Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Interesting question well I miss Greg's lab rat days but I was really glad when he became a CSI to mostly cause I was really hopeful for more Greg screen time. I also would have loved some of those episodes if they had taken place back then too, granted the only episode of those I actually got to watch was Lab Rats. Greg would definitly be the alpha lab tech, at least one would hope, and I never liked Hodges either at least at first, but I warmed up to him at least a little bit. As for the screen time thing I can't really say much, though with some of the stuff I've seen I think the screen time is about the same as it was in his lab rat days so I don't think screen time would have changed either way.
Wendy could have Hodges' job! :D Yeah, it would've been so fun to see the awesome Lab Rat episodes when Greggy himself was a lab rat :( We saw him for a brief second during Hodges' lame game in season 8 I believe, but that was it :(

And Greg would be king of the lab :adore:
(<~~~~ Sorry Vincent)
I personally cannot picture Greg as the lab rat still these days. I liked Greg before but when he became the CSI was when I really began to notice him more and that he because we got to see a different side of him. But if he was still in the lab full time, I think he would definitely be King of the lab and Hodges would really still be jealous of him. :lol:
Yeah in the early seasons I was under the impression that Hodges and Greg really disliked each other back then, granted its been a while since I watched those episodes time to get out my season 3 DVDs :) Heck I liked Greg the minute I saw him, and I will always remember those days when he was a lab rat cause I started watching the show at the end of season two and season 3 is still one of my favorite seasons, season 5 being my second favorite season of course (for various reasons ;))
Yeah season 5 seems to only be a favorite with Greg fans and we all have great reason to love that season. :)
Wonder why its only us? My favorite episodes are mostly all in season five some of my favorite Greg scenes are in there to. Who Shot Sherlock Is by far my favorite episode in that season :) although Grave Danger was cool too you'd think Nick fans would like the season for that one episode at least. Of course we had some good Greg scenes in season six too Rashomama and Kiss Kiss, Bye Bye (that's the name of the episode right :confused:)
Well a lot of people did not like the split of shifts that happened in Season 5. But that split helped us see more Greg overall that season.
Season 6 had a few good ones too. The ones you mentioned and Spellbound too.

Oh I remembered what I wanted to mention. Has anyone else read the newest CSI book, Brass in Pocket? It actually has a lot of Greg in it and the guy who wrote the book wrote Greg pretty well. It takes place in last season. Greg with working with Riley on a case.
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I agree season 5 was a great season for us Greg fans, my fave ep in that season was 'Iced'.
Well a lot of people did not like the split of shifts that happened in Season 5. But that split helped us see more Greg overall that season.
Season 6 had a few good ones too. The ones you mentioned and Spellbound too.

Oh I remembered what I wanted to mention. Has anyone else read the newest CSI book, Brass in Pocket? It actually has a lot of Greg in it and the guy who wrote the book wrote Greg pretty well. It takes place in last season. Greg with working with Riley on a case.

Yeah I didn't like that they split the team up either but they got back together in the end so it was okay in the long run. All the good episodes in the season counter balanced the negative of the team split at least it did that for me. I didn't mind the split as much as other people did mostly cause we still saw everybody they just weren't working all together on cases.

Dang I forgot about Spellbound. I need to go buy that book cause the only CSI books I own are Snake Eyes, and I forget the name of the other one I got I haven't got a chance to read it yet. Snake Eyes has got some good Greg stuff in it too I think. :)
Yeah this book was definitely good. The only thing was the end left me wanting more resolution with the Greg storyline. Overall it was one of my favorite CSI books.
Hehehe what happened to your names? Ok ok i got it now, very nice.

Count me in Season 5 lovers too, great season for Greg. We saw new sides of him. He was someone between a CSI and lab rat, which means he has a humouros side but slowly turning into someone maturer... Good blance. I always lovethe transforming stories.
Blahblahblah and blah also blah... You already know that.

Also i love the Hodges-Greg teasing in season 5. I think Hodges likes Greg , at least i believe you don't even want to tease someone you don't like :p Hodges is glad Greg is a CSI now, because now he is the best lab rat and there is Wendy factor. So if Greg was a still lab rat , probably it would be the opposite. Greg wouldn't be the same naturaly, Hodges wouldn't be the same and i think he wouldn't be close to Wendy as now.. Mostly the writers writes (writers writes? interesting :lol:) the lab rats' as a comic material. When Greg wanted to be a CSI the balance has changed.

Whatever, i just saw the new episode and despite seeing less Greg i loved his scenes. Archie wasn't there again :shifty:.. and Nick mentioned something about the job Greg did is difficult or something like that, if i remember correctly. I guess it was a reference for we Greg fans who doesn't like seeing him doing Archie's job:guffaw:
No he said it was difficult because he had to watch hours of porn videos basically, he was joking around with him. Remember Greg use to hide his porn, now he gets paid for watching it. :lol:

Hey on the spoiler thread for this week's episode I just posted a clip that actually features Greg in it for a change.
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Well the new episode aired and Greg was in this episode less time wise than last week's. So the hope we had in the season opener that he would have more screen time is falling flat so far.

He did have a couple lines that referenced things from the past that he would say. When they were all in the layout room and Catherine said "I take it the office firewalls porn?" and he responded, woefully "Don't they all." :lol: I just thought that was funny coming from him since he always talked about hiding his porn mags. And then when they talked about explosions, he mentioned "Unless Mr. Lombard's recent bout of diarrhea counts, we struck out." :lol: Thought of the "explosive Diarrhea" comment from Iced. :lol:
The Diarrhea comment was funny, but I didn't make the connection to Iced. Now I remember the comment from Iced. :lol: Explosive diarrhea exploding the toilets. :lol:
Yeah this is why I have decided to not get my hopes up when it comes to better screen time. To think I had hope during the premiere and lets just say I lost hope with the writers being able to balance screen time. I did like those few Greg scenes with did see though just really wish there had been more though. Couldn't remember the comment from Iced until you guys pointed it out.
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