Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Awww he might be getting another doggie. I'm a dog lover too. All my life growing up we've had a dog. I do not have my own since it would not be fair to the dog since I am hardly home but my parents still have a dog and I love going home and seeing him. He loves me too.
Another dog lover here, so I'm happy he supports that cause too :)

(It's one of the things I love of him, he compromises in helpful causes... I think all actors/actresses should do that!)

And I've seen that pictures of the event... he was just SO nice :adore:

and Ankeila... I hope that's true and we see more of Greg this season (everybody here wants that :D)
I agree. I like seeing actors supporting causes. I mean if I had the kind of money they did, I would too. Actually even though my work I still donate weekly to American Red Cross and I also do a little Volunteer work.

He's had Dax 5 years already, wow.

Editing my earlier post to talk about tonight's episode.

Okay the scene with Greg and his little outburst was totally written OOC. Greg being all whiny like that and then sniping back at Nick was just not the guy we know. I can see him getting mad but he way it was done was like he was a whole new person. The rest of the episode he was like himself but that bit was poorly done by the writers. Eric did his best with what he was given though and I must admit it did give me a thrill seeing him play all ticked off. It was pretty hot. :lol: But overall not really the Greg we know and love.
At least back in the dingy hotel room he was like himself in telling Officer Andy that their victim also did not deserve to die and they had to find his killer.
I loved the scene with Sara and him. Very natural as their scenes always are.
The scene with Nick towards the end was also more natural and cute and funny.
Glad there was actually a lot to talk about with Greg in this ep though. :D
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Psst, where did all the Greg fans go? No comments on here at all since the episode aired but mine. :(

Anyway since I rewatched it, I do not think he acted as out of character as before. I think he just acted like a frustrated, stressed out employee would when they've kind of reached their limit.
His initial outburst was fine. It was what he said to Nick that seemed out of character, but then again Nick's comment was OOC too. But, I loved the scene with Greg/Sara. The hug was total cuteness and that adorable smile of his. *Swoon* The last scene with Greg and Nick was awesome. Them both all smiles and that friendly vibe that's been missing was there. Loved it. :)
I haven't been on Talk since Thursday and I only just watched the episode tonight. But I've been waiting like a kid for Christmas to see it!

I love all the Greg moments! The fight to me seemed natural because there does come a point when stress and frustration boils over, like Dizzney said. I felt so bad for Greg because I know how he feels and I'm really proud of him for sticking up for himself!

The scene with Sara was great, Greg was so happy to see her, a little bit of brightness in his otherwise upsetting day.

The spider scene...ooooh it was really fun to watch! It's what the CSI's need, some time to be friends instead of just CSI's. It's nice that the 'fight' didn't affect Nick or Greg and they moved on from it.

I wonder if Catherine is going to address Greg's disatisfaction with his job? I certainly hope so!

All in all, I'm pretty happy with the episode and Greg's part in it. I'm going to be watching it again..and again...and probably again...:lol: and all before I go to bed tonight!
Welcome back, egeria. :)

I think I have already watched it 3 times. :lol: I know tonight will probably be number 4.
Although it pained me a little to see Nick and Greg fighting, I think it was perfectly fine the way they did it. Greg is frustrated, and obviously Nick is not because he's second in command and doesn't know how it feels to be Greg. So Nick would side with Catherine of course.

I'm glad Greg got plenty of screen time in this episode, but the part with the new job wasn't in this one, was it? Unless I just missed it...

I'm so mad about Hodges, though. Are we supposed to believe that after all the press leaks with Grissom, Hodges has never been told that they're not supposed to talk to anyone from the press JUST BECAUSE Catherine didn't specifically tell him not to? Bull. Everyone knows department policy by now, especially kissass Hodges. And of course he wasn't punished at all.
Well, although it was a kinda weird scene (because we aren't used to see him angry) I think I understand his frustration... and it was time for Greg to finally stand up and show the rest of the team that he's tired of being treated like "the lab tech with the crazy hair" (or something like that he said)... I hope Catherine does something for him!!!

(no problems with Cath, I still think she's a great supervisor... but some things seem to get out of her hands sometimes!)

And the rest of the scenes... so natural and "Greg-like"... I loved the one with Sara and the one with Nick :adore:
I'm able to pay a visit to the thread before the wedding... So Greg finally got a solo case!! I had mentioned this on the Nick/Greg thread but I loved the friction between Greg and Nick, and Greg standing up to him: "Who asked you."

The spider scene was pretty fun too. The hug between Sara and Greg was adorable too. Great episode for us Greg fans.
I've watched it again already :lol:

I agree, I think it was about time for Greg to stand up and fight for some respect. I just hope Catherine addresses it sooner rather than later!

I have to say I breathe a huge sigh of relief, I was worried about this episode but it seems to live up to expectations. Screen time seemed shared, each character got their fair share, even Greg who was in the field and not relegated to the lab! I loved his comment to Sara...'still being treated like the lab tech with the crazy hair'....even though he hasn't had crazy hair for three seasons now!

And...if I may be a little shallow for a moment...but he looked good. Really really good. I love the jacket he was wearing in the last scene with Nick and the spider. So lovely to have those little heartwarming human moments.

I think this was a good episode to start the season, and I hope it just gets better from here!
I love Greg, and I think he was awesome in the last episode :eek: :D

He really should have stood up for himself a long time ago, way back when Grissom was still there. But he was probably freaked Grissom would get upset and it's pretty clear Greg didn't like upsetting Grissom. But anyways, I'm glad Greg got in Catherine's face and told her just what he wanted. It's about time he did something.
Well I guess he sort of had a solo case but then it played into the main case, so in a way it ended up not being a solo. I still really want to see him get a case like Nick got in Turn, Turn, Turn where he got to work and solve the case pretty much. Ray ended up getting some of the credit for solving this one for him, which still annoys me.

He did look good, in that last scene especially. I agree with you, egeria. I'm eager for this week's too. Looks like he gets a typical Greg type of line from the promo. :lol:
He was great in Family Affairs.:D It was a good start. Good interactions with Sara and Nick. Good reactions! He was so sad after seeing the actress he liked dead. He was angry, he was sarcastic. He was looking damn good :cool:
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