Eric/Greg: Leggo Our Greggo Thread #12

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Oh okay. I was wondering if it was. :lol: I was about to ask if it was the same thing, but I was afraid that would be a dumb question. :lol:
Not a dumb question. I guess it's just one of those things that if you know you know, if you don't, well why would you? (if you know what I mean, I'm useless at explaining tonight)

I miss old Greg sometimes. Like that mildew scene. That was hilarious "you infected me with Mildew" and before, like the "it's probably fatal" and just his looks, were absoltuely hilarious
No not a dumb question at all. Like Bubbles said, sometimes you know and sometimes you don't.

Yeah I do miss some of Greg's old quirks, but at the same time I like the more mature Greg. Just needs a tad bit more humor in his life again, but I do not see that happening much at the beginning of this new season, but maybe by the end of it.
I agree, I like mature Greg... but, I do miss his funny comments. Maybe when Griss is gone, Greg could take over in the ironic comment department. :lol:

His funniest comment was probably the one from "Fur and Loathing" and I think you all know which one I mean. :D
Yay, new interview! I'll check it after Fallen Idols in TV. I can't miss important moments:lol:

I miss funny Greg's comments but honestly I really love mature Greg.
and there's me thinking Fallen Idols was a TV show... (i need to go to bed I think)

I really like mature Greg, I just miss the odd joke from him. I'd like him to have a few more one-liners when Grissom's gone, but not ones like Grissoms, lol, half of his really grind on my nerves! But yeh, one-liners for Greg would be cool. I like both Greg's :D.

I think i'll check it out tomorrow, i'm just too dopey tonight... Thanks for letting us know dizzney :) I can't still believe i didn't think fallen idols CSI, i thought 'i've not heard of that tv show'... What an idiot...
Ahh Fallen Idols...some nice Greg moments...and Nick ;) Yeah mature Greg is good :D

I noticed in the erockster video the band said that they had Lollapalooza so it must have been filmed back in July because that concert was the first weekend of August.
Nice interview, he sat next to the artist instead of across the room!

I think it would be nice if Greg didn't have a dark past like everyone else. Just a normal; childhood except for his overprotective mother. I think that has shaped Greg's outgoing personality very well, not being able to do certain things growing up like sports. Once he left home he began to experience new things and is always willing to learn and expand his responsibilities.
I guess it is nice to have someone who has not had something tragic or dark in his past. I guess just being a TV show we expect everyone to have something deeper and darker in their past. I think with the lab explosion and being beat up he has had enough to make him grow now. I still wished they had pursued his feelings on killing a man a little more, granted it was in self-defense but he was still responsible for taking a life.
Yeh, I'd liked for them to have pursued it a little more in terms of how he felt. I guess TPTB believe they pursued it in terms of the whole trial, but that never really showed us how he felt. I really think it'd have affected him a lot more than we saw. And it'd be good for them to pursue it a little more still, but I think that storyline has been put to bed... Speaking of bed, I'm off... Goodnight all :)
I see your points Wojo and Dizz. I can now agree that Greg's life without dark past is good when everyone else have it. Yeah, I can enjoy thought that he had ordinary life before he started to work as a lab tech and then a CSI.

BTW, nice interview.
Well even if he had an ordinary past he definitely is not ordinary. That is why we love Greg, because he is the only one to dance in the lab with a showgirl's headdress on. :lol:
Nice interview, he sat next to the artist instead of across the room!

I think it would be nice if Greg didn't have a dark past like everyone else. Just a normal; childhood except for his overprotective mother. I think that has shaped Greg's outgoing personality very well, not being able to do certain things growing up like sports. Once he left home he began to experience new things and is always willing to learn and expand his responsibilities.

:lol: That makes me think of the movie "Waterboy" for some reason. Remember how overprotective the mother in that movie was? :lol:

Bubbles, your Marg icon is beautiful!
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