Eva/Natalia #2: History Aside, She's Making a Good One!

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She'll get there. The only thing that seems to be an obstacle is the lack of armament which means she can't go to a crime scene alone, she always has to be accompanied by another CSI.

In sixth season thus far we really have only had one incident where she may have made a mistake was in "Inside Out" where she kind of let her professionalism down with the Ryan and the motorcyle keys incident. It seems she is moving along just as she should. There hasn't been too much on her firearms training so we just don't know where she stands with respect to that. I don't doubt that she'll get her carry permit, eventually.

The CSIs typically are not the ones who do the ass-kicking. Their job is come in later, gather evidence, evaluate and analyze the crime scene, and later analyze the evidence. The ass kickers are usually the patrol officers or the tactical SWAT teams.

I think we'll see two things.
First-Natalia will handle a case solo. She will do everything on scene and handle much of the analysis when the evidence is returned to the lab. She'll leave the ballistics to Calleigh and the hard fingerprint stuff to Eric. Beyond that she will be on her own. It will be a difficult case either for its brutality, gruesomeness, or because it rattles her emotionally. For example-how about a woman beaten to death by her husband. It's possible this could bring back memories of her life with Nick, causing nightmares or other types of anxiety.
Second-I also think she'll be involved in firefight of some sort a short time after she gets her gun permit, and she will be put into a kill-or-be-killed situation. It's also possible that the life of one of the other CSIs may be in jeopardy and she has to act. Either way her actions are going to be put under review by the department brass and IAD. It could make for an interesting episode for sure.
I'd like to see her get her liscence & learn to shoot...& shoot well. But I really would enjoy it more if it came next season. I'd rather see the rest of this season be her still learning; go through something dramatic that is work-related; overcome it w/ more ambition than ever; get a peak at the end of the season that she's gotten her liscence & then start next season w/ her "knowing" what she's doing.

I do believe something major will go down. Much like what DOUBLEHELIX posted above. I like seeing her character strong, but everyone in some shape or form has a weakness & I think that's what makes us "human". That's what i've always loved about her character. I know I absolutely DO NOT want to see her get raped or fall in love w/ Rich to have him be an ass later...Im pretty sure he's gonna be a bad guy ;) I'd much rather her get the feeling that she can't trust him & go from there, my god, she's already made that same mistake w/ Nick..I don't want her to do it again!!
Really I think she needs something that we'll put a "mark" on her, something that can carry itself throughout her character. Give her drive & make her really strong. I hope that's what will come out of her arc/twist for this season!!

Yes, TYPICAL CSI's don't "kick ass" :lol: but this is "Miami". So, if their going to put her on the field like the other characters, i'd like for her to kick ass w/ the rest of them & not be the weakling left behind to get shot at because she can't protect herself. :rolleyes: Ya know what I mean? ;)
On a different note...I do like that her character is more like a REAL CSI. She's got the knowledge in the lab down packed...the "field" is going to be a much different story. We'll see how she does ;)
i think she is learning well. In deep freeze she seemed to be better at it and in csi my nanny she said that she saw more target epople than real people so i think she will have her gun license before the end of the season.
by the way i was watching death eminent with audio comment and Togo said that he wish they make Nat a kung fu expert!so funny!!!
Well, I always imagined Nat to be a "fight back" kinda chick (her pushing Nick in 'looks' epi). She doesn't strike me as being the abused wife who lays down & takes it.
I bet if she did ever get into a struggle that she would try her best to kick some a%%.
It would be kinda nice to see her as a "kung fu "expert.
Or at least knock out a few teeth every once in a while! :D

Im still moving toward the theory that something more MIGHT revolve around her "shoulder pop" (deep freeze)..
what do you all think?
Not medically but, that maybe it will come into effect somehow during her "arc". :confused:
I do believe I read in a bio somewhere that Eva has acquired a green belt or better in Tai Kwan Do. Now that could make for some really interesting scenes.
Another piece of news about Eva. After a few years of taking care of her daughter Kaya and working on CSI Miami it looks as if Eva is venturing back into the dating game. In an interview on the entertainment/gossip show Chelsea Lately
Eva let it be known she has a new boyfriend. An ex-New England Patriots player named Joe Capucho. This time he's not an actor but a business man. GOOD FOR HER!!!

Here's a link to the interview that you can see on YouTube

That is some good news. Im very happy for her!! Eva needs a good man....so does Natalia!
;) ;) ;)
Btw, I liked her attitude w/ Julia in last night's epi. It was rather funny.
I thought for a split second, that the lady in the car was Nat. I knew it was supposed to be the kidnapped woman but Natalia was last seen in the mansion w/ Julia & the assistant. I thought maybe they knocked her out, taped her to the car & under she went :lol:
I actually would have liked that to happen.... :D
Surviving of course. ;)
wow that interview was so funny!!!! Also when they talked about David caruso that was funny to! Its so great that eva met someone, she really deserve to be happy.
I chose extra curly, looks so pretty with her hair like that *is jealous*


I also chose her norml hairstyle, and I would have chosen stright too :D

I don't think I've posted in here before *waves*

LeAnne xx
As a rule I think Natalia looks best with hair down, lightly curled or down with a little bit of wave to it. However, the strait look like she had in "Miami Confidential" was a real close second.
What makes this a difficult question is that Eva can carry off a whole number of hairstyles reeeaaally well. You can't really say that for other actresses or models. I have seen photographs of her with short 'bob' type cuts, medium or shoulder lengths, or long below-shoulder lengths like she has now. She wears them all beautifully. The only photo I saw that I didn't think complimented her well was one that had her wearing long and very tightly curled. It just didn't fit her.
doublehelix said:
I do believe I read in a bio somewhere that Eva has acquired a green belt or better in Tai Kwan Do. Now that could make for some really interesting scenes.
Another piece of news about Eva. After a few years of taking care of her daughter Kaya and working on CSI Miami it looks as if Eva is venturing back into the dating game. In an interview on the entertainment/gossip show Chelsea Lately
Eva let it be known she has a new boyfriend. An ex-New England Patriots player named Joe Capucho. This time he's not an actor but a business man. GOOD FOR HER!!!

Here's a link to the interview that you can see on YouTube

<a href="//www.youtube.com/watch?v=NS0Y0kAYi08" target="_blank">YouTube</a>
hey the video was good!thx for sharing! :D
Wow, Im a little suprised at the results so far :D Extra curly!

Well I chose Ponytail & the regular doo!
The ponytail I really liked cause she has such a pretty face & it brought out all her features (that will be my next poll :D). & it was "casual" as the same time.

The regular doo I like, lightly curled. It just looks good on her, not much else to say about that, but, it fits her well.

Strait would of been my 3rd choice. For some reason in "one of their own" w/ her hair so completely straitened made her look reallllly young. She looked very pretty in that epi, light make-up..you could even see a little freckle under her eye in the ending scene; very natural...she's a gorgeous girl!
I will say the "bun" was very pretty on her, but a little too sophisticated for our spunky Natalia!! :D :D

Where are my manners...**waves to CALLEIGHD**"Hello"
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