Eric/Greg Leggo Our Greggo Thread #13

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and seeing how long it took Greg to finally get promoted, they don't have to worry about the budget for a while, with their CSI Level 1 and 2 :lol: unless Riley or Raymond wiil be treated preferentially of course :/

hmm, I hoped there will be lots of Greg in at least some of the CSI books but I see I got my hopes high for no reason :/
well, got a few novels already so I'll read them anyway and then stick to fanfics :)
Yeah it is very possible that the budget tells them which CSI levels they can have, knowing you get a higher pay as you go up. But before they had three level 4's and a level 1. Now they just have two Level 3's (if you don't count Catherine because she will be the new supervisor) and a level 2 and now a level 1 (When Ray comes on).

In any case, I am just happy Greg is now equal with Nick. ;)

Wait- who else is a level 4, other than Cath and Grissom?
I think Nick is a Lead CSI now which is one step above Level 3, I believe. Of course Cath and Grissom are supervisors, so they are above even the Lead position. Greg is the only Level 3 I think. Riley's Level 2. Ray is supposed to be Level 1.
I do not think that will be a problem since we do not really have those over here. :lol:

REALLY?!?! What do you have instead then?

You Americans and your bizarre ways... ;)

I was thinking about pay scales. What was Greg earning when he was a DNA tech compared to what he's earning now? Can he now afford to splash out on his beloved Blue Hawiian again? Could he treat me to a naughty weekend in Paris? :p

OMG!! Check this out!! Check out the pattern on his shirt, it looks like a Klingon sash! Eric's gone to become a Klingon warrior in his pyjamas! PMSL!!!!!!!! ROFLMAO!!!
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We just have lots of Christmas cookies over here. :D

That is an old photo from his young, silly years. :lol:

I still think the Techs earn more money than the CSI's no matter what level they are at. At least in the real world they do.
And again I haven't been here for a while.

That's really old pic - I think from 2001 or 2002. I can't check now, lol.

When we think about States, I'm sure techs are earning more money than CSIs. Here it depends - when you're after police school and working as a lab tech you have much more money than someone who is only a lab tech and after university or other school where you could get ready to work in the lab.
I know here they once had a local special on the CSI's of our county and they said the lab techs make more money. They also said all the CSI's do is collect the evidence and not much else.

At least Greg might be closer to his old paycheck now, as a Level 3.

I saw this in the David Rambo interview on the website here and thought it shows how I have felt for awhile about some of the writers not knowing how to write for Greg and why he has gotten less screen time in the past.
When I was first on the show, the character that intimidated me the most was Greg. I did not think I could speak or write Greg Sanders lines. Eric Szmanda helped me with that. "Who Shot Sherlock?", I call his bar mitzvah episode because that's the day he became a CSI. And I loved that episode. It really wasn't until "Kiss Kiss Bye Bye" that Eric and I could sort of sit down and say, "Wow, this is who Greg Sanders is. This is a whole new guy we didn't know about." And I have to say it was Carol Mendelsohn's idea that Greg who was the one to know about Old Vegas. It would be Lois O'Neill's book that would start him on that path.

Both great episodes that truly were Greg episodes.
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There is something else in the interview about Greg's book (we may not see it happen afterall)

CSI Files:
What's the status of Greg's book?

Rambo: If I recall correctly, he said something like it didn't work out. But that doesn't mean we've heard the last of it. But if you notice, CSIs who write books aren't very successful with it. Like Langston wrote this book that got him in a bit of trouble. It's a book that makes its way around CSI very quickly.
Thank you for all these infos.

Rambo is really right about Greg's book. I thought that book arc shouldn't be the strongest. Of course I still like to know something about it but definitely Greg can't be successful with it. Promoting a popular book, bestseller is a hard work and you need to have many meetings with publishers, readers etc. That would influence a lot on Greg's work as CSI. So there's no way to increase this side of Greg's life.
I'm annoyed. Why bother giving him that storyline only to drop it because he fails? Was that just a bone they were throwing Szmanda fans to pacify us- his only storyline that plays off screen?

And how hard is it to write for Greg for God's sake? I've read fanfics which have him down to perfection. If people who aren't paid to write for the show can write Greg better than the writing staff can I think it shows they're a bunch of overpaid inept twerps, if you ask me.

But love Eric for sitting down and talking about who he thinks his character is. At least HE cares.

Lol, and happy new year ;)
overpaid inept twerps! :guffaw::guffaw::guffaw: I love it! haha! That's how I've felt about writers for other shows who've written characters out of the show because they can't figure out how to write said characters. Um... it's called deligating responsibility, people! Get someone else to write the character that is difficult for you to write. yeesh! :lol:
Another holiday message from eRockster. You can vote for them at

"The Streamy Awards celebrates and honors excellence in web television. If you make, watch, or review web television, we want you to nominate your favorite shows. Nominations close January 23, 2009 so make sure to get your nomination in soon.

Any original production produced for broadband distribution with at least three (3) episodes released in the 2008 calendar year can qualify for consideration. The show must be available online, either via a major video sharing site or unique URL. Anyone can nominate! Shows and individuals with the most nominations in any category will automatically become finalists. The five web shows with the most nominations will have the opportunity to compete for the Audience Choice Award."

PS has my username lost its exclamation mark?! I'm sure I had one...
Thanks for that.

IMHO Those overpaid inept twerps is part of the reason Gary left CSI. Warrick just wasn't being used...I would not want to see that happen to Eric because Greg is not used. But then again we've seen a lot more of him so maybe we have nothing to worry about.
I thought Gary left because of his personal and legal problems. That was what they said anyway. That they had to let him go because of his issues so he could have the time to get the help he needed or something. At least that's the way I understood it. I don't think the writers had that much trouble writing him or using him. He got some pretty big story arcs.

Anyway, I'm glad we're seeing more of Greg. And I'm also glad for the addition of Riley because due to her, Greg's bringing the funny back. :lol: They wrote him as more serious after he started in the field and any funny comments were few and far between, but now they are back and I'm loving it! :D
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