Eric/Greg Leggo Our Greggo Thread #13

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That would be too good to be true, since so far this season has been the ALL About Grissom season.

Here's too hopefully more Greg focus in 2009!
Even though this season has been all about Grissom, Greg has had a lot of screen time, something we have been waiting for awhile - Greg being treated like an equal. Grissom will be gone soon so maybe TPTB can focus on the others (like Greg) for a change. Of course it will most likely be all about Dr Ray for awhile.
Yeah he has had a lot of screen time, but I still want actual more information about Greg himself. Still so much more to explore with his character.
Well, at least we learned one new thing about him this season (aside from he's now Level 3): he's got a glitter fetish. :lol:
Just like Dizz said - still much to explore about Greg. It's great that he finally has more screentime. After Grissom's departure I think that writers will focus on other characters, and I hope not that much on Dr Ray. And yeah GNRFan, at least we know that:lol:
Yeah we know he has a glitter fetish, :lol: but I want to know something deeper about him. Or just more about his past prior to CSI.
Glitter fetish is quite deep thing, intimate:lol:

Okay it is but seriously. :lol:

WEll Ladies is that body art gliter or christmas card glitter? Does he make things with glitter- see??? that entails a hobby...

I dont know lol not seen the episodes lol.

Yeah I agree something about his past or his future- we know more about Lindsay Willows than Greg Sanders... (I would say we know more about the dead person than Greg, but lol- thats stupid of me to say!)
Yeah I would love to see his family once or Papa Olaf get mentioned again. We have not heard him mentioned in a long time.
How cool would it be if we got to see Papa Olaf?

Or something like that... it'll be good, yeah I agree with you both, we need to know something...more with meat on it!
It would be cool if we got to see Papa Olaf, if he is still alive. Sometimes when he talked about him, I got the impression he had passed on.
I'm afraid that if we saw Papa Olaf he would probably be a murder victim. Although that could lead to some good Greg angst but would it be worth it?
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Ouch, I remember that last time we didn't want a personal angst for Greg. And I think it'd be good if we not see something like that.
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