Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Well now I have something to be hopeful about now. I'm keeping my figures crossed for good Greg scenes in the next episode.
I just saw this comment on a website about Eric with some comments. This one was just posted two days ago.
I really appreciate that you took the time to take the picture with me in Napa. I can`t believe my husband ran after you but I am glad he did and you were simply so nice. Thank you so much.
Sounds like some lucky duck got to meet him. Glad to hear he was nice too. :)
Sounds like this lucky duck also has a great husband!!

The only time I like Sara is when she is working with Greg, so I hope that's the case in this case...:lol:
Wow! That's one heck of a hubby! :lol: Though when I first read "I couldn't believe my hubby ran after you", I thought "uh oh jealous hubby", but then I realized she meant that he ran to catch up with Eric to ask him about the picture. :lol:

I think the next ep has two cases, but unless they do the whole thing where both cases end up being connected, I'm not sure about Sara/Greg working a case together.
Originally they said the new hot cop (who we now know is played by the guy from Without a Trace- which weird considering the crossover lol) would be working a case with Sara. So, it just sounds to me like Sara will be solo on one case while the rest of the team works on the other case. The spoilers say "Sara investigates the death of a boy" or something like that. There's no indication that she and Greg are working on the case together. Of course it's possible the spoilers left Greg out... wouldn't be the first time.
Well if I remember correctly I saw something that said
that Sara and Greg were working the case together. Plus in the longer promo you see Greg taking a photo and then see Sara taking a footprint and it looks like the same location.

In any case, I really hope we see more of him this week. And I personally still want to see more than just the season opener of him complaining about how he is being treated. I mean it did not seem to be resolved, it was just simply mentioned that he was unhappy in that ep.
I hope we get more Greg screen time in tonight's episode than last week's episode. I have a feeling well will.
I'm keeping my fingers crossed for more screen time. Seven more minutes until the new episode for me so I guess I get to see if the screen time improved soon.
Well I can safely say I am very happy with this week's episode. Glad my instinct was right. :lol:
Really had some good Greg scenes.
Agreed! Without giving any details for those who haven't seen it yet, I just want to say this ep was awesome for us Greg fans!!
Of course it was a David Rambo episode. We can always count on him to give our Greg some good scenes. :)

I can say he looked really good too. But then again when doesn't he. :drool:
Of course it was a David Rambo episode. We can always count on him to give our Greg some good scenes. :)

I can say he looked really good too. But then again when doesn't he. :drool:

Yes the episode had some very good Greg scenes, and yes I don't think there has been a single time yet where he hasn't looked good. :drool:

I loved his scene with that kid and his mom, when he had to get the kids prints, oh yeah and the scene when they had him run down the hall to see how long it took and he said he could've done it in two. :)
Yes the episode had some very good Greg scenes, and yes I don't think there has been a single time yet where he hasn't looked good. :drool:

I loved his scene with that kid and his mom, when he had to get the kids prints, oh yeah and the scene when they had him run down the hall to see how long it took and he said he could've done it in two. :)
True, except maybe when he was beat up in Fannysmackin'. :(

Yeah the scene with the mom and kid was great. Plus did you notice when Catherine got the call on the 2nd case, how she looked to Greg at first and he looked about to protest and then Sara piped up and said she would take it. Although in this case I would have preferred Greg to have it. Oh well.
Yeah Fannysmackin' was a good episode though, but seriously I almost cried when I watched that episode :( Poor Greggo getting beat up :( , but he did end up saving a guys life in that episode in the process so ended up being a hero.

Yeah I did notice that look, and wouldn't have minded him getting the case although you could tell he didn't want it though and after that scene in the premiere you'd think Catherine wouldn't want to give it to him. I was kinda glad that Sarah took cause it would be kinda unfair to move him off the main case they were working on.
Well hopefully most of you have seen the episode by now, because I'm talking about it....

I loved how testy Greg got with the waitress when she said she wanted to talk to the other guy, meaning Ray, mostly because he was black too. Greg responded rather harshly, "Well you got me." And then he sighed and got back to business. That little moment made me wonder if he was not thinking back to season 7 with the James case and the slight racism card that played in that. That was the feeling I got from it. Then later on too, when he was telling her that maybe what she thought she saw was more of what she wanted to see. I thought he was excellent in those scenes tonight.

Plus did anyone else notice when they were in the breakroom scene and Lawrence Fishburn slammed his arm into the Soda machine making Marg jump, Eric smiled briefly before looking all serious again. :lol: Nobody else seemed to smile but him. It was cute.

But I really did love the scene with him talking with the boy. So glad we got to see a little bit of his softer side in dealing with the child.

This episode made me a very happy Greg fan.
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