Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Well if they keep up his screen time to at least about 10 minutes + an episode, I will be happy enough with that.
True I'm happy just with the screen time being better. Now we have to hope they can continue the balance like they did in the last episode would be really nice.
Too bad not all the writers know how to utilize Greg like David Rambo does, but I am hoping for the best and more Greg.
Yeah well I think in next week's episode I know he was mentioned in the spoilers so I am hopefully that means we will see a lot of him in that episode too.
Well good news is Greg is in the promo for next week's episode, so here's hoping for another episode with good screen time for him.
I am starting to think TPTB might be hearing us about wanting to see more Greg. If the new spoiler pics are any indication, we might be able to enjoy this season after all. :)

I can't wait to see this week's episode. And I get to watch it on a nice big HD TV for a change since I am visiting my family. :)
About time they listen to us :), I did see those spoiler pics and they made me very happy. I can't wait to see the next episode it looks to be really good guess we will have to wait and see, hoping to scene some good Greg scenes. :thumbsup:
Those spoiler pics made me squee. :lol: I love Greg and maybe that will be a Greg centric eppy? *crosses fingers*

Greg has gotten some decent screentime this season....lets hope it continues.
I loved that Greg had a good amount of screen time again and he was working with Sara too which made me really happy :thumbsup: I missed those to working together and I loved it in this episode. :)
Yep another good episode for us Greggo fans. I honestly think the man is getting better looking each time I see him.
I can agree with that :thumbsup: I'm so glad the screen time is staying pretty good I just hope they can keep it up, if they do I will be a very happy fan. :)
Yes he does! The last one he had was in season 7! Us Greg fans are over due for a Greg-centric episode.
He does. But in the meantime I'll take what I can get. I really enjoyed the episode and that Greg worked with Sara. Its about the only time I can tolerate her. And yes I also agree he keeps getting better looking!! Damn he looked fine tonight...:drool:
Yea, I like Sara when she is with Greg, otherwise I could not care either way.

Oh I am not complaining about the recent screen time. It seems they must have been reading posts on the boards here about how we all wanted to see more of the others besides Ray. We even got a few lab techs tonight.
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