Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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How cute did he look in the scene where he was doing that test run with his fingers as the gun? :lol:

Yeah that's one of the reasons I liked that scene, considering my first thought while watching it was that he looked cute doing it ;) Loved the episode as a whole and now I hope the writers can give some more good Greg stuff the rest of the way through the season. I'm crossing my fingers.
Well I still think it is interesting that he does not carry a gun. He is the only one who does not. Even Ray carries now. So his getting to act like he was carrying a gun probably thrilled Eric. :lol:
Well I still think it is interesting that he does not carry a gun. He is the only one who does not. Even Ray carries now. So his getting to act like he was carrying a gun probably thrilled Eric. :lol:

Which I find interesting. In "No Way Out", we see that Greg has been trained in firearms, but he still doesn't carry. Nothing wrong with that. It's just his personal preference. I do find it interesting though.
Plus did anyone else notice when they were in the breakroom scene and Lawrence Fishburn slammed his arm into the Soda machine making Marg jump, Eric smiled briefly before looking all serious again. :lol: Nobody else seemed to smile but him. It was cute.

Yes! I did notice that and I agree it was pretty cute! This ep not only helped renew my faith in Greg time but in CSI itself. It was just a really good episode in general, my fave so far this season.
Yeah if they can keep episodes with more so equal screen time for everyone like this one and an interesting story to follow, this season still has hope.

And I definitely think we have not seen the end of Greg's need for respect. Catherine looked to him to take that new case and he looked rather mad about it and turned to Sara who seemed to understand and volunteered herself. In that scene I got the feeling he would have said something again if Sara had not spoke up. It's just like Catherine still sees him as the CSI level 1 which he is not anymore. Ray by all means is the lowest level and she should have turned to him for it.
I would love a good Greg storyline this season it would be really nice to have one :) Now my hope is renewed for screen time balance yet again, although not too high, don't want to risk getting disappointed. You would think Catherine would give Ray (who is the lowest ranked CSI, last I checked) the other case, sure we know Greg's the youngest but he has been a CSI for the last five years.
Makes you wonder if it isn't just the fact that Greg had been the lowest member of the totem until recently but also an age thing. Ray is older and if the saying is true, wiser. Not necessarily smarter, just wiser. Greg is the youngest member of the team. Perhaps Catherine is being influenced subconsciously in that regard.

Just a thought...
I actually think that is why she is doing that. She still sees him as the youngest on the team and is not taking into consideration his years of experience though. Like he said in the season opener, he is still being treated like the Lab Rat with the Crazy hair....that image of him as the young kid still lives in her mind I think.
Well, that could be it because I think she still treats Linds like a little girl too sometimes.

I just thought of something else... Maybe they could do one episode where it's the anniversary (for lack of a better word) of that whole lab explosion incident and Cath feels guilty all over again and then approaches Greg first with the assignments, handing them all to him and saying, "here, pick one". That would be interesting (and show continuity) and then maybe later that causes her to realize that she's been stunting him job-wise by constantly giving him the crap jobs and she decides to promote him some way to let him know that he is appreciated.

I can't help feeling though that Grissom would have noticed Greg's unhappiness long before he ever had a chance to say anything about it. Grissom was the ultimate observer. He observed The Stokes' and knew that the thing to pull Nick out of his hysteria was to call him "Pancho". So, I'm sure Grissom would have realized that Greg was frusturated and unhappy.

It would have been cute if later they'd showed Greg go up to Sara and say, "If you weren't a married woman, I'd kiss you!" And then Sara say, "I'd settle for a hug." And then the two of them hugging. hehe. :)

Okay, I'm going to bed now. I keep typing the wrong words cause I'm tired and not feeling well. Head's clouded with this stupid cold thing. :(
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Well, that could be it because I think she still treats Linds like a little girl too sometimes.

I just thought of something else... Maybe they could do one episode where it's the anniversary (for lack of a better word) of that whole lab explosion incident and Cath feels guilty all over again and then approaches Greg first with the assignments, handing them all to him and saying, "here, pick one". That would be interesting (and show continuity) and then maybe later that causes her to realize that she's been stunting him job-wise by constantly giving him the crap jobs and she decides to promote him some way to let him know that he is appreciated.

You know that seems like a good idea and a logical way to go and like you said it would show continuity. Personally I would love it if the writers would do something like that. :)
I just saw the episode tonight, and I'm happy enough with it. Not thrilled, but certainly not disappointed.

I really like Greg being the case-breaker on this one, and his interaction with the witness and her little boy was great.

The whole episode felt like a team effort, and while I was still annoyed at Ray the All-Knowing SuperCSIMan, I felt like everyone got to input into the case, and that for me was more heartening.

And Greg actually made it on screen before the 10 minute mark! :lol:

For future episodes, I'd love to see Greg get a solo case, and a story. But if not, then I'd rather see episodes like this, where they are a team and working together.
For future episodes, I'd love to see Greg get a solo case, and a story. But if not, then I'd rather see episodes like this, where they are a team and working together.

I agree, although I really would love to see a more so Greg centered episode. I mean last season Catherine, Nick and even newbie Ray got one. Greg should get one this season. Otherwise the nice team work aspect for all other eps should be done. I really think they need to go back to an A and B case, that way all of them can be used.
I'm crossing my fingers for a Greg centered episode sometime this season, also a question what was the last Greg centered episode we had? I haven't seen the last two seasons so I could have missed one, but I don't think I did.
Well I would say they last true Greg centered episode was Big Shots in season 7. I can't think of any since then.
I had a feeling the last one was in season 7 thanks. Yeah I say we are over due for a Greg centered episode, maybe we will get one this year would be nice. Especially since everybody else got one last season, like you said.
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