mentioning of Natalia being studied. Though probably something TPTB threw in so the girls could have a conversation, it also showed how knowledgable and developed Natalia has become since being the season 5 trainee. I don't care if she shot at him, give the girl a premotion Horatio!:lol:
Greetings good people!
I think I spotted one mistake in this last "F-T-T" episode, albeit small but important one none the less.
In the epi when Nat found the "unmentionable" in one of the victim's pant pockets, they made a bet of magaritas.
The bet should have been made with Midouri cocktails!!
I trust everyone hasn't forgotten!

Having joined after what ever it is your talking about, I have no clue what Midouri cocktails have to do with anything, but okays! :confused::lol:;)

Midori is (or was) one of Natalia's favourite drink, and we know this during ahem...through Eric. Well, that's history so we should leave it as history. Though here we always use Midori as our celebration drink. I don't know what it taste like though. :lol:

But aside from being an entertaining/fun person to watch, has anyone noticed how tough Natalia has become this season? That scene where she was shouting at the supect to get down had me like "Damn! Go Nat!" :guffaw:

I did mention this and I think she has been or can be tough but you know she didn't had any chance to show it in the past at all. :shifty:
Lol when I said it was an awkward scene I meant like cause we didn't know that she was being studied! I was like wow that would be awkward to find out, cause Nat acted like she didn't know she was being studied. It's good to know she is being studied! I think that would be cool! I wish they would do an episode where she goes there and sees what they are studying on her. As far as her shoulder I was thinking that she could reinjure it. I have popped my shoulder out and if I do anything hard with it it will pop out of place again. The magaritas scene had me a little baffled. I couldn't believe TPTB did that. I guess we will never know if they went and got them. I mean Nat was right so they should have. I smiled when that scene happened though cause I was like Awww it's like old times again! I love those kind of scenes! Nat has gotten stronger this season. I wouldn't want to mess with her! I would be afraid she would deck me to the ground. She def has some sass now and I like it!!! Keep that up Natalia!! Counting down the days till we ge to see her elbow that dummy! ;)
Midori is (or was) one of Natalia's favourite drink, and we know this during ahem...through Eric. Well, that's history so we should leave it as history. Though here we always use Midori as our celebration drink. I don't know what it taste like though. :lol:

Oh, I see, lol :lol: Very clever usage :lol:

I did mention this and I think she has been or can be tough but you know she didn't had any chance to show it in the past at all. :shifty:

Now that I've thought it over, I see your right Michya. I remember a season 5 episode where the suspect grabbed her arm and even then she told him to back off. And the Nick-shove scene does come to mind. Awww, our lil Nat's been a tough girl all along. :)

She'll need to be, seeing what happens in 9.15 :evil::wtf::evil::eek:
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Though there isn't new spoilers for 9.15, I hope them showing Sleepless in Miami as a repeat is somewhat a hint that we are going to see more about her story in 9.15. Not that I am trying to get your hopes up though. ;)

Btw, I am thinking it is more of her work being studied than herself, I mean it's private isn't it and she should have known.
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I've heard episode 13 won't be shown till Feburary, possibly late Feburary:(

Which means it may be March till we get out Nat-action episode :(:(:shifty::scream::scream:

I need some spoilers! Before I go mad with the wait!!!!!!! :scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream::scream:

Someone help a spoiler-junkie out! I'm going into withdrawl! :wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf::wtf:

I think they should just start naming any pair of white pants the 'Natalia pants' - everytime I see 'white pants' featured in fashion-related media, Natalia Boa Vista is mentioned. :lol:

Lol, only our rocking girl could pull off so many white outfits with style while at crime scenes :)
I think they should just start naming any pair of white pants the 'Natalia pants' - everytime I see 'white pants' featured in fashion-related media, Natalia Boa Vista is mentioned. :lol:

Lol, only our rocking girl could pull off so many white outfits with style while at crime scenes :)

She is the only one that can pull off white pants with colored shirts or an all white outfit!

Thanks for the article! Little does she know we love the white outfits! I guess the style department does too. ;) I just love how gorgeous she is. It really makes me mad! And I love her dress in those pics. Anyway back to the show, I can't wait till Feb or March for this episode!! I'm gonna be so bored until then now. At least we get Sleepless in Miami! I will be watching that one again for sure! Also I saw on here where they said Miami and New York might be cancelled. I sure as heck hope that DOES NOT happen. Not now. Not after we are finally getting our Natalia! I'll be pissed!!!! Can't wait for tomorrows episode!!! :)
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Ahhh, old times.....the beginning of the Natalia-pants.

I think Horatio likes them too :lol:

She is gorgeous in all white - this one is a favorite.
I don't know if anyone watched the Miss America pageant but Miss Hawaii looked alot like Eva! I saw her and I was like she kinda resembles Eva/Nat in a way! Just thought I'd let people know! :) MJ! First picture, that is an old pic! Was that her first episode? I can't remember it's been so long ago! The second pic is one of my favorites! She looks beautiful there and I love her outfit. They could dress her in all white every episode and I'd never get tired of it. I like when they dress her in white pants with a red, green, or teal shirt. Those are my favorite colors on her!
Hey guys, Eva posted a small greeting on her official forum! Go check it out!! :D

Eva is loving it so I pray and beg we get the Natalia coming through this season and hopefully for the future too.

So we're talking about her white pants? :lol:

Horatio = Sunglasses
Natalia = White pants

Well, she made it famous and anyways she looks good in them or anything white, I think she loves white too. :p

She looks great in that interview.
^^ Thanks Michya for the heads-up. Read & commented.
It's great that she's loving where she's at & happy with all the work.

MJ! First picture, that is an old pic! Was that her first episode?
LOl. It was 'Prey', her second episode. I don't remember if she had on the white pants in 'From the Grave' & I don't think I have any caps collected from that one to see. To be honest I didn't pay much attention to the white pants in the beginning. It wasn't until I was looking through my caps that I noticed she had them on that early in the beginning of her role. Apparently they really liked it & stuck with it.
It was 'Prey', her second episode. I don't remember if she had on the white pants in 'From the Grave' & I don't think I have any caps collected from that one to see. To be honest I didn't pay much attention to the white pants in the beginning. It wasn't until I was looking through my caps that I noticed she had them on that early in the beginning of her role. Apparently they really liked it & stuck with it.
From what I remember, Natalia wore a teal-blue shirt and black pants in From The Grave. As a major RaiN fan, of course I remember their first meet, lol :lol::guffaw::lol:

Damn, we're debating Natalia's wardrobe now!....we need spoilers and fast people! Lol :lol: BTW, in Wheels Up, where we see Ryan, Natalia, Walter, Tom and Dave all at the derby, does anyone know if this is before or after the case?
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I gotta tell ya, there really aren't many people who can pull off the white thing - particularly white pants - but Eva does it with elegance and style.

With her figure and those long legs she makes white pants look great!

Looking at pictures of here through the years is amazing. Eva just has a natural beauty that, thank god, she is smart enough not to mess with. You don't mess with perfection and I love that she has the confidence and intelligence NOT to do what so many other actresses do - ruin their looks with cosmetic surgery.

I'm loving seeing so much of her this season and I'm hoping big time that it continues. A couple of people on another thread mentioned that they haven't even missed Calleigh - I really have to agree. I haven't missed her at all and seeing Natalia FINALLY get a chance to shine is almost worth all the time we had to wait to see it happen - almost! ;)

I sincerely hope that TPTB are seeing that Natalia is perfect in a lead position and deserves every moment she's getting and more! Her interaction with everyone on the team is great and she has a better working chemistry with Horatio than Calleigh's had in 5 years.
Loving the Natalia! Especially loved when she was hitting the dummy. How true it is that she has great chemistry with everyone, even the lab techs and Tom. She is now more of the senior coaching the newer lab techs and I am loving this!

I got scared when she just pulled the guy away. Now I remembered this was the episode where the victim was also an abused victim. Great to see her being very serious at times and also someone who enjoys her work.

Keep Natalia coming! She is where she belongs now.

BTW, in Wheels Up, where we see Ryan, Natalia, Walter, Tom and Dave all at the derby, does anyone know if this is before or after the case?

This was after the case. It was kinda weird to see Tom there too. Lol.
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