I don't think Rich will be abusive, thats pushing it a little for TPTB if they are to stick her in another abusive relationship. But I do think he'll be some kind of danger to her eventually. Episode 10, huh?? Shouldn't that be around sweeps time, maybe something interesting will happen! I'd love for her to get into a bad situation w/ this guy & w/ her not being able to defend herself she'd kill him. I know that sounds harsh but if she was scared & seeing 'flashbacks of Nick' and freaks out on him, then they could carry it out w/ her trying to deal w/ killing someone & Stetler could jump all over her, kinda like Stella's crazy boyfriend scene from NY. I could totally see her freak out on someone....ooh & then they could go back on teh fact that Nick had a restraining order against him & make it look like she was wrong. Whatever TPTB have up their sleeves w/ this I hope its not as lame as when Nick died. Is it too much to ask to actually have some REAL suspense??