Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #16

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Did you all see that Eric and Dita and Brad Tanenbaum did a audio commentary for AKBF on the seaosn 11 DVD set coming out!? I am so excited!

I didn't! Just looked at the preview and the description of the extras, as if I wasn't looking forward to the season 11 DVDs enough already! :D
Did you all see that Eric and Dita and Brad Tanenbaum did a audio commentary for AKBF on the seaosn 11 DVD set coming out!? I am so excited!

I didn't! Just looked at the preview and the description of the extras, as if I wasn't looking forward to the season 11 DVDs enough already! :D

I had missed that the first time as well, but I went back and clicked the description link. I cannot wait!! It will be so nice to hear what Eric has to say about this great Greg-centric episode. Also looking forward to hearing from his friend Dita, as I do love her too :bolian:
Heya everyone!
Long time haven't been here. But it must be because the channel stopped season 11 midway and turned to s10. But now they announced season 11 is back and I found they'll continue from the last episode they stopped. I'm still curious about that splinted finger thingy. (frankly completely forgot to watch episodes online when I had the chance)
The splintered finger I guess was just something that happened to Eric but they tried to hide it on the show overall. Don't know how it happened and doubt we ever will.
Yeah I figured that but still wanted to check out my own eyes. Sometimes I tend to miss whole lot of details just because I stare at certain characters and forget to watch the show
I just saw on TV Line that they're doing an Ultimate Law-Enforcement Crush Tourney- 32 guys and 32 girls

Let's see if we can get Greg in :):thumbsup:
Hey guys, please remember not to post spoilers, including pics, without spoiler tags. Thanks! :)
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