Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo thread #14

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Well I'm hoping we get more scenes next week, but I'm not risking getting my hopes up too much for fear of being disappointed again. :(
Have to say I agree with you guys... (or girls, I suppose :D)

The episode was fantastic... even more than 10x01... but... what happened with Greg's screen time again?

please writers... don't dissapoint Greg fans anymore!!!

despite that, I think he was beautiful, sweet (when he congratulated Nick, even when he is tired of being treated like the new one) and funny... like always!!! :adore:
I just watched the episode, and while I agree Eric was looking mighty fine, I'm really really disappointed in his screentime and his contribution to the story. When I saw Greg back in the AV lab I literally rolled my eyes and said 'oh for f...'s sake'.

It was nearly 12 minutes in before he was even on screen. And it seemed to me that his part in the story was more token. Like, oh we have to show Greg at least once or twice so we'll have him do small stuff'.

:rolleyes: And after the season opener I really had such high hopes.
Yeah they are really finding ways to disappoint us Greg fans. When he first got out of the lab to become a CSI cause I thought he would have more screen time. Now it seems to me like they are putting him in episodes about as much if not a little less then he was in episodes when he was still a lab tech! :scream: I have all but given up on the writers ability to balance screen time if they don't improve you know some fans are going to want to stop watching
It was nearly 12 minutes in before he was even on screen. And it seemed to me that his part in the story was more token. Like, oh we have to show Greg at least once or twice so we'll have him do small stuff'.
Yeah I feel like that too, they have to find someplace to put him in so they just give him little bits.

That is why I am still hoping we have NOT heard the end of his feelings on being treated like the lab tech with the crazy hair still.

In all honesty, now that I have to watch it on DVR due to working when it is on, I have been tempted to FF through scenes that just do not interest me.
Maybe it'll get better after Sara leaves.

Whatever Greg's new job is, if it's something good, I'd actually rather it be Nick that realizes that Greg needs to appreciated more and that it's Nick as co-supervisor... or as acting supervisor if Cath isn't there... anyway, I hope it's Nick who promotes Greg. That would be sweet. :)
Maybe it will, but since we are only two episodes into the season I'm going to hold off judging just yet. Maybe there's some good things coming up at least it seemed so by what Eric has said.
Well I am still thinking Greg must have some major intense or some scene like that coming up from the one post DLA made a couple weeks ago about Szmanda's kicking a$$ this season. I am hoping this last episode was just one of those not so good ones.
Yeah, plus the interviews with Eric and producer Narin Shankar.
Eric saying that Greg will demand respect this season and Narin saying Greg gets a new job. Both interviews were in TV Guide Plus the MC interview.
I don't think Greg's reaction to being sent to another crime scene in the 1st episode was all there is, I think its just the beginning.

*edited to add spoiler tags*
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I agree. I think it was just the beginning of his demanding respect. Maybe we will get another little hint of it this week. Overall in the previews he was only in one clip. I hope he is in more than that.
I wasn't able to watch the preview for next week's episode. 'Not available in my country' :(

I hope we do see more of him standing up for himself though. Maybe it takes more than once for the message to sink in. I also remember DLA's post about 'Szmanda kickin' a$$' and can only hope it means better things for Eric/Greg later in the season!

ETA: to put up spoiler tags
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Hey guys...remember spoiler tags if you talk about upcoming stuff on the show that's been disclosed in interviews, etc. ;)
Here's a question I want to ask all the Greg fans.

How would the show overall be different if Greg never became a CSI? With still being a lab tech, would Hodges be the head rat he's become, or would Greg be the alpha male? Assuming Wendy still found a way into the lab, how would the overall tech dynamic shift? Imagine the episodes "Lab Rats", "You Kill Me", and "A Space Oddity" with this new dynamic. Without having experienced the events of "Fannysmackin'", would he be as mature as he is now? And of course, would Greg have more screen time than he does now?

A simple What If? I'm curious about. :)
Good question, right now I can't imagine Greg not being a CSI. The labrat days seem so long ago. I would hope that Greg would be the alpha lab tech as he was before he left the lab. I personally can't stand Hodges. I would have loved to have had some of those labrat episodes when Greg was in the lab. I don't think Wendy would be there at all since she is a DNA tech, if Greg was still in that job there would be no need for Wendy.
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