Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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Hi Alexa & welcome!

A good video there, I like them more as friends though. :p

I don't think they need to restrcuture her storylines, her character has been consistent so it is good in that part but her presence is fading more and more. That's why most of us here are trying to make tptb realise how much potential there is in the character which tptb chose to ignore, knowing that they have such a talented actor in Eva.
^^ :lol:

Welcome Alexa, glad to have ya here. :)
I adore Horatio & Natalia, but I can't say I'd ever board that ship ....with the romantic messes tptb create on this show, I'd rather not see any main characters hook up at all. Of course if they waited until like 5 episodes before the series ended, then ok, I can handle that. :lol: Otherwise, NO MORE.

I hope this storyline doesn't fade into the background & completely flop ...I'm a bit nervous now that it will. I was hoping to later see Natalia in the hospital getting surgery or something (ear related), then have a kick-ass team gathering moment at her side, but ohhh noooo, we can rule that out now. Someone else has to do that, AGAIN. :rolleyes:
Based on what I've read, and/or what has been hinted at here and there, IMO the hearing stuff is not over.

I know that Rebecca says that Natalia is acting weird, and my prediction is that Natalia might be trying to cover up for feeling dizzy... only a guess.. I hate when there is so much time between episodes, our minds go crazy
Def no more hook ups between the characters for me on this show. If an outside character is brought in once in a blue moon as their partner, this I am fine with. ;)

It is possible her dizziness might be caused by her hearing-equilibrium problems or continued ringing in her ears. Right now we don't know if it is merely just her hearing problem that is causing Ms Rebecca to notice her 'suspicious behaviour' or it has something to do with her cochlear concussion. Lol, I am already crazy. :lol:
Def no more hook ups between the characters for me on this show. If an outside character is brought in once in a blue moon as their partner, this I am fine with. ;)

It is possible her dizziness might be caused by her hearing-equilibrium problems or continued ringing in her ears. Right now we don't know if it is merely just her hearing problem that is causing Ms Rebecca to notice her 'suspicious behaviour' or it has something to do with her cochlear concussion. Lol, I am already crazy. :lol:

Technically her dizziness, hearing-equilibrium, ringing in ears and her cochlear concussion are all a part of the same problem.. stemming from the cochlear concussion... :lol: either way, I want more of the story!
Technically her dizziness, hearing-equilibrium, ringing in ears and her cochlear concussion are all a part of the same problem.. stemming from the cochlear concussion... :lol: either way, I want more of the story!

What I was trying to mean: Was her behaviour due solely to her hearing difficulties or it has to do with her being distracted by domestic violence. :lol: Sorry I am just confusing everyone, lol yeah either way (it probably isn't significant or any difference) we all want to know what is the deal with her cochlear concussion!
Hii Thank you all for welcoming.
I know, I know! H & N is JUST a dream! XD
I just think that Natalia needs somebody (a MAN) with a certain maturity and stability in life! Where she can find security and comfort! and I really think that H is the only one able to give her such a thing! Not these boys (Eric or Ryan) just making her wasting her time with romances that lead nowhere! And age is not a problem!I mean...Callie looks so much older than Eric! and I never heard anyone talk about the age difference between them! but I like the couple they are so Cute 2gether!
And I agree with all, when you say that H should have a girlfriend out of his team, for now!


Welcome Alexa, glad to have ya here.
I adore Horatio & Natalia, but I can't say I'd ever board that ship ....with the romantic messes tptb create on this show, I'd rather not see any main characters hook up at all. Of course if they waited until like 5 episodes before the series ended, then ok, I can handle that. Otherwise, NO MORE.
so funny XD
I agree! but if that happens the story had to be very well structured! And I'll scream so loud if that happens!omg! loool

I hope you all can understand me ^.^
Based on what I've read, and/or what has been hinted at here and there, IMO the hearing stuff is not over.

I know that Rebecca says that Natalia is acting weird, and my prediction is that Natalia might be trying to cover up for feeling dizzy... only a guess.. I hate when there is so much time between episodes, our minds go crazy

I'm sure that's possible, but there are medications she can take for her equilibrium issues-- I am just assuming here, but wouldn't Doc have given her something for that, along with the hearing aid?
Again, I only assume... which I shouldn't do when it comes to tptb :rolleyes:

Anyway, it's hard to say how severe this will play out. I'd like to think that there was something important about the domestic violence being brought up & that we'll later discover something shocking, but, my faith in tptb at this moment is very little -- it's been too easy in the past for them to get sidetracked with other storylines & then they find themselves stuck in a corner, no room to finish what they've started with Natalia. I wish they'd get thier head out of thier ass.
Based on what I've read, and/or what has been hinted at here and there, IMO the hearing stuff is not over.

I know that Rebecca says that Natalia is acting weird, and my prediction is that Natalia might be trying to cover up for feeling dizzy... only a guess.. I hate when there is so much time between episodes, our minds go crazy

I'm sure that's possible, but there are medications she can take for her equilibrium issues-- I am just assuming here, but wouldn't Doc have given her something for that, along with the hearing aid?
Again, I only assume... which I shouldn't do when it comes to tptb :rolleyes:

Anyway, it's hard to say how severe this will play out. I'd like to think that there was something important about the domestic violence being brought up & that we'll later discover something shocking, but, my faith in tptb at this moment is very little -- it's been too easy in the past for them to get sidetracked with other storylines & then they find themselves stuck in a corner, no room to finish what they've started with Natalia. I wish they'd get thier head out of thier ass.

Can someone tell me how to do a spoiler box?please?
my drama queen moment on csi: miami was when Natalia thinks she is pregnant (I think S5). And her look of panic and fear of being pregnant was so big that even now I remember that! Because of this, I always thought she was pregnant when she was married her dead ex-husband. And she lost the baby during one of the moments when he abused on her. I don't know why I think that but I think loool!
And I think this new / old story it must be related to her ex-husband.

I agree with Alexa when she say "that Natalia needs somebody (a MAN) with a certain maturity and stability in life! Where she can find security and comfort! and I really think that H is the only one able to give her such a thing! Not these boys (Eric or Ryan) just making her wasting her time with romances that lead nowhere!"
BUT NOT HORATIO!!!!! nOW H is the only character like that but they can always bring someone out!
Casey, to do spoiler boxes, you just put this:

[*spoiler=brief name of spoiler such as ep title/number]spoiler comments go here and then when you're done putting whatever you wanted to be behind the spoiler bar, you just put [*/spoiler] and that's it. Just take out the *'s (I only put them there so it wouldn't do the actual bar for the explanation). Hope that helps. Or if it's easier, you can also click on the little smiley face at the top of the post window that has an X over it's mouth. :)
I still think that the domestic Violence issue will be related to Nick.

You mean that he caused the injury back when they were together and it hasn't caused a problem until the explosion?

I still think its possible that the look at the pamphlet was just thinking back, cause didn't she mention being in a shelter like that after Nick attacked her? If not, then I think she will start to go there to counsel other women who are currently in the situation. I mean sometimes the best way to get past a trauma is to counsel those who are going through it. A lot of rape victims went on to counsel other rape victims at rape victims' hotlines and such. They did that storyline on 21 Jump Street. Judy had been raped in the past and then she started volunteering at a rape crisis center to counsel others. It was just her way of dealing with what happened to her. I can see that kind of storyline for Natalia.
I still think that the domestic Violence issue will be related to Nick.

You mean that he caused the injury back when they were together and it hasn't caused a problem until the explosion?

Yea...that it was an older injury...might not have been as bad at the time, but it slowly started getting worse, and the explosion really did it in.

I don't care what the s/l is as long as natalia gets some fair air time :lol:
^^ Ugh, it's still hard for me to buy that she'd had this injury FIVE years ago & that it only triggered once the explosion occured...but...this is tptb & well...need I say more? :lol:

I don't mind the idea that it's from Nick's abuse, but I'm reaching for something that could take her through next season & I don't see how it could if it just winds up that the injury stirred up emotions & so she went on to help others -- something like that would be too easy for tptb to let go of & not take anywhere. I don't trust them.

And welcome Casey. :)

I always thought she was pregnant when she was married her dead ex-husband. And she lost the baby during one of the moments when he abused on her.
I thought that at one time too, though it was more because she'd said that the home pregnancy tests didn't work on her & it made me wonder how she'd have known that unless she was at one time pregnant, or at least thought she was during her marriage.

Call me insane, but I'd still LOVE to see that she already has a child -- like perhaps she'd found out she was pregnant when Nick broke her arm, he was heading to jail so he never knew; the baby could have been semi-raised by her sister (a secret she'd have had to keep to avoid Nick finding out) then after Nick died she brought her baby back home. I mean, hell, it isn't like we've seen anything with her since his death so the idea that she's been at home being Mommy the last 3 years isn't that unbelievable.

Anyway, that's my dream storyline for Nat -- I just think she'd be a great Mom & it'd be nice to see that something good came from her terrible marriage.
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