I seem to recall her begging Calleigh and Eric to talk to her as she was being arrested on suspicion of killing Nick. Neither one of them stepped forward.
Delynn, that was one scene I never understood and it was rather hard to watch her begging and made to look stupid. I have to watch it again sometime.
At the time of that scene, I didn't see it as neither one being jerks about it. Some seem to think it meant that neither trusted Nat - I didn't see it that way. They both knew Nat had motive to kill Nick, & they both knew what he had done to her in the past -- to thier knowledge and ours,anything could have happened. I saw thier 'silence' as them just being uncertain.
I won't stick up for Calleigh much in the situation (she blabbed to Jake that Nat commented on wanting to kill him...seriously why would you tell someone that when the person's being charged with murder
), but I will
somewhat for Eric -- I think initially he was concerned as soon as news came out that Nick was dead (the elevator scene said alot). He went to the crime scene & told Horatio "I want this case" -- I had the impression he already knew Natalia may have been involved & was worried that she was.
What happened after the evidence was found, that she'd been in his bed & there the night before....well I happen to think that may have geared him into that "uncertainty". It was a total 'WTF' moment for me, as I'm sure it was for them as well.
I love Natalia, but I won't deny that she's made mistakes, and in that case she'd made mistakes that put herself in the situation, by sleeping with Nick and also neglecting to first report Valera "attacking" him.
If this happened NOW (or even a year or so ago), then I wouldn't tolerate the treatment/silence she received -- I'd be hellbent mad if neither stepped up to the plate to support her, but at the time, & given the circumstances (the evidence, & her past as the mole still lingering) it was somewhat understandable.
Sure, I think they should have stepped up to at least hear her side of the story first, but apparently that was H's job to clear her name, as it always is
Anyway, I'd be more curious to see reactions in the 'here & now'. That's when I'll further judge.
If TPTB put Natalia in the position of looking "suspicious" I'm wondering what everyone on the team will think....if they'll give her the benefit of the doubt, or look back to her 'mole' past. For the most part it seems to be water under the bridge, but I would love to see an event actually prove it this time around.
If 'trust' & 'betrayal' sneaks it's ugly head in again for Nat, then I want to see something similar to what Horatio told her in 'Miami Confidential' when he said "it's time to forgive yourself" -- only this time he tells everyone else, "it's time to forgive her".