Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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ok I know I am beating a dead horse (is that the expression?) --
But I actually think that if it is due to an old injury, TPTB are accurate... all injuries are different, have different affects on the body/area, and heal at different paces.

...for instance I woke up with severe back/muscle discomfort that no matter how I twisted and turned I could not 'crack'. It came and went and then finally one day it was to the point that I could not rotate my body properly (I noticed this when I was turning to back out of the driveway)...

I made an appointment with the Dr. and my muscles were in spasm my Dr. said that my muscles were severely knotty, and whatnot and that at my age (I am 25, but was probably 20 at the time), it was rare to see in someone who had not just been in some sort of accident, or taken a serious fall.etc..... I rattled my brain and could not think of any thing. The Dr. told me to think hard, it could be something from my child hood that I forgot about, because at the time it was minor...

I still am not sure what caused the muscle spasms (and still get them), the only thing I could suggest was that I had done gymnastics about 10 years prior... he said that if I had taken a fall, that could do it... I said I must've taken a bunch of falls, and remember specifically falling a lot when learning to do a basic back bend (hands over head, leaning backwards till body is in a bridge position)...
I definately fell on my head doing that...as did everyone who was learning to do it...:rolleyes: at the time I just 'got back on the horse'

He said that, that could do it.

...ok I am totally rambling and not quite sure why... or see why I feel like I need to defend my position on the subject,... probably because i am anxious for Natalia story-lines and/or CSI miami in general!

either way- it's nice discussing it here :lol:
I always thought she was pregnant when she was married her dead ex-husband. And she lost the baby during one of the moments when he abused on her.
I thought that at one time too, though it was more because she'd said that the home pregnancy tests didn't work on her & it made me wonder how she'd have known that unless she was at one time pregnant, or at least thought she was during her marriage.

Call me insane, but I'd still LOVE to see that she already has a child -- like perhaps she'd found out she was pregnant when Nick broke her arm, he was heading to jail so he never knew; the baby could have been semi-raised by her sister (a secret she'd have had to keep to avoid Nick finding out) then after Nick died she brought her baby back home. I mean, hell, it isn't like we've seen anything with her since his death so the idea that she's been at home being Mommy the last 3 years isn't that unbelievable.

Anyway, that's my dream storyline for Nat -- I just think she'd be a great Mom & it'd be nice to see that something good came from her terrible marriage.

oooh, I had forgotten about her saying that about home pregnancy tests... I recenetly watched that episode and was thinking that maybe she has a hard time getting pregnant because of Nick... or something he did ?

I would be interested to see a storyline travel down this road... but now sure how I would feel about her already having a baby.

All i Know is that it's season 8 (going on 9) and while the show was founded on Crime scene investigating, it's really the characters that keep the viewers entertained.
And welcome Casey. :)

I always thought she was pregnant when she was married her dead ex-husband. And she lost the baby during one of the moments when he abused on her.
I thought that at one time too, though it was more because she'd said that the home pregnancy tests didn't work on her & it made me wonder how she'd have known that unless she was at one time pregnant, or at least thought she was during her marriage.

Anyway, that's my dream storyline for Nat -- I just think she'd be a great Mom & it'd be nice to see that something good came from her terrible marriage.

think the same!!!but I only did not write that line because I said "they'll think I'm an obsessed fan for reminding me of that phrase" XD:lol:

but any way, we all have a dream history for Natalia! looooolXD:lol: AND definitely she will be an excellent mom! and just the fact of imagine one son or daughter of Natalia... is the sweetest thing in the world ^. ^

I mean .... Alexa wants Natalia with Horatio! others with Ryan, others still have hope on Eric! I mean... dream is possible! why not have a child?:lol:
we have to write a fan-fic with our dreams for Natalia!
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Welcome Casey. :)

For me hehe once again, I say it can't be due to Nick. :p If so I believe there also would have been many other injuries she has suffered that went undetected. Hers was a bone fracture, I think and I thought someone said this kind would have healed or would have shown signs of hearing problems during the early stages of the incident. Hers was definitely a very long time ago, before Nick even went to jail. And I think we have to judge each medical condition differently.

oooh, I had forgotten about her saying that about home pregnancy tests... I recenetly watched that episode and was thinking that maybe she has a hard time getting pregnant because of Nick... or something he did ?
Hmm, I never thought of this. Interesting.

Storylines for Natalia will all be nothing but dreams as of now for me. :( I wonder what she is going to do in S9 now? Will we have anything more this season, will it be carried to S9?
For me hehe once again, I say it can't be due to Nick. :p If so I believe there also would have been many other injuries she has suffered that went undetected. Hers was a bone fracture, I think and I thought someone said this kind would have healed or would have shown signs of hearing problems during the early stages of the incident. Hers was definitely a very long time ago, before Nick even went to jail. And I think we have to judge each medical condition differently.

I find myself constantly leaning away from it being Nick also :lol: It just wouldn't make sense to me. If it is from Nick & the injury is old (or maybe he isn't dead! Hey, if a CSI can be a freakin' ghost than why not resurface dead ex husbands?) As I was saying, if it was from 5 years ago then tptb didn't do much research on cochlear concussions -- everything I've read on the subject (yes I am that nuts) claims that the cochlear concussion causes hearing loss/vertigo. It's very hard to buy that her symptoms surfaced 5 years later. A few years I might buy, but Nick's been dead for 3.5 years, & was in jail before then at the very least a year.
Take into consideration that the concussion was from whacks to the head, & Nick went to jail for breaking her arm, we could add another few months onto this timeline if these whacks to the head took place before the arm breaking/throwing him in jail.
Just hard for me to believe, that's all. :confused:
Yeah, not to mention why would they just abruptly bring this issue up again when there is no need to? Just for her to reflect upon it? Nick is already dead. Besides she was also sort of in denial about it when previously she didn't seem to be that way. It doesn't make sense to me either. Of course it can always be that tptb is trying to screw us up, which is a possibility as well. :shifty:
An old injury can remain dorment and with no forseen, or with overlooked, symptoms. Over time the injury might get worse, or it might not.

THink of dominos...
Natalia's old injury was dormant, it's a domino (if you will). The domino was just standing there, maybe one day Natalia bumps her head...and the domino slips a little but manages to stand back up (causing symptoms like headache), but nonetheless the domino was strong enough to stay up... then one day an explosion happenes causing a chain reaction, and the domino finally falls down.

Had the collision not have happened, Natalia's old injury may have gone undetected... or might have slowly come out over time, due to every day wear and tear, finally getting the better of it.

Does this make sense?

^^ Occasionally there is bound to be some shipper related comments in this thread, however, it's best to take a comment like that & bring it to shipper central. ;)

I see what you're saying CSINatalia. I guess I'll just agree to disagree here. There's a huge chance we may not even find out anything at all & we'll forever wonder where this injury came from!
I don't care which way it goes, I just want it to unfold in some manner & not be tossed aside. :)
Yeah, not to mention why would they just abruptly bring this issue up again when there is no need to? Just for her to reflect upon it? Nick is already dead. Besides she was also sort of in denial about it when previously she didn't seem to be that way. It doesn't make sense to me either. Of course it can always be that tptb is trying to screw us up, which is a possibility as well. :shifty:

I really agree with yoou!!!!
bring the story of Nick again is totally unnecessarily to Natalia storyline! But I think it's very possible to be connected to him!
perhaps this injury came from someone else, like her father, another boyfriend, uncles, grandparents lool my grandmother always told me "(bla bla bla) ...womens who suffering from domestic violence by husbands, many of them had cases of some kind of violence in their family!" Now if this is true? I don't know!xD maybe the writers want to explore some stage of her life as childhood or adolescence .... don't know! but thhis really necessary? No! Natalia really needs more drama like that on her life? No!
An old injury can remain dorment and with no forseen, or with overlooked, symptoms. Over time the injury might get worse, or it might not.

THink of dominos...
Natalia's old injury was dormant, it's a domino (if you will). The domino was just standing there, maybe one day Natalia bumps her head...and the domino slips a little but manages to stand back up (causing symptoms like headache), but nonetheless the domino was strong enough to stay up... then one day an explosion happenes causing a chain reaction, and the domino finally falls down.

Interesting thoughts of the domino.

Hopefully Jesse's story is wrapped up in 8.16 and the 'tag-team' in 8.20 and we have the rest for Natalia. Is this wishful thinking? I think so. :lol: Oh dear Natalia, where have you been?
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Just something I noticed: In the 2 episodes dealing with Nat's hearing problems, I've realised that there were quite a few scenes with no dialogues at all and only facial/body expressions from Natalia. Those were really, really good scenes. Even with nothing spoken, each spoke volumes.
She's brilliant with those expressions. There's been so many more than just these last 2. Actually I find that in all her featured epis (where she had drama) she used more facial expression than words. It's especially noticeable in her eyes.

One look I always giggled at was the one she threw Nick in 'Death Eminent" (after he asked if she wanted to get dirty). She had a bit of dialogue there but I remember the expression more. :lol:
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