Eric/Natalia___The Sweetest Smiles...

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Boa_Vista_Fan said:
LoveAllCsi said:
monday's repeat got my cousin hookedon eric and natalia. she thought that their little scene was adorable and i was like they have some many better scenes
SCORE! Yay, glad to hear of another shipper! :D ...What was Monday night's episode? Again, I'm too lazy to look anything up. :p
haha thanks.
yep, that's me. LoveAllCsi's cousin.
they look compuhletely ah-mazingly ah-dorable together
and i love love love them
oh and also, last monday's episode was death eminent

Boa_Vista_Fan said:
LoveAllCsi said:
i love the pic. they really do look super duper key-ute
Key-ute. Gotta add that to the ERotIcA/NED/NERF shippers' dictionary with ah-dorable.

(Anyone remember those NERF balls from years ago? :p Those were fun! ...As is the Natalia/Eric Relationship [Forever]!)

omg i remember them. they were so much fun.
my little brother has one and i stole it from him(after reading this) and wrote Eric and Natalia all over it. but then he stole it back from me (well technically he took back what was his cause i stole it from him in the first place. beside the point. dont mind my random rambling) and then threw it under a bus and the bus ran over it and then my older brother threw it out (and sadly i couldnt get a picture)

btw, first post
Miss_Boa_Vista said:
they look compuhletely ah-mazingly ah-dorable together
and i love love love them

Miss_Boa_Vista said:
oh and also, last monday's episode was death eminent
It was Death Eminent that got you hooked on them? Wow... If I recall, they only had one scene together and it wasn't all that great, compared to some of the other scenes they've had over the past two seasons. That's awesome, though. I'm glad you're hooked.

If you go to's Innertube, CBS has up the latest new episode of Miami: A Grizzly Murder. You should check it out! The scene that we were talking about earlier is in that episode. :D

Miss_Boa_Vista said:
my little brother has one and i stole it from him(after reading this) and wrote Eric and Natalia all over it. but then he stole it back from me (well technically he took back what was his cause i stole it from him in the first place. beside the point. dont mind my random rambling) and then threw it under a bus and the bus ran over it and then my older brother threw it out (and sadly i couldnt get a picture)
Whoa. That's crazy, dude. Haha.

...I wish I had a NERF ball... My old best friend stole mine when we were in third grade... *sniffle* :(
Boa_Vista_Fan said:
Miss_Boa_Vista said:
they look compuhletely ah-mazingly ah-dorable together
and i love love love them
ha lol

Boa_Vista_Fan said:
Miss_Boa_Vista said:
oh and also, last monday's episode was death eminent
It was Death Eminent that got you hooked on them? Wow... If I recall, they only had one scene together and it wasn't all that great, compared to some of the other scenes they've had over the past two seasons. That's awesome, though. I'm glad you're hooked.

If you go to's Innertube, CBS has up the latest new episode of Miami: A Grizzly Murder. You should check it out! The scene that we were talking about earlier is in that episode. :D
they did only have one scene together. i was totally bummered out about that. but i was sick today and yesterday so i watched the a&e marathon and one episode was the one where she told him she was the mole. the scene was super oober ah-dorably cute before he got all sad.
and i'm glad i'm hooked too.
and i saw Grizzly Murder today. omg i luhved that scene

Boa_Vista_Fan said:
Miss_Boa_Vista said:
my little brother has one and i stole it from him(after reading this) and wrote Eric and Natalia all over it. but then he stole it back from me (well technically he took back what was his cause i stole it from him in the first place. beside the point. dont mind my random rambling) and then threw it under a bus and the bus ran over it and then my older brother threw it out (and sadly i couldnt get a picture)
Whoa. That's crazy, dude. Haha.

...I wish I had a NERF ball... My old best friend stole mine when we were in third grade... *sniffle* :(
awwwwww *pouts*
boo to the old best friend lol (off topic but who cares)
Boa_Vista_Fan said:
Choco_Sushi_Nut said:
i absolutely loved the gentleman/strip club scene from last weeks eppie.. cuz nats like 0.0 and erics like XD .. LOL.. too cute! XD
That really was great, and something that's keept me sane all throughout this hiatus. She was completely accusing him, and he was all embarrassed because he couldn't get around it... That little smirk from him was adorable. (And then the look on her face afterward? Too cute! ...I can't tell what she said, though. Anyone know?)
i just watched it with my little brother. last night when we were both sick off topic ok back on topic. anyway she just shook her head and mouths the word 'yup'. i didnt notice it until you said anything though. so thanks
This past Monday was an enjoyable treat for the Eric/Natalia fans. Their chemistry is still rocking and going strong. Natalia looked fine in that dress. Eric was giving her the look. :D
bklynCSIfanatic said:
This past Monday was an enjoyable treat for the Eric/Natalia fans. Their chemistry is still rocking and going strong. Natalia looked fine in that dress. Eric was giving her the look. :D

loved the eric/natalia scenes. you are so right. the chemistry is still there.
and those looks he gave her were ahhhhhhhhh-dorable
OMG...I love these two. Too bad there were no cute scenes last night. I wish there had been. I mean, I've scene snippets of their scenes but I want more, dang it!
god, you do not know how excited i am to see this thread, we have to keep it going!!! agree totally, where were they?? they hardly even showed nat. anyway i heard that lionel ritchie song " i call it love" in the store the other day & i got all tickledthinking about their little video . i cannot say it enough, they belong together. ya know, in the history of CSIami, they are really the only couple (between main characters) that have actally BEEN together & had their relationship strung out so long! thats why they need to be back together. theyve shared way too much to be just friends.
sorry if im not supposed to do this considering i was the last 1 to post here but we need this on the front page to bring in our shippers. WHERE ARE YOU?? any thoughts about tomorrows eppi? i cant wait. we better see some NAT/ERIC scenes.
yeah!! more NED shippers. so glad you decided to come this way. i just cant see nat w/ anyone but eric. lets face it horatio could have chemistry w/ a rock. its in his nature but eric & nat just look so in love to me. its like their hiding their feelings or somethin, don't you think? i heard the perfect NED song. its called "what hurts the most" by rascall flatts. its so fitting. we should have a thread on "NED" songs. i have so many.see ya!
okay its weird seeing the Boa names quote each other. I swear I thought for a minute, she lost her mind. -- I still love yall though! Just saying, I got caught up in it. :lol:

I think I saw one or two scenes, one that I know of for sure, The smiles that they always have for each other, was definately there!
mjszud said:
theyve shared way too much to be just friends.
I agree. Even if they are friends, they both shared something really special with each other that they didn't share with any of the other CSIs. Correct me if I'm wrong, but their lovemaking was canon, was it not? (They did have that pregnancy scare, after all.) Sex isn't entirely fun and games... it's deeper than that. They've seen each other, and I mean REALLY seen each other. She put her trust in him, which had to be pretty important considering Eric's the first guy she's been with since Nick.

I could go on and on, but I don't want to look any more like an idiot than I do already. (I'm holding the rest of it off for my third chapter of one of my fics. [The Eric/Natalia oneshots inspired by a quote of theirs. The third chapter's quote is the one from the episode Payback: "I had a great time last night." "Me, too. Next time we'll have to actually watch the movie."] So needless to say, that chapter's going to be M. :eek:)

mjszud said:
its like their hiding their feelings or somethin, don't you think?
Definitely. It's like when they're around each other, they've got that longing for each other and all these memories of what they had in season four, but they're both telling themselves that they're not supposed to be together any more and that they need to stick to talking about the case.

CathStokes said:
okay its weird seeing the Boa names quote each other. I swear I thought for a minute, she lost her mind. -- I still love yall though! Just saying, I got caught up in it. :lol:
Lmao! I didn't even realize that until you said it. Looking back, it looks pretty funny, doesn't it?

You guys will never guess what I just found...

Pictures from when they first met! :D




(Screencaps from
"I had a great time last night." "Me, too. Next time we'll have to actually watch the movie."] So needless to say, that chapter's going to be M.

I still can't wait to read that one :devil:

Lmao! I didn't even realize that until you said it. Looking back, it looks pretty funny, doesn't it?

LMAO. It's all good though :)

aww those pictures are so cute. and HOT! I love Eric looking at her in the second one, 'how you doin'?'
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