Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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I was a bit disappointed with this week's episode. I did not think Greg was in it as much as he could have been. Once again Ray gets the most screen time. Nick gets plenty too again. While I do adore Nick, I still rather see Greg a bit more. :(
Greg (and Cath) only had 5 scenes tonight. :(
Nick had 14, Sara had 11 and Ray had 10. That's counting all scenes they were in whether they were alone or with other people. Ray was focused on more than Nick which made it seem like he had more screentime. During Ray's scenes we learned stuff about his past/family. We know a little about Nick's and Cath's pasts... but very little about Greg's. It's time that we learn a little more about Greg's family. I'd love to meet Papa Olaf, but it might be hard to find the right actor for the role.
I wasn't counting but I definitely know not enough Greg. :(

It was funny he got to talk about Marilyn Manson. :lol: He would know. He did have one of the best lines too, about the block party.
I wasn't counting but I definitely know not enough Greg. :(

It was funny he got to talk about Marilyn Manson. :lol: He would know. He did have one of the best lines too, about the block party.

I counted tonight because I wanted to see how the numbers faired in comparisson to last week (which was so good in screentime that I lost count lol). Sadly, it seemed like pretty much back to what it was last season. :( Maybe after Sara's five episodes it'll get better.

I'm not a MM fan, but I got tickled at the fact that Eric got that line. I wonder if the writers wrote is specifically for him. :lol: And the block party line was good too. At least Greg got some good lines despite not having enough scenes.
I actually like a lot of MM music. The guy himself, he's just weird. :lol:

The preview for next week did not have much of him. I personally still want him to complain a little, not necessarily like he did in the first ep at the scene, but something about him still being left out of the major cases.
Why is it my favorite character gets just about the least amount of screen time this episode :( I mean he was the reason I started watching CSI way back in the day in season 3. Seriously if they don't start giving him a few more scenes in episodes I am seriously considering not watching CSI anymore. Yes I do like Nick to, but please a little more balance writers please. Loved the block party line and the MM line to, made me laugh a bit :lol: Also liked that Greg congratulated Nick it was a nice little scene.
I don't mind if he says something privately to Sara or even to Nick... I just don't want it to be in front of the whole team again like that. I still think it would be interesting if he told Sara that he got a job offer somewhere else and that he's thinking of taking it because he feels that he needs more challenges instead of constantly being given the easy/lame cases like a newbie all of the time. And then having Nick overhear his convo with Sara and immediately go to Cath and say "we've got to do something or we're going to lose another team member"... and Cath calling Grissom for advice. And we could actually hear Grissom's voice. :)
I don't mind if he says something privately to Sara or even to Nick... I just don't want it to be in front of the whole team again like that. I still think it would be interesting if he told Sara that he got a job offer somewhere else and that he's thinking of taking it because he feels that he needs more challenges instead of constantly being given the easy/lame cases like a newbie all of the time. And then having Nick overhear his convo with Sara and immediately go to Cath and say "we've got to do something or we're going to lose another team member"... and Cath calling Grissom for advice. And we could actually hear Grissom's voice. :)

Now that is a good idea, and I would like to see something like that happen. I mean they got to do something cause I wouldn't blame him if he felt fustrated I mean he's been a CSI for how many years and like you said he probably feels he has only gotten the easy/lame cases. Heck even some of us fans are fustrated by that too.
I agree that would be a good approach to him showing off his frustration. Or even if they just knew he was applying for other positions it could trigger Catherine to take more notice of his unhappiness of the way he is being treated.
I liked the episode but agree not enough Greg, it wasn't so much Ray that bothered me but Sara. I never wanted her back int he first place, now she comes in and takes up time that should be Greg's. Up-side though, He did look good (as always) and he worked with Nick and congratulated him on being supervisor. Once again he was doing Archie's job but since Nick was there I didn't mind so much. I loved the camera work in the peep hole scene, Nick looking through and seeing Greg. It was cool.
Yeah last week Greg was on over 10 minutes worth, this week it was back down to a piddly 5 minutes in a 43 minute show. That is pathetic if you ask me for someone who is supposed to be one of the main characters.
Yeah that is pathetic :mad:, I mean he is the reason I watch this show in the first place. The guy deserves more screen time then five minutes per episode. Now I know what you guys were talking about when you said he's been doing Archie's job, but at least we got to see him that scene. Was it suppose to only be Sara and Nick working the case or something!? They could have tried to give him more scenes I mean those two got plenty. I like Sara, don't get me wrong but I didn't like that it seemed like they put her in a lot of scenes when we didn't get the others. :(
Yeah I found it odd that Greg was not going to the Mason's house with Nick, because in the scene previous to that he was with him.
I know I couldn't tell if that was suppose to be his case to or what. Cause in one scene Catherine said something about Nick and Sara needed help on their case or something like that I probably screwed up describing the scene though. It didn't seem like they even gave Greg a case cause I was getting the impression only Sara and Nick were working the case mostly by themselves. I couldn't understand why they didn't give Greg something more to do with the case except for those seemingly random scenes though I did enjoy watching those few and wonderful scenes.
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